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... or THE SCOTTISH A-A1)F.X,1' F(URiTil NOTICE. Whiti Icoilollc's most poletlecal pictures this year Tile )Jr ., _roiiltDcers Startled, and I 52, well are d Se,,appoac edTwilight. The first s n lclt we have ever seen. The shli clct flled by a pool of wvater, the an i coreo oe myiighty stream, in which, innit v icaoved by a rock, the moon- b00ae~ erd of deer Icave been star- ritot - ...


... 1 ' 1 -TiiEA N .A .1D , Ii,'l ie excite li u ol1' da ii ilteri- iinI~ theli't feic day'. by the Iliic- CoX ?trT'Oai 11:1(1 been etlgliged to C' 1f ,iil , bhld Idi the otlher rot It ill ~ ill lie lhuj)t of' pvrr~wlrinii. J1 col' Cd' ,liticL' on thle 7tli Sepi- Inc ;07 it) ?? t VIES Of I 111praict i' ill SIIVll CaSeL- 0 o Il ~c.tll~it for tilte interest of' both go 1 'iIl atd iiiclt nticua ...


... ' FASHIONS FOR DECEMB3EIR. (rrome thle Londonr erned Pareets Ladies' Maegazine ,f Fraslion. ) Perkins, satins, velvets, levantines, and moires ?? I foulards, are the mnaterihdl noty in demande anod the Ca- t vourite celolra are saeableuse, oranige and bllack, and rneethyst. Cloth dresses anti redingotes are preparing in Paris; they are maure full iet the skirt, with tight . bndies and sleeves ...


... BY THE HON. AIRS NORTON. And lie not thou CaSt down, because thy lot The glory of thy dream retionibleth not, Not for h;erself was wiimaa first create, Nior wet to be man's idol, but his monte. Still from his birth his craddled bel, she tends, The first, the last, the fithfsleit of friends Still finds her place in sickness or in woe, Humnable to eomfort, strong to unorlergo Still in the depth ...


... THE SCOTTISU CHRISTIAN HERALD. January 1840. Edinburgh: John Johnstone. This publication, through the judicious and ex- cellent management of its conductors, has now ob- tained an enduring hold oln the public favour. The original essays and discourses in the part now before us are by eminent divines, of wvhlom it is unnecessary to saymore tban that their names are sufficient guaran- tee for ...


... The Soviety of Arts met in the Royal Inititution, on Wednesday, the 15th January-David Mlaclagan, M.D., FR.S.E., Viee.President, in the chair. The folio wing conmmunicationus were m;ile:e 1. Description of nn Improvement on the Mercurial Registering Thermometer of Rutherford. by wbich the injury frequently ceused hy the continued contact of the steel index with the mereu!ry is completely ...


... MIASTER H1UMWPREY'5 CLocK. By Bor. London: Chapman -& Hall; and John Menzies, Edinburgh. The public, as was to be expected, were all on the tip-toe of expectation, for the striking of Master Humphrey's Clock, anticipating, of course, much amusement and delight from the renewal of their intercourse with their old established favourite, Boz. As the publication is now in the hands of every one, ...


... LI 1' E'R A'I' U RE. larnc~ols' r~c~illl 1N SUch-C.iy. Pvr JalllesA NMli l:.1.I.C.SE. . atii. Surg,,inn, ot the IR i. a 1Ii nfir tryf r.r &ci. Elib riburgli Wi,, i ave ?? il0 diral ll Iecture wI ith 0nitic p leasurcc, lilld we ilope not wvi thout sonie profi t. While it Ns peculiarly addllressed to those entering up- oil tile science of' surgery, it yet Conltiins so many Sn~dailellrIlgiten elj ...


... OILo THTE B5ENEFIT or THlE noyzm. asrmx.ltry. Last night the annual ball given for the beneiit ol this excellent and nationally useful institution, toon; place in the George Street Assembly .Rooms, andI was both numerously and fhslhionably attended. Trhe vestibule or entrance lobby, under the managemenint of MIr D. Ii. I-lay, ornamental painter, was decorated in a florid style. The various ...


... SIGNOR GUILIO REGONDI'S MORNING CONCE RT. *le intended paying all early visit to the above (oncert, which took ?? on i1londay in the Hope- ot ?? Iloon', but whlell the dialy camne we found that cce a bill of t01e clncert had beeii neglected to be sent w ins, and the biour of comminencinent had escaped our fa memory. Concluding, however, that it would be al two o'clock, we repaired to the Rooms ...


... ORIGINAL STANZAS-ON IOMiE. Oft have I gravely thought, when far remov'd From Home, and all the friends I dearly lov'd. That bfe would be a dark andt dreary waste, Unless Home's blessingis we msliht sometimes taste. So thinst the mariner, who, from hanme afar. Steers his frail hark threu dh elemental war And as he ploughs the surface of the deep, His cannot think (if Home, else he must weep. So ...


... TAmT'S EDISBURH OII AGAZINE FOn. AuGusT 1840. The August number of Tait opens wvithl a well- timed and felicitous critique oil Wilson's delightful work, T'ue Rod and the Gun. To sportsilen, anglers, and lounging readers of eve y grade, this rich and racy paper will be highly acceptable. el- livened as it is by diverting anid instructive extracts, and illustrated by handsome wvoodcuts of ...