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... FASHItO AND VARIRTIJR. . His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant entertained te fol. lo'wing distinguished personages at dinner, at the Viceregal Lodge, yesterday :-lon. Dudley Fortescue, Mr,.. stephen French, Colonel Stewart, Dr. Colles, Mr. naghan, Mr. Gorges, Captain Romilly. Lord Cosrno Russell and Captain Kingacote, Aides-de-Camp. Prince Albert rode on horseback on Monday morning to the ...


... i HEATRICAL miss H19pnl ?? ~ ~ H[-C ?? I~aS (lortunately for the paosad niadmirers of the drama) ,erlyti~r tldoh h tns and isi adires o th drma)nearly regained her vWontedhealth. ous and spirits. fa Mr. Haynes, tile Successful author of Conscience, or, ars the Bridal Night, Durazzo, and Mary Stuart (so ale attractive last season at Drury. lane Theatre, until Ham- mpnd's bankruptcy), is ...


... I . JS.Au AND PA#kntirgS Tlse1Tol~esi'Of Kent visited.her Masesty on Wednesday, Visjocfbit Mq4bourne had an audreneer emednesday, of thel Queen. ?? ' Ttle yitn dinner party at the palace, ow Wedm evening, included the Earl of Surrey, Earl of I~bidge Viscount Melbourne, Lord Barham, Lord Frederickls ssv. clarence, and the Honourable William Cowrper.. The bandlof.the rOyaLregimenlt-of- horse ...


... . PA4ΒΆ7ON AND VARI1Hlrg .The royal dinner party, on Tuesday evening, included I their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgian, bet Royal Highiiess the Duchess of Keat, the Belgiat Mj. Dister and Madame Van de Weyer, the Earl of Erroll, Vir count Melbourne, the Right Hon. F- Baring, the Right Hon. H. and Mrs. Labouchere, the Right Hon. T. B. .Macauley, the Right Hon. G. S. Byng, Lady ...


... PAsiriJo AND ?? WINDSOR, FIDAY. Prince Albert, accompanied by Viscount Melbourne proceeded this morning to Swinley, where they s for some time, and returned to the Castle at two O'dlck\ Her Majesty, who has been slightly indisposed, has neot proceeded beyond the castle walls throughout the day. Lord Viscount Ebrington, accompanied by Prince George of Cambridge, is expected at Emo Park, the ...


... FASHION AND VARlRTI~ IDS er Majesty and Prince Albert walked on Prida 150 ing in the gardens of Buckingham Palace ' ntsrr. Ihis The Duchess of Kent visited the queen Sld ate Albert on Friday forenoon, and ?? to a Iber Majesty and his Royal Highness. Utah iitb Viscount Melbourne had an audience of 'her Majest Friday. 4on The royal dinner party at Buckiogbana Palt n hat evee0og consisted of ...


... vIYDsort, MtONDAY. This afternoon her Majesty and Prince Albert, accom- d pjbiedby their royal suite, took their accustomed airing in the Fark. Viscount Melbourne, Mr. and the Honourable Mrs. B.and, and Dr. Short took their departure from the Castle thit morning. The Earl of Uxbridge will be the only addition to the ?? dinner party this evening. The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify ...


... . FASHION AND VARIEVES. Her Majesty and Prince Albert left Buckiogharm Palace in an open carriage and four, with outriders, shortly before F one o'clock on Monday afternoon, to honour the Earl and c Countess of Albemarle with their company at the Stud d nouse, Hone Park, Hampton Court. After partaking of a dejeune, her Majesty and the royal party drove in pony pbsetons to Hampton Court Palace, ...


... FASHION AND VA4RIETWE. The Marquis and Marchioness of Clunricarde lasve London towards the close of the month, for Portumna Castle, Galway. His Excellency dees not return to St. Petersburg till the last week in September, or early in the following month. The Marquis Conyngham 'arrived in London early last week from Slane Castle, Ireland, where the Marchioness and family are residing. It ...


... PASBI10N AVD VARIRTIg g. Her Majesty, we understand, is now able to Ie room. The answer to the inquiries St Bbkingha , p this morning was, that the Queer d the Brine were going or, most satisfactorily. eTI is 11. Y.I s ad the h5 tening of the Princess will take place during the I ot January, and that the royal infant ill th r of Adelaide Victoria Alexandria.-Standard ef W The Duchess of Kent ...


... FAsHIo% AN.D r.AR1rzttg. The Queen and Prince Albert, sicompaied by the Queen of the Belgians, left London at a quarter;*t four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, itn an open carriage and four, escorted by a party of Lancers, for Windsor Castle. The royal standard was lowered from the marble arce or, her Majesty's departure. His Majesty King Leopold, attended by Mr. Van Peet, left Buckingham ...


... ! X F+4A AN. PiiA2prEt, ii eincy the Lord Lieutenant entertained the tol. onwing distinguished personages at dinner, yesterday, st the Viceregal Lodge:-Dowager Viscountess Dillon, Lord and Lady Talbot de Malabide, Sir Thomas Stanley, Dart.,CaL landionourab-tMrs- White, -Sir Richard and Lady Bulk- ey, the Honourable Constantine Dillon, Mr. Norman Mac- donald, Captaoss Romilly'{ aptaiz.the, ...