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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... LOCAD MAIIARETS. e WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET.-FRIDfAT. t BY EXPRESS. fAPRIL S.-We have a largeoshow of samples: fro f conditioned samples of Wheat nearly maintained their ralus, but second qualitieitae Is. per quarter lower. Barley is not brisk s1re, and prices Ia f without material variation. Beani and other artilel, steady. , LEEnip Coino MARKET, MARCH 31sT.-The wnd| 'ontinung contrary there are ...


... LOCAL MARKETrS. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, JULY 3.-Our arrivals of Wheat is moder- ate; runs ot f.esh sell readily at 2s. per quartet advance; lower descriptions are Is. per quarter dearer. Barley as before. Oats the turn higher and Shelling fetches Is. per load more money. Bet l anid other articles without material variation. LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE 30.-The arrivals ef Grain ...


... (BY EXPAESS;) OcToDEn 9.-The arrival of Wbext is good, but small of other articles. We iave a tolerable demand for both bnew and 'old Wheat'% aboai the currency of last week. Barley' meetb only a slow sale, and prices have deeliied Is, ew qr. Oats are steady, and Shelling the'turn dearer. Beans as before. MR. ROBiERT PEDDlE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTETIBI STAN. DEAR SIR,-YOU will, no doubt, ...


... LOCAL MARKET. LEEDs CORiN MARKTrUTUESDArI MA 2 vals of wheit and Beans -to tbis,52' 1le ae rather-larger than last week. Oats and z4t' smaller. There has been a fair dinland f Wheat at rather under last week's prIC f fbut ?? and; inferior continue to be negleet'o. ?? has made rather more ano Ut improvementt in otherdesoriptions .ateaulh.ta II is wmeU sold. Beans have been dull sale, week's ...


... London, Thusroday Evening, Fdlruaey 20ih, Quairer to Seren, p.4. CLosiNGa PIercEs Ot' TrIS Fuxi)s.-Consois, 90o forthe account ; ')lt for April ; Exchequer Bip, 3 par ; Foreign: Spanish Actives, 27,; Portugueie, Fivoper Cents. I4. Coi.oN'Al. IlaiErT.-Thf tea trade continues o absorb all the interet of both buyers and serlers, and prices on tile whole may be stated nominally as last week. ...


... LEEDS CoRN MABuirT.-The arrivals of Wheat to this day's market is much the same as last week. Oats smaller. Beans larger. The weather has con- tinued very fine and bsarm. Fine Wheat has beot very heavy sale, and us. per quarter lowet, the lsecond qualities 2s. per quarter, and screyany demand for the infedror and chambered saoples. Oats and Shelling have been dull Sale. Beaus little alteration ...


... STOC ORTP .I a- THE.. `TQOCIPORT CHARTISTS.-LIBERATION e OF ONE OF THE VICTIMS.-CONTROVERSY e WITH THEIR PROSECUTOR. to We have received the following communication in reference to the liberation of Wright, and the conduct of Dr the Whig clique in Stockport:- h On the evening of Friday preceding the day for elect. ing Councillors for the borough, a very hole-and-corner le meeting of the ...


... LOCAL MARKETrS. - -40 WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) FuninsY, JUNE 26.-Oar arrivals of Grain are com. paratively very moderate considering the length of stoppage. The attendance of buyers was good to- day, and a fair business done in Wheat at fully last week's prices. Fresh Barley is inquired for, but little offering. Oats and Shelling rather dearer. beaus steady. LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE ...


... LnED3 CLOTH MARxi S.-There has been rather more business done during the week at the Cloth Halls, in white goods particularly; we cannot, how- ever, say that the markets have improved, because circaumstnces may have caused a casual demand, but we are in hopes, if the present favourable weather continue, that an alteration will take place for the better. HUDDERSFIELD CLOTH MAaKET, AUG. 4.-The ...


... LOCAL,: MARKETS. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET!. (air EXPRMS.) FiRDAY, NOVEMBER 6.-We have a large supply of Grain this week. Whca# is heavy sale, and prices fully Is. per quarter lower. BarIley-has aleo receded is. to 2s. per quarter. Oats and Shelling, with other articles, without material alteration. LEEDS Coaxz MAsrur, TuEspmr, NovERBm 3.- The arrivals of Iall kinds of Grain to this day's market ...


... WAKEFIELD CORN MARKBET (BY EXPRESS.) FRIDAY, MAY 28th.-Our arrivals of Wheat are very moderate: the trade ?? slowf without va riation in prices from the rates of this day se'nuight Barley is steady. Oats and Shelling as bteore. Beanarather lower. Little passing in other articles, LEEDS CORN MARKET MAY 26.-Tbe arrival of Wheat to this day's market is rather smaller thar last week. Other kinds ...


... LREDS COn MABEET, TUESDAY, SE.T. I.-The arrivals of Wheat and Beans to this day's market are smaller than last week-. Oats larger. There has been several showers of rain during the past week, bat nothing to do anj harm to the arvest ; it ii quite general with us. Xine fresh Wheat has been Is. per quarter, other descriptions 2s. per quarter lower, no demand for the inferior. Oats have been one ...