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... TfIE SITERS OF SC'IO. BY MRS. EVAANS. The following beautifol poom is descriptive of an Incident arising out of the horrid massacre of the Sciots by the Turks in 18 22, when many of those who escaped their cruel butoheries fled to the mountain caverns. SISTBR, sweet sister, let me weep awhile I Bear with me, givo ?? semhlen paassion way. Thoughts of our own lost home, our sunny isle, Come as ...


... AlY IBEAUTIFUL! MY OWVN! 0, iolluV I ?? to Paze UpOn The Inighltness tf tly Lrow; To munik the Instic of ?? ee,. And dwell within its glow , To ?? 1nt1sic of thjy voli(c, Soft as a seraph's tone, And sip the notar oftihy breath, bly-beautiful !-my own! O ?? I would sulf'r worlds of pain To live a life with thee I To linger 'neathtMy brightest snnle In heavenly ecstacy i To chaso life's cares ...


... go NN POSTAGE. FROW Unitersal Suffrage some Say'every blessing' smilre to dome, As clear as one and one make two; But others may it's all a hum, And thore's no blessing like the U- niversal Penny Postage. Of all tile penn'worths Nature gave- A penny show, a penny shave, (Tliere's biacking for a penny, too,) A penily biscuit-all must waivo Their claims in favour of the U- tiversal Penny Postage ...


... 13Y MRVS. SIGOUOlNRY. Tiou wvak'stmy baby boy, from sleep, And through its silken fringe Thine eye, likc violet, pure and deep, Gleams forth in azure tinge. With frolic smiles and gladness meek, Tby radinot brow is drewt While fondly to thy mother's cheek Thy little hand is prest. That little hand ! what prescient wit Its history may discern, Ere time its tiiy hones shall knit * With manhood's ...


... PASBI10N AVD VARIRTIg g. Her Majesty, we understand, is now able to Ie room. The answer to the inquiries St Bbkingha , p this morning was, that the Queer d the Brine were going or, most satisfactorily. eTI is 11. Y.I s ad the h5 tening of the Princess will take place during the I ot January, and that the royal infant ill th r of Adelaide Victoria Alexandria.-Standard ef W The Duchess of Kent ...


... FAsHIo% AN.D r.AR1rzttg. The Queen and Prince Albert, sicompaied by the Queen of the Belgians, left London at a quarter;*t four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, itn an open carriage and four, escorted by a party of Lancers, for Windsor Castle. The royal standard was lowered from the marble arce or, her Majesty's departure. His Majesty King Leopold, attended by Mr. Van Peet, left Buckingham ...


... ! X F+4A AN. PiiA2prEt, ii eincy the Lord Lieutenant entertained the tol. onwing distinguished personages at dinner, yesterday, st the Viceregal Lodge:-Dowager Viscountess Dillon, Lord and Lady Talbot de Malabide, Sir Thomas Stanley, Dart.,CaL landionourab-tMrs- White, -Sir Richard and Lady Bulk- ey, the Honourable Constantine Dillon, Mr. Norman Mac- donald, Captaoss Romilly'{ aptaiz.the, ...


... PASHION AND VARIETIES. Ifer Majesty and Prince Albert took an airing in a pony plrsetton on Tuesday morning in the Park. The Hon. Col. Cavendish was in sttendaace on horseback. The Duke of Sussex visited 'he Queen and Prince Albert oa friesday at Buckingham Palace. ISiicount Melbournc and the Judge Advocate General had audiences on Tuesday of her Majesty. The royal dinner party at Buckingham ...


... P1ATION AND VAR0tE4lE The Queen and Prince Albert honoured Astley's with a visit on Wednesday afternoon. The reyal suite included the Countess of Sandwich, Honourable Miss Cocks, Honourable Miss Cavendish, Vis. count Torrington, Bonourable Charles A. Murray, Eon. Major Keppel, Honourable Colonel Grey, Colonel Wylde, and Mr. Francis Seymour. Viscount Melbourne had an audience, on Wednesday, of ...


... PASHION AND PAR19TIESw The Queen and the Princess Augusta attended divine service on Sunday morning in the Chapel Royal, St. James's. The sermon was preached by Archdeacon Hamil- ton, from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians, chap. v. verse 9. The lessons were read by the Rev. Mr. Haden, the prayers by the Rev. Dr. Wesley, and the communion service by the Rev. Dr. Wesley and the Rev. Mr. ...


... PASMMONr AND1 PARIE lES. H His Excellency entertained the following distinguished persons at dinner on Saturday :-Tbe Lord Chan- cellor, the Chief Remembrancr, ithe Attorney-General, Judge Ball, Judge Perrin, Mr. Norman M'Donald, Colono Mar Gr'gor, Mr. Tigho Hamilton, Captain Remilly; Hon. C. A. Dillon and Sir James Smyth, Aidis-de-camp in swaicing. The Queen held a Court at two o'clock on ...


... ; FASt1ON AND VARIETIES mped 3 The Queen has conferred the honour of Knighthood a ad- upon Thomas Wilde, Esq., her Majesty's Solicitor-General, ,tMan and one of her Majesty's Sergeants-at4aw. orthy The Queen has conferred the honountof Knighthood ont William Martins, Esq., Gentleman Ush#b of the Sword of him- State, and one of her Majesty's Gentlemen Ushers Daily Wai ters. The Marquis of ...