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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... I OCAL XA t A 1 tKF/& I WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET-THuRSDAY. We are fairly supplied with all Grain to this day's market. The Wheat trade is extremely languid, and tho few transactions that have taken place are at a declune of fully 2s. per quarter from the rates of this day sb'inight. III consequence of a change in the weather, and a considerable influx of Foreign, the Barley trade ;s very ...


... LXBOUR versus APITAL.X TO ALL THOSE WHO DEPLEND UPON DAILY TOIL FOR SUBSISTENCE. Thz Labouear is worllyof his ?? Cuia.sT BROTHER PRODUCERS,-The circumstances in which the Stockport power-loom Weavers are placed, call aloud for our most heart-felt cY-kpatby, and im- peratively demand our most strenouios assistance and support. When the nmiglty capitalist, arrayed in all the power that enormous ...


... WAKEFIELD CORN. MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) JANUARY 24.-The supply of Wheat is moderate the trade is extremely slow, and to urge sales ad cline of' is. per quarter must be submitted to. Tl~ inquiry for Barley is limied, and prices are 1s. 2s. per quarter lower. Oats fully as dear. Shellii the turn lower. Beans witho4g material alteratio LEEDS CORN MARKET, Jan. 21.-The supplies all kinds of grain to ...


... THE NO~PRTH s TT O A1 -- .SATURlDAY§ MARCHR 28, 1840. : - ON Tuesday next. Mr. ViLL~iRs motion for a I. commnittee of the whole House, to consider 'the laws L regulating the importation of iforeign grain,'is to be voted. The House isto be called over., The . shop 3f keeper'i representatives will than be.all behind the d counter. The rival trades Will muster their w whole strength, and a ...


... WA4EFIELD CORN MARKETIC (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, APRIL 24.-The arrivals of Wheat are s moderate; the trade is firm, and last week's prices are generally exceeded by fully' Is. per quarter. f Barley seils -,!slowly, and, except very choi o, is. .@rwqua~iXrteio'wer. Oats scare anI rather Pre s as well as Shelling. Beans without alteration Other articles as before quoted, LEEDS CORN e MAAKEr, ...


... STOCKPO1T.- SIGNAL DEFEAT OF THE CORN-LAW RE- PEALERS BY THE CHARTISTS. On Wednesdayevening, a course of two lectures was commenced in the Court-Room, by a Mr. Hleyworth Hargreaves, an operative, from Halifax. In conse- quence of the large placards, headed No Bread Tax, which had been issued at the expense of the Mlanches- ter ?? Law League, the Chartists assembled themselves at the Radical ...


... LOCAL MARKETS, LEEDS CORN MARKET, AUGUST 25.-The arrivals of Wheat and Beaus to this day's market are larger than last week. Oats smaller. With the exception of a few showers the weather has been favourable for harvest. The market has been very heavmy and fine Wheat is 2s. per quarter loite; scarcely any demand for the secondary, and inferior were offered still. lower. Oats, Shellin, and Beans ...


... LOCAL MAARKEETS. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, MAY I.-There is a fair arrival of Wheat this week, and several parcels of Foreign offering to pay duty to-morrow: the trade is firm, and last week's prices are maintained, but no great extent of business done. Barley is in great supply, and all qualities are 2s. per quarter lower, except grinding, which realises as much money. Oats ...


... LOCAL MARKETl S. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, JUNE 12.-The stoppage in the canlil ha, caused a cessation of business in the corn trado; th; i, attendance of buyers is very small, and so little done, that the quotations of last week are nomtinally the same for all articles. LEEtDs CotRo MIAnKET, TURSDAY, June 9,-T'y arriva.l of Wheat to this day's warket is large, and other ...


... MONEY MA1AKET AN]> CITY NEWS. VWED.tS2SDAY, FEB. 1 The English funds ftilly maintain th * riees of yes- terday, although nlet quite Eo firui in tlelearlvy airt of thle day, and thle huityy ctoekS blhew rather a tende;ney to advance. The notde, that ill Exl beiquier Bili, dated in the mouth of }itreh, 1839, would be pai A oifotv the 16.h vt Marchi next, aunl that new bi;,e ufidcn l drato ngight ...


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, SEPrmwEuIn 22.-The ar- rivals of Wheat to this day's market is large, chiefly Foreign ; other kind of Grain much the same. New Wheat has been Is. per quarter lower ; the demand not so good as last week; Old (both English and Foreign) has been rather lower. New Barley from Yorkshire has been sold from ;l7s. to 39o per quarter, 54 lbs. Oats Id. per stone lower; Shelling very ...


... D1SCUSSION ON THY, C6R.N LAWS AT MANCHESTER. (Fron, our own Corrssponadew.) on Monday evening, according to announcement, &discussion took plaeobetween Mfr.J J. Finni an, on the art of the ?? Law League, audilr. James Meeh, on the part of the Chartist Associa- tion. The tickets were equally divided between eh party, and such was the interest excited about this meeting, that the Chartists sold ...