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... . - - - I ::: o 2tuo -SONG: OF THE ART1MAN :By mLiZA COO- I nevelr mormirat the lot -That doimes i the rich man shve Niolls elhy aesi covet not- * '- '-No power ka'no weatis b Ve- ' , :- Labour is good;.my strong right band, : . ever ready;toeadure ;. Though meanly born, I bless my land, Content to be amnug Its poor. But look upon this forehead pale, .This tintless cheek, this ray.ess eye; ...


... lortm2. THE BEE'S WING. BY ELIZA COOL Fill, fill to the brim, let the bubble forth swim, Like pearls on a ruby stream, Till worlan's eye or a star in the sky Less brilliant gems shall seem. Lettbe ivy crown on the flushed brow shine, While joy Illumes the wreath; BDl wear it with care, for ivy will twine When the rulisis dark beneath. Drink, drink, and the chorusing chink Of glasses shall ...


... -fostryo - I I -------- SCRAP5S FROM,--BURNS. . - ..j.i:. THE UANSLAYERS. Blow, blow, ye winds, with heaviev gur.1 And Ireeze, ye bitter-biting frost; ยข Delisad, ye chillbly,'sth elug snows; Not gal your rage, s nWo, united, Show, Nore tiard uakluduets, unrelenting, vealeful maicie unrepeuting,. Then hcaveu ilmlaidtd Uatn on brother mail bestows I See stern Oppression's Iron grip,' Or atad ...


... A public meeting was held in the Theitire, Carlisle, on Friday last, relative to our foreign affairs. 'By about seven o'clock the house was pretty well filled. JoHr AtsmsaTiorio was called to the chair, and after a few remarks introduced Mr. Richards, of the Potteries, to the meeting; Mr. RicHrDs then addressed the meeting. He said it was with no ordinary feelings of plea- sure that be stood ...


... - , Tlntll~;- ?? -- 1K, or.. . I .. ?? . I.. Inl ?? New Woris just publishei by t PAINTER34), 4 Strand London; msay be, ob'nleo order of the EooScIleeis inl this To aoIl. The Church of 'ngiand Quarterly Review 3orI ber. Co;-telnts-1 Diefenders of the Faith; -2.1~ Phones and his Birds4; 3. The Silurian aud Devi SYstems; 4. Ecclesiastical Architecture; 5. Nav.n Military Chaplains; 6. Antiquities ...


... A it Essay on Apostolical .Succession: beinq a Defence oj a genuine Protestant A1inistry, 4c. A/so, a Cri- tiqte on the A pology lr Arpostolical Successipon. byt Ise JHonourable and Reverend A. B. Iercival, B.C L., C'hasplain in ordina7ry to the Queen; and a Review of Dr. WP. 1R ook's (vicar of Leeds) Sermon on Hear the Church, preached before the Queen, Jutne 17th, 1838. By 7homasPowell, ...


... PLTHNC -l XHIO f TOPTECHNIC,:PEXHIBITION- . ?? -1 Thei~kis continue tobe 'orowded during all the period they remain open. They are'visited as we an- ticipated, by ?? of individuals; and if it were possible to tire of the exhibition itself, where some new objevts of interest, unperceived or unexamined before are continually presenting themselves, a fund of amuse. ment, and, it may happen of ...


... ?? - 11 .- lvtt Cargo I lp THiE GOLDEN AGE.-No. VI. BY A CHARTIST. There vias a cave, by one man ouily known, A lion's once; but now king Numa's owu; A den of piey like Rome, ere he came there, llnt chaug'd by him, and now a cell of prayer. Through secret woods, the hidden pathltay lay- Numa alone had trod that mystic way. The trees rose o'er it of their own accord And bowed like happy people ...


... pottr* - A PEOPLE'S VENGEANCE. Yes I m iscret statesmuen 1, bythe proud disdain, That ho Four feels at base corruption reign I BY thle. Ipd c-laenor of u: Utioun Woer I - Fte b II PM domestic- rrowckdows I1 By 1111 tb Ut Ihope b-w Itost, or taboer fefts I BtY Englal inkb a-tstx> The bour UA5l come, when fraud's FhOit empire past; A people's efforts shail StiCee at last I BLAC .AND A CONTRAST;. ...


... i6 --- I m - hlHE-'ORPHAN. - 7-' Ohl :1etilsenminded the wsstit'isong, In theb aim untuatintuve:, As gold'ftilstihdctolads'In TIe vwsernsale , : Bid thb ho t riesptre# leave. !i;: tci-f fee. .ag tinb and is A~~~~~ ~~~~ eqtetp$fe hyFp 4w -i ul' - s ;hegrd ocr the evering breeze. A- -e-s1kd areuts,iladIhomewarid. * lie~l,tor aeqnesbfof love atpgapo ' eea }tij~i ytn lialii ronEts1 &'ge botme,' ...


... vpel1ot1. NAPOLEON. _ diark ! the tocsin sounds to arms, Awake to glory sons of France; Behold your exil'd Emperor comes- in deals his cold remains advance. He comes, he comes-his shade recalls The spirits of the dormant brave; Right wvelcom'd by his people home, To rest within an honour'd grave. Loo' Marengo's Star approaching, Traitors dread its piercing streams; Mark, the restless eagle ...