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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... 150tttpv. SONNET.-THE SPRING OF LIFE. [is -. sif. a'RIDErAUX.] our, Spring of life is like a Idoy-rose, blowing,_ .9niishille aund fragrance round it fondly Irlaying Radiant with hoples, like poesy a-nseying, Delight conies kindling where our steps arec going, And a wide landscape of romance liestowving, Blower and brake, and every scene arraying With its bright hues ideal; tovc displaying in ...


... K ittratUrf. 2reland-its Scenery, Character, 8,c., by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Part 7.-t-low & Parsons, London. Thie openinsg port gives promoise of ose of tie mostdelightful works hIlel' haspllslear-d fr yeses. Of al l iving writers, Mrs. Hall isthe o.c best calcuilted to illustrate', Ireland. This is not mere assumip. lu.. or assertious; bs e has prsved, by her exquisito ' Ta'as of the ...


... ~octtVp. TO THE QUEEN. [Biv LrIGH liUOTI. T1e hark dwel11s lowvly, Miadam, on tho ground, An et his song with~in the heavens Is fountd a'he haeist hieel may wound him rer he rise,' But osar hle muist, si~r love excite eIR yes. Though poor, his Isesit mcesst lofily be speist, And heo sings free, crowvsa'd with 5150lacsnrarnseal. A poeel thus (if love ansi later fame Mayo searrasit him to wear ...


... *LZTEAB . VAILZZTZUS. INFANT Ss7zEs.-Somne admliring Wlmotives to mirth infonts meet with in their silent and solita.*i% ehoyeresolr- ed-how truly I know hot-that then they converse with angels, as indeed such cannot among mortals find any fitter companions.-Fule-r. DzrovomiTr-Break not those 'Ahot' God hath bowed before.-Ibid. . : I LEARNING AND GASTTOaNoomY.-There is one of my tenants' selos ...


... BRISTOL lINSTiTUTION. Dr. W. ?i. Carpenter's 1?Tuseiwa Lectures. LtttiiitC ti. ifrec a tirief 1'eeapiteiatic'n of the subjects of the preceding lecture. Di. 0. marie some remarks on the eei'c'espoicdence bi. tn-ecU lice nicti I ot the lissuon Iseitig it dillececit periods of its ilovetopiceict, sod the perinascent characters of the ititelleet of tiit' lower eninists. lie then reictarkect upon ...


... JIRISTrOL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. AXANNUA7Z. EHXBZTXON Or' PAZNTiNGBS- IN OIL AND WATER COLOURS, We last week offered some remarks onl the general merits of this year's exhibition of paintings, and we now propose to coo- muence osiritsual reviow, confining ourselves, on aeccoittt of the great extent of the collection-which comprises neerly three* hue dred pictures-to a notice of slah subjects as ...


... IJTERAR.Y VAYAZZ.TXS. AUSTRIAl, LITE1LATUiE.-T1tSeAustrian govertimentiihas just published a decree for facilitating the importation of books and objects of att into its dominsions. Custom is the god of ignorance; and'there will always he the greatest horror of ijonvation fin the most barberou~s and. un- infor-med miinds, that is, where there is the greatest need of it. -Hazlitt. There can bea ...


... Tile Students' Manual, by John Todd-(5rANDANDAbSalcAN LITERATUaE.)-Philp & Evans, Bristol. By far the most valuable work which has yet been published in this series; it is, in fact, one of the most really useful publi- Cations which has lately come under our notice. The stadent has here, for the lowest possible price, the key to the difficult art of controlling the passions and amending the ...


... 1)Ofttr2 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Sonrtct ittl t h eclaiohik less nh tr d.- Of truth aiid libserty ! No ?? my death less soul eriel hind; ?? &oe I thoul iradest ce Irec! Shall strait's rlosiatir sway' M~y freo.horn inrai cirilavo ? First. shall the glnriuus sun udecay Or set on ?? grain Chains roay my betdy bind, Those ?? all fctter'd hb; Bat thraldomcrcrmint reach the mind: It must-it wvill hc free ...


... . H1.1 i kr la i ?? ?? This establishim, .dIcsed':o 'idd' I ''iti w hen the manageress 'took heir benefit; and hee' hiuzse ..wSftlly . and fashionably rttend ei. The rf o imir s' i '-`nienceld with a new play from the pen of Mr-V'rei, h ?? Legend of F1o0ence. The stdry upon :tbvhic ?? is, we are informed, a true as felloi's :-Geneva, a lady of Florerice (Miss.Porle), is ...


... INSCRIPTIONS FOR CHATTERTON'S MONUMENT A GOTIIIC CROSS OF FIVE SIDES, Erected adjoininy the Church of St. Mary Red-Ziff. FiRST. SACReD TO Tssi MEMORY OF THOMAS CHAsTrERTsN A posthumous child, hut true son of the Muses Born in Bristol 25th Nov. 175', Died in London 24th August, 1770, Aged-18 years. Him Colston's bounty clothed, and taught, and fed Then sent him forth to win his daily bread- How ...


... On H1er 3fMjesty's moost happy escapej fona AssassinatiOu, June 10, 1840. i BLov'D of Heal'll and earth! for whom Itejoicing myriads swell the song, Unharm'd thy life, unscath'd thy bloom, By foul-eyed Murder'o destined wrong; 0, let the mase their strains prolong, And, with what skill to her is given, Stand 'mid the loud-exulting throng, Anid yield with jay, for thee, her gratitude to heaven. ...