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Newcastle Courant


... Io ?? - - WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFEritENCa.-TIho 97th an- nual assembly of this body of ministers commences its sittings on Wednesday next in the Brunswvick-place chapel in this tow-n. The past neek, since Tuesday morning, has been fully occupied with committees, whose business it has been to prepare each section and department of work to which the Conference wrill have to direct its attention. ...

Published: Friday 24 July 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1463 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARKET AND STOCK INTELLI- I GENCE. I CITY, WEDNESDAY.-The conclusi on of the war in Syria lias not produced any effect On the B~ritish miarket, the cireum- stenco baving bcen anticipated for osevcral days past. Consols are al shads lowver, being quloted 8!3, sitl little sr nothingdoing. The Foreignl markct en~itilleuo dulil, prices quoted are those of the preceding day. A oighlt ...

Published: Friday 11 December 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 433 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... I. MANI E'1'S, Ballast &C. At Newcastle market, on Saturday 'ast, there was a large supply of Wheat from the farmers, but no fresh arrivals coastwise, owing to the boisterous weathqr, and there was a fair demand for all ?? of quality, at siniflar prices to last Saturday. Fine malting Barley maintained its value, but the trade ruled extremely dull fur secondary samples, us consequence of the ...

Published: Friday 07 February 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 2160 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... The Greenland fishery bids fair to be very successihl this year. The Mary arrived at Peter- head oln the 27th ult., with 1040 seals. At the time she left the ice, the Commer'ce had 4000 seals, the Joseph Green 2,800, the Union 1,900, the Ranger 1,400, the Superior 1000. These vessels boiohg to Peterhead. The Friendship, of Dundee; hail 2,800. The Perseverance and the clipse had both seals, hut ...

Published: Friday 05 June 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 4965 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... |yrom M~e London New Price Current, March 17.1 SuGAtt.-The rates previoosly estabiis.hed have been supported for British PlaMtatiou Sugar,,tbe supply belig smail particularly bright Xyellow sorts, but there has been only a limited demand from the grocers, avd the refiners have purchased very sparingly, the sales since this day week have only reached i00 bogsheads and tlerces, there has beern ...

Published: Friday 20 March 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 6488 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKETS' FAIRS &c. -1 . ? - ?? ? At Newcastle market, on Saturday last, there was a fair supply of Wheat from the growers, and large ar- rivala coastwise, but the demand proved extremely limited, prices ruling is per qr. cheaper than on Satur- day last for the finest quaities, whilst all other descrip- tions recedid 2s per qr. Barley meta very dull sale, and with the exception of choice ...

Published: Friday 24 January 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 2019 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'RCE 4SHAKESA INrWCAM. 27. BANKS, RAILWAYS, &c. ?? 44 PCr, BANKS. ~ x.I . ll . S. dL 20,OOONorth Of England. 10~ 10 0 10 0 0 60,000 Northumn. and Durhlot!c 1.5 0291 is 30,000 Newocastie, Shields&. no 10~ 5 0 9 0 0 50,000 Nevwcastle upon TyeJitSok 10 4o .3 4 10,000 Newcastle Comerial . 10, 7 10. 07 10 *- 10,000 Sunderland Joint Stloi~ 5 010 6i 1is 7,6000 Stockton and DurhmCony 201 501 I 6 0 ...

Published: Friday 26 June 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 659 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... ROD%0 FRItIA' AND TGXSDAY NtIGHTS' GAZETTUS. BANKRUPTS. February I8.-jobn Peirraicol and Tempest Fletcher, ifacelesldeld-street, ICity-road, filddleseX, coal Uivrchallttf. Samuil Jasmea Pettet Warren Moatthiews, Nicholi-squareO, Crippiogate, London, Iloenced viloualler. George Wool- Cott, Or'ownlow-mvews, Grey's Inn-lane, and Doughty- street, Milddlesex, builder. John Mlason, Little Chester- ...

Published: Friday 28 February 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 2584 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... FRlOM LAST NIGHT S GrAZEfT0. BANKRUPTS. William M'Pherson, Hatton-wall, Middlesex, oilman. William Henry Browne, Manchester, stono merchant. Richard David, Newbridge, Glamorganshire, grocer. Jamcs Dawkhis, West Green,Tottenham, cattle dcaler Thomas Fox, Alfred-place, Old Kent-road, Middlesex, carman. Thomas Tomlin, Liverpool, drysalter. John Martin, King-street, Cheapside, London, woollen ware ...

Published: Friday 30 October 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3565 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'MONEY MARKET AND STOCK INTELLI- GENCE. *CrrTr, IWEDNEsSDAY.The Funds, both Blriiish and Foreign, were in a stagnaut state, money continuing tight at 6 and 68i per rent. Shares are nearly at the last rates, and the dull. ness of the snorket continues. The late gales nrc believed In the City to have taken an extm:sl Ivo sweep, and to have done snoreO stamoge ltoan was at first supposod . PRICES ...

Published: Friday 30 October 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 373 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON, WEDNESDAY, Dnc. 2. FROM LAST NIGHT'S GAzaTTE. PARTNERSHII's DISSOLVED.-H. Lotherington and Co., Nowveastle-upon-Tyne, grocers. BANRnUurlS.-Nathauiel '1reasure, Reading,, Bork- shire, boot and shoe-manufacturer. David I-ledges, Oxford, plunmber. Benjamin King Johnson, Rodcross- street, Cripplegato, apothecary. William Mor-timer Roberts, Pembroke, innkeeper. William Stone, Glon- -cester, ...

Published: Friday 04 December 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1587 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... IIMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, I1(USI, 0.1I LQJ3tj)S, MU(NDOC1, Jtrx 27. 727e Bishop q ?? Prielitet a petiti) t frcm eertae cicer gymetl if) 311S diOCceC agaillt the I ienionsticri ItUtino :ni l;; Iveliaes bill. 'he Aarl of fiaddhinglon brought up the relort of itb. clect ?? oil (he Udlille, V81ee pt'rs bill.Th TiC b~le ?? ob'I'Veti. t at uwlevii ite bill wvas bedure their IvrdaibipS 1ine tie *blli be ...

Published: Friday 31 July 1840
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1930 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce