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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. FRIDAY, DEC. 24.-Oar arrivals are moderate; the navigation is still open in this part. Wheat sells at an advance of Is. per qr. Barley in more request, and fully as dear. Beans steady. Oats and bhel- ling are rather higher. No variation in other ILEEDS CONA MARKET, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22. -The arrival of Wheat to this day's market is fsmaller than last week. Other kinds of ...


... WAKEFIELD CORN. MARKET. (BY EXPRESS.) JANUARY 24.-The supply of Wheat is moderate the trade is extremely slow, and to urge sales ad cline of' is. per quarter must be submitted to. Tl~ inquiry for Barley is limied, and prices are 1s. 2s. per quarter lower. Oats fully as dear. Shellii the turn lower. Beans witho4g material alteratio LEEDS CORN MARKET, Jan. 21.-The supplies all kinds of grain to ...


... S LEEDS CORN MARKET, FEB. 4TH.-The supplies of all kinds of Grain to this day's market are lar er than last week; fine dry new Wheat has been in fair demand and Is. per quarter higher; in the second .qualities thereo has been no alterationl, the damp anid rinferior qualities continue in very hlmted demand. Best Barley mruch the sane, but the inferior quail. lties are very difficult so quit.: ...


... MONEY MA1AKET AN]> CITY NEWS. VWED.tS2SDAY, FEB. 1 The English funds ftilly maintain th * riees of yes- terday, although nlet quite Eo firui in tlelearlvy airt of thle day, and thle huityy ctoekS blhew rather a tende;ney to advance. The notde, that ill Exl beiquier Bili, dated in the mouth of }itreh, 1839, would be pai A oifotv the 16.h vt Marchi next, aunl that new bi;,e ufidcn l drato ngight ...


... London, Thusroday Evening, Fdlruaey 20ih, Quairer to Seren, p.4. CLosiNGa PIercEs Ot' TrIS Fuxi)s.-Consois, 90o forthe account ; ')lt for April ; Exchequer Bip, 3 par ; Foreign: Spanish Actives, 27,; Portugueie, Fivoper Cents. I4. Coi.oN'Al. IlaiErT.-Thf tea trade continues o absorb all the interet of both buyers and serlers, and prices on tile whole may be stated nominally as last week. ...


... LOCAL M ARKEATS. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY 13xPRHiss.) FRIDAY, FEDRUAtry 28.-We have a moderate arrival of Wheat: fine qualities are ready sale at an advaneo of Is. per quarter. Other sorts are fully as dear. Barley maintains its price. Beans in request, and fully realise previous rates. Other articles as before. IrEDs ForXTxinT FAIR, Ern. 26.-We have had a fair show of both Beasts and Sheep ...


... SUND.Y, FEB. 2-6 P-M.-The news by the Patrick d Ilcnry, connected with the progress of events on this side, being inauspicious to the maintenance of e. fictitious prices, caused a decline in prices at the , stock board yesterday. United S-ates Bank fell 2 . per centi.; American Exchange Bank, 1; Delaware v and Hudson, 1; North American Trust and Banking Co., 1P; Provideece Railroad, I; Harlem, ...


... TlO-2AL NAVKITSB LFEDS CoRN MA=Ei TUESDAY, MARCH 2ad.- The wind havin'grbeen contrary has caused snpzlie to be smaller, particularly of fine Wheat, whijh ias 1been in fair demnand and made rather more money. t'aere has 8a18 been a better demand for the seceno qualities at last week's prices, but no improvement in the inferior qualities.' There has been very little alteration in-the Priee of ...


... L OO AL MARKETS. 'WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. (BY EXnREsS.) FRIDAY, MARCH 13.-Our arrivals are moderate of all articles; best-conditioned samples of Wheat sell readily at an advance of ls. per quarter- other sorts fully as dear. Barley supports late rates! Beans steady. Oats and Shelling without material alteration. LEEDS CORN MARKET, MARCH, 10th.-The wind continuing contrary has aaused the supply ...


... LT OAL MKRK ET . : * rLEEDS CORN MARKET, MAacH 17.-There are fair arrivals of all kinds of -Grain to this day's mar. ket, but very little of fine quality, as part of thl vessels from the South have not'beensable to make their passage. Barley hae beendulllsale,and:rathei lower. DARliNiOTN MARSETB.-At 'oii i'market on day last, we had a good su'Dplr'-of'Wheat, which' 'old at from 14s. to Is. per ...


... THE NO~PRTH s TT O A1 -- .SATURlDAY§ MARCHR 28, 1840. : - ON Tuesday next. Mr. ViLL~iRs motion for a I. commnittee of the whole House, to consider 'the laws L regulating the importation of iforeign grain,'is to be voted. The House isto be called over., The . shop 3f keeper'i representatives will than be.all behind the d counter. The rival trades Will muster their w whole strength, and a ...


... LOCAL MARKET. LEEDs CORiN MARKTrUTUESDArI MA 2 vals of wheit and Beans -to tbis,52' 1le ae rather-larger than last week. Oats and z4t' smaller. There has been a fair dinland f Wheat at rather under last week's prIC f fbut ?? and; inferior continue to be negleet'o. ?? has made rather more ano Ut improvementt in otherdesoriptions .ateaulh.ta II is wmeU sold. Beans have been dull sale, week's ...