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Freeman's Journal


... - The Queen held acourt on Tuesday afternoon at Buckin. ham Palace, for the reception of the congratulatory aderesses -n from the houses of parliamnent, on the auspicious occasion of id her Majesty's marriage. Both addresses were very numerously attended by mem- 1- bers of either house. That from the House of Lords wax e- presented by upwards of sixty peers. - The peers were conducted on ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTUSISAY. Judge Crampton sat at half-past ten o'clock to hear mo- tions of course, none of which possessed any interest; and Judges Burton and Perrin entered the court at eleven. Francis Crosbie v. Joshn urly. M r. Holmes applied to the court for an attachment against the defendant for not complying with the order of the court. That order was one directing him to pay a ...


... KERRY ASSIZES-REGISTRY APPEALS. If I ?. .? (PFROM A CORRESPONDENT.) The Tories had seven appeals for trial, four of which l turned upon points on the construction of the stamp acts ; they were tenants of Lord Ventry, and were supported by sthe celebrated David Peter Thompson, the receiver of the e Mullins estates; they were rejected by Mr. Finlay at the last sessions, because there was an ...


... IcOair MARTIAL ON CAPTAINnsEN(LDS1 SAT+BDAY. OCTOBER 3.Th; _ .. MAT5DAY, UCToaaEn 3.-This morning, at eleven o0 uck, the court resumed its sittings. The arrangements for the:accommodation of the press were admirable, the re- porters being admitted before the visitors. The ingress wias the same as yesterday, by getting in at the windows, which t had a most grotesque appearance. On the opening ...


... lOXRfLSE TARATMERT Of A HUfSAND To I - - : ~HIS WIFE. An Inquest was held oni Friday last, at :Buclkabridge, Tr near Ballycrystal, by Travers Rt. Hawkshaw, Esq., Cooully plac, coroner, on view of the body of Catherine Copeland, wo ingI died on the Tuesday previous, and as appears (by te o'clo verdict of the jury) from the bad treatment of her bus.. foot, band, William Copeland. Several of the ...


... I A CITY GRAND JURY-YESTERDAY. A, ., - ?? : _ .. . .1 .. At a tew minutes after twelve o'clock the chair was taken by Mr Boyse, in the absence of the foreman. COMPLAINT AGAINST- A CEsS eLLECTOR. Mr. Ellis, of St. George's parish, apear d to complain of the violent and improper conduct of the person ap- pointed to collect grand jury cess in that parish. It was but a short time since the ...


... EXCHEQUER NISI PRIUS.YESTERDAY. (Sittings in after Term, before the Lord Chief Baron and a Common Jury.) Foster v. Forbes. Mr. Close opened the pleadings. This was an action of I assunmpsit for money lent. The defendant pleaded the ge- neral issue. I*, Mr. Fitzgibbon stated the case. He said that the plain, !if' was an attorney, and the defendant a bill-broker, or a person having an office to ...


... I Dublin Castle, 3d September, 1840. SIr-I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to enclose a copy of the report submitted to him by Mr. Howley, Q.C., respecting the late inquiry at Pallaskenry, together with a copy of the minute which his Excellency has felt himself called upon to place on record, with a view to their being transmitted to Sub-Inspector Jackson. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, ...


... (From the Northern Standard.) On Thursday night last, about five oclock, one of the most daring and horrible murders that has for many years disgraced the province of Ulster took place a few perches! outside the town of Ballybay. We subjoin the inquest (specially reported for the Standard), to which we refer for particulars ; but, in order to lay the case more fully before the public, it is ...


... Mf.Znq POti&g.ATtitjAM, 1 I H9llMV-6TflaET ortics. ' API'tLrNG DESTITUtTON..JFriday night, atabout eleven a'clock, as inspector Dunden, of the C division, was going his rounds, in passing through Denmark-street, his attention was directed by some of the inhabitants to an open hall, in which they said a boy was lying in a dying state.; On en- tering the place a spectacle of human wretchedness ...


... CAVAN ASS1ZEd-MYOMAr, JULY 13, rep James Brady was indicted for being a member of an 'rep illegal society, the members of which Communicated by IUni signs and pass-words, for corresponding with officers of senw susch society, and for having a copy of pass-words in his den He pleaded not guilty. seni Mr. Doherty, on the part of the prisoner, read an affi- ask davit made by him, praying for a ...


... MAYO ASt~$ior Gus. ,fS M1r. Baron' Richards arrived in Castlebar ?? l2st froin Sligo, and at four o'clock proceeded to the couty court-house to opeu the oommission. The grand jury having been reaworn before bim,, his lordship said he was sure it was not necessary to give any .instroction to gentIe, men of their vespectabiliky, as to the discbarge of tbe duties imposed upon them. ;There was ...