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... THE QUEEN'S DRAWFNG-ROOM. The Quee4 held a drawing-room, at St. James's Palace, on Thursdsay'fternoon. The following were amongst the ladies present:-. Duecesses-Northumberland; Inverness, St. Albans. Marchionesses-Abercorn, Lansdowne, Weatmeath, Douro. Cauodtesses-Fingall, Lucan, Shrewsbury, Clanwilliam, Dowager Cavan, Hillsborough. Ladies-Crofton, Maryborough, Oranmore, Marcus Hill, Caroline ...


... WIL OM%:6BAFII W~tOVUS' I.W TRAGMT-D is COVFT-GARDEN THEATRE. | I On Saturday was presented a newvtragedy, by Sheridan 'Knowles, entitled 'he Pride of :less eae ' The follo is an outline of the plot:-. - 'g Pracidai castle had, long since been laid waste, and bis wife, a paragon of virtue and beauty, shamefully used by The Governor of Messing (Mr. Diddear).' J1oh ?? bears a mortal hatred to ...


... WiNusoot, AUlG. 31.-This afternoon Prince Albert and the Queen took an airing it the Park in a pony phaeton el and pair. Her Royal Highnebs the Duchess of Kent was 2 accompanied by the Princess Hohenlohe and the Princess . Theresa in a carriage airing. The Duchess of Bedrord drove out with Lady C. Dundas ?? Spaeth. tl The Hon. Miss Pitt and the Hlon. Miss Anson drove out ti in a pony harruche. ...


... ?? Sam VVRIETIES. The Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace at six o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, n a'n open carriage end four, with outriders Colonel Buckley and SirEdward Bowater, the equerries in waiting, attending her Majesty and ?? Highness on horseback. After the treasonable attempt on her Majesty's life, the Queen and Prince Albert took an airing, and visited hexaugust mother, ...


... IUT9BIATURE. THE DUBLIN REVIEW. It is with a feeling of infinite pleasure as regards the literary merit of the work, and of honest pride in a national point of view, that we take up each succeeding number of this most ably conducted periodical. In no country have those literary productions, which at stated intervals emanate from the press, risen to such a height of excellence a, in these ...


... ORIGlIVAL P'OETR r. THE CURSR OF CONAN-MORE. A LEGEND OF TYRONE. And Cor'noreore, vho volved Ills race Por ever to tio fight nid chase; Anldt cursed himl of lls lineage born, Should sheath the swvord to reap thc corn! Or leave the wouinitaii anod tile wold Tosrhroudt himself in rastled hlaitid- Hotnr. Mv kingdom's hivtlted-my warriors are slain- The foot of the stranger is ott my doinaln, ...


... 1BY J. T. CIIPCIIIASE, DREa]A ;Y the time wheu I moic sublmeo On my fiery cloud-capt car; Wheu my ?? Nash, and my big cluuds clabi In tho boundless rcalmu afar ! lly bursting cloud opeaks forth aloud, With a Voice that thrills with akwe, Like a reniding rock, or an carthquake's shock, Or tbh din of a distant war. 'I'beu, then is tie thir, for the mind to climb F'rom grovelling thoughlts to ...


... TIgE SPECTRE SHIP. Tihe following lines are translated from a German poom, by M. die Zcdlitz, written many years ago. The author had then little reason to expect so prosaic a fulfilment of his poetical dream, as the atrival of La B/lae Peoule, at Cher- bonrg, with the remains of Napoleon.-Atheswiaan] Tnu sonnd Is flitting before the gale, No stars in the diak heavens play, Hligh over the ...


... - F-4gHION .4Nf VA4Rr~rI-rs The Duobess of Kent dined with her Majesty and u Albert.0n Tdt sday evening, at Buckingham Palace nce st His Royal Highness Prince Albert, attended by Sir )-Bowater and Captain Seymour, rode out on h d Wednesday. On sebackof i Viscount Melbourne and Lord Hill bad audie0 ?? of his Royal nighness Prince Albert on Viscount and Viscountess Howick, who have been on d ...


... I WINDSOR, TUTSEDAY. Her Majesty and Prince Albert walked for some time in the lopes and on terrace early this morning. The Queen held a Privy Council at the Castle this after. ron, at half-pa5t two o'clock. It was attended by the First Lord of the Treasury, the Chancellor of tie Exchequer, the secretary of State for Foreign etairs, and the Chief Corn. missioner of the Woods and Torest. Mr. ...


... PAStIOY AND 7ARZ1TLEs. iI- TkOTe Queen and Prince Albert attended divine servieg On Sunday isorning in the Cbapel Royal, St. Jamea's. The of the Queen Dowager also attended the service. The Bishop of Itions London preached the sermon, taking his text from Genesis, chap. ii., ver. 16 and 1Y. The lessons were read be the rence Rev. Dr. Wesley and the Rev. M. Packman. Th, lf is ob- was by Hawes ...