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... .me, alsuaJna, vn lo. ?? (Yrom the Black Ealendar of Abcrdecn, G. JIJst Published.) Ti On the night of Thursday, September 3, 1807, a dreadful a, affray, ending in murder, took place near the Justice Port, VV in a house of bad fame kept by a woman called Margaret Creek, who enjoyed some celebrity in her day. On that night, el a Negro drummer, of the name of John Simpson, commonly a called ...

Sheriff Criminal Court

... -_o; .-i- .X Snleilff Crilmn-.1 Court, YO ?? ?? : CHI';ii l ( II't V,':WIS WItd lie by AYjr.i. V slOA VII'o EL (2ioI-l:2t1 (Coll2't WEIS !W~td k200 by WILLIAM.2( \1VA, II . 11:22. bstit22 IIt122o Of' A I L'ol'2IlooIISi:ii'I o. T! 2 1 21'. tI 2021212 om ?? 12tI22 I iI 222''12I, NvlI I q 02I 21 1. 1II2 122222g 22221 Iho0 lioth 221 t lntloo2 Ia - ko ,21tv.1 tol Ito.' ei1'lswi',22 o his Ilb ...


... HIGII COURT OF' JUSTICIARY. On Monday, William Lolidy, Deputy Postmaster at Keith- hall, or Inverury, was tried for falsehood, fraud, and wilful imposition, lie was accused of htrving, on October 1, 1839, transmitted to the Inspector of Dead Letters at the General Post Oficc, Ediulsrrgt, a fridilent dead letter account and brm, in whrich lie claimed credit for £3 Its. 6d., onaccount of deoad ...


... . I verdict of Guilty as libelssintga esdai them to seen ya-s--.1a The LoRD JUSaTIE CLEats Wetne hmtosvnyee as ciha transportation. consrgeY. Johin Forbles, schoalmaster, Gleulbucket, was charged with two -a illilttr acts; of forgery, and uttering bills of exchange, committed Ins tist on January lest. The prisoner hod for Some utteime gsbonded ofro seaaw justice. He pleaded Guilty to forging ...


... j u it V C A S E.-To 11 itY A. It A RI I E. 11ll7n t ou' I ?? ZIONCI!lm.l'. 0 1JlIl.Foll. IOlt) 11ONCIIIEFt'. o ?? a I cause inl which Alexoitder Tarry, flushter lto Stloee (Ijtul v ha'ven, was pursuer, tait Gieorge Blarrio, flesher ai Sloe haelse, jan I.duefeade. It wits otit actiona for tlefainatiolt of cltarocter-tla- tt inageS laid ait £11111,- ?? i g Thlere isere lilt issue p11t ill. (I.) ...


... SlHERIFF CRIMINAL COURT. Sheriff MuV7sAxY held a Criminal Court here on Wednesday I last. TIMMFT. The first prisoner placed at the bar wees Aelandevsr Brodie, farm servant from Moss-side of Cairney, who pleaded Guilty to a charge of having stolen, fromn a sleeping apartment, at g Cairnwhelp, and from a lock-fast ciest, someartilcosof wear- ing appalrel, a niew testament, and a small sum of ...


... The neighbourhood of Norfolk Street, Park Lane, was, on Galli Wednesday morning, thrown into considerable excitement by Palm the murder of Lord W illiamI Russell, at his own residenco, his - head being nearly severed from his body. No doubt exists S whatever but that his Lordship was murdered by the hand of some assassin, as his Lordship's gold watch, with jewels, and oven thc valuable rings ...


... TIME MURDER OF LORD WILLIAM RUSSELL. Thc police authorities are exerting unceasing anxiety and th i vigilance in sifting toethc bottom this mysterious affair, and th* so far with success that they have brought a charge against ag the valet, Courvorersier, who has undergone an examitnation sat Bow Street, and will probably be brought to trial for the of murder. Pa Onl Monday the valet, was ...


... SiltVrilB(u1i lE CASE. I I . , I I _- . . 1 1 .;I. STlRAt1 rBOU1l-; UASil. 'I'be following lettel, addl-essed by the Rov. Mr Gotr- don of' Aberdeen to the soven slitaendedClergytnee, sins retiti by him in thle Course oh' his 1tillnarks on tite Stthlbogiu case, u In M iolay weelk, in tile General AssemCibly :- Aberdeen, l1th D)ecenmber, 1U tD. REV. AND DHARI i Sin,-Y n ar en aerC ?? the ...


... CXARG1 OF MURDDER. EWe gave the result of this case in our last. The following are the particulars of the trial.] On Monday, the lst instant, the trial of George Johnston came on before this Court, charged with the murder of Helen Newvlands, or Johnston, his wife, having on the 9th April last, at a place called MMyreside, on the road leading from Banuf to Huntly, in the parish of M irnoch, ...

Sheriff Criminal Court

... Sheriff crlnimnal Court. YresterlRay, a Ctiminatl Court wns hold here by William Wat- son, Es., Sire ?? ite of A berdeeissi ire. Jtist NlCol, flesher, was chargedi with t iheft, aggravated by pre. vioes cons ictitai. The libel charged the prisoner with having, ba Septesihber ?? stolei a ?? anod plaid at Bartle Fair, nenr Muimr.i.. e O' Neil. Tlhose waso att Iter at ie charge of reset of theft, ...


... MURDER OF LORI) IV]L[,IAMN RUSSELL. On being tlahen to thle condemned cell, onl SaturdIsy night, after thle Jury lhed delivered their Merdiet, the0 culprt olp- peered to he sullen oaid reserved, tand tie neidarottred to etotte hitiselt'by crammting it tolwtl dow el hs thltotit bet hid oldest was frustrated hy the vigilonce of the olticer lin whose cltarge hoe remoined, Btefore Courvoiser's ...