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... JiBELdAV(.'Cli)T. ?? , URJeJNCLE. Oa Tuz.;A3 meveinq last a i, ineust was held at ?? housze of Mr. IV. Niieho.oj,, nle ol the u j istrateg o: the West. Itt'1:J6rX st aounoda, near .'cds, bel' o tle corouer ior t, honlour of PouteJract, ,u View ni *ihe body of Charles (ieorge ThIuIpIsxa, a VaunLo e.'pr, oi -aideer. It .ill be seen from the sulj &ied ev;denoe that this an- fortunate ocrurrence ...


... CRNTRAL CRiN COURT Tlike eighth AAssioU o0 ;e1 ?? i ryoralty cO l'e daynodfro th lari. srrbrof' prisoners for trial) ant lay, and from the la3rgj-; hili~c ot ithvreges, the court the very aerioias nittureof eoiloc oixo I s t he tof wil have to sit tIhislDC f ar nearly a fortnigbi g ie ti al R f Caouvoii'i, ,ehargs'd wi1h thc minirdcr of Lord Willi' 'tn R sell, will, it i I expete t, L nornee ...


... A7TI1MPT of GOULD and the CONVICT BAILE Y to ES CA PE from YNE IVaGA TE. Otn the night of Sunday last Ricluhrd Gould, who was com oitted for trial on the charge ot burglary emnd rebbry at the house of' Mr. Templenan, snd Utiley, who as, at the last sessiol ot the Central Criminal Court, convicted of tn attempt to murder on the high seas, anti was to bave heen exec-utert an onl tay next, made ...


... CR7OYDON PBTTY ,S'BSSIONS. [Beftore Drn.IR. P Warrington, cliairman, Mr. Adlarne, Mr. Sut,,rlunt, aid thr- 1ev. Mr. Courimlry.] A SUITOR 'TO II llt *AiJESTl.-CIJRtIOUS COi1- IIhSPONI)ENCE, y heomiri erichardl ivaiis, a ;erson dressed in a shibby suit ot black, waOO broigtit Eririrer the magistrates by John X~j,'lrero, ?? o. tili 'ro don police, under tie felloling Thre eouqht tiilai stnteid ...


... LA W INOTII S-TuTh DAY. 3ANKiRUPTCY COURT. BASINGHALL-STREET. [Before air. Commlinetneer EvANw.) Jolin] (;eorge Meyer, of ?? Baltic Coffee-house, wool broher, at eleveu; ?? Graham Naylor, of Shadwell, tea dealer, at eleven, audit and ?? WVilsou, of Aldernianbury, hbsier, at Mrclu; ?? and Field, of Queen-streot, Chemp. ride, at twive; divlddld-Wir. Bransvomb, of Blandford, carrier, .t one, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGYCfT-SATURDAY. MANSION HOUSE. A rough red-headed 1elulw, named Y homas Smitih, the cut of a emnuggler, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having attempted to defraud Mr. Vceors, the wholesa!e and retail tobacconist, of No. 52, Aldoregate- street, by inducing him to purchase rabbish as tobacco. The complainant said that, tboat a fbrtnight 9go, the prisoner walked ...


... POLICE INVTELLIGHA CB-WEDNESDAY. MANSION-HOUSE. On Tuesday Alderman Pile appeared, as one of the South Aus- tralian Laud Association, to bring a charge egainit Ar., Frederic Bouehor, the manager of the concern called the BritIsh and Aus- tralitalaa Bank, of'whose conduct Mr. Ashurst, tie solicitor, hod complained on Slatrday Just. Mr. Beddoino, solicitor to certain claimants upon the bank, at- ...


... POLICE, INTELLIGENCE-MoNDA Y. MANSION-HOUSE. A poor author, named John D)arswin, whose condition was very maneh Pitied, was brought beiore Alderman Gibbs, who eat for the Lord Mayor, charged with having broken a gas lamp in Lombard-street. The policeman stated, that as he was on duty, at half-past two o'clock on Sunday, In King Williem-street, the defendant approached bim, and ...


... LA W INTBLLIGENCH-WEDNESDAY, COURT OF QUEHIN'S BENCH. [Sittings In Banco.] TO0o1t.Ar.a V. F(ANSOARD AND O~TOURS. lir. flichlcds showed cause Against a rais which had been obtalined In thin case, colinug on tue shorifes to slaow cause why they shoeldi not pay over in the plaintiff tice money which they hlea levied enl the goods of the defendants. Hie observed that the cave was distfin- gulghed ...


... POLIOR INPTRLLWNENGR~X- BDAr, IIIANSI-N*HOUSE.mi Tie Lord Mayor sltated that he wesin d i degree surprised upon readiaga communiention from the rolev iceer of heS. Olaves Unio, 8o.3thivork, relative to Caroie 0eewho warn brought to tho liiaoslon hrsr5reso1me days ago apparently in a deed- tote conditlon, and who expected every moment tobeome mote. The details of the answer to the accusation ...


... ,LA W INTBELLIGEBN'E-WEDNB 8DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. CtAMPI(?Y V. RIOBY. This appeal from an order of 3i, John beach In 1 830, wian opened last week by Mir. Coeper. Thle bill was tiledl to set aside the salte vf a property in Thaues..treet, D) the ground that the defendant %tho purha.sed It ar' at the time the contidential solicltor of the plaittiff. The case made was, that the property had not ...


... LA W NvOTJrIcS-THis DAY. COURT OF CHANCE PY, WESTMINSTER-Sit ait ten. BANRUrT PlITtTIos.-In re Barrlington, part heard-In re \Var lci, rappenls-Pynt v Lockyer-The same v The varne-Agabeg u Hartwell, rehearing-fiiehor v Fnitbfull-Willarn v Owen-Cas. sen v G;reeruroyd-Walker v Edwards. V'ICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER-At ten. MlOTIONS BY ORnaa.-YeId v Sinpson-Emnperingiram v Short-- Soith v ...