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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... WASHIONS slam JMANUTAY. (From the London and ParisLadies' Magazine ofFasliodn) Violet or Pensee is the favourite colour at this moment for every style of toilette, in velvet or cachmrre, for bor. f nous, shawl, or paletot, anti fur accords extremely well with it. Paletots of violet satin, lined with white, and trimmed with Canada fur, are very elegant for walking toilettes. i The Moldavie, ...


... Lis ELIZA COOK.] A I.%iTosrr Spiritl Father, Lord! T lhou e wlorslilSl thrsu ssssksS5Si'SS W hoae mystic glory spreleeth round a USnivsil throne V ...


... li ottrp. __ Ehou ! fiogaces rostumrc Postamo, Labisltur alns. YEA11% pass asay, and dark decay Comes o'er all mortal tisiags; Asid sad ani strallsge Is satlly t ca'Sge Witicl Timiie, th coaiqlatcrsr, briags. Yet will not I coraplain or sigh o'er ssviftly.fleeting years, Nor give awaly a siagic day To doubt and useless tears. But since, aims! thoe yars trill pass With rapid flight away. We'll ...


... PILO:OGtrz ANED EPZXZOGI. FOIL THrE ,XAMINATIO$ AT MB T S1OIE'S SCHIOOL, SUMMOIRAILL, near 7BRISTOL, PROLOGUE, SPOKEN BY HENRY JEFFERIS. -'he bLY jH, ay, the ftithr df th'e oian, - ,,A paradcxt,-yet sbneotlon it wbto eon!l: Slic , as the twig is bent, the treej'a lnclin'd,1_ And, as we train tho adolescent miud,' The futurc msan is formed: ramomen'tols truth eo Parents, Teachers, most of ...


... STORY 0i SFEMANOn. (Frres' disc Rscsf act ions of a Port ra~f Painter, in tke Dubltri Ulvecrsity iMagrazine.) One of the standing annoyances to which at portrait painter isl subjerted, is that of' being perpetually called upsir~to portray, the features of inslividuals whbo, whilst they cannet be called ngly, are still so far from handsome, and so much farther from tire possea;Sion Of ...


... J?-Dttrp- ON THE BAPTISM OF AN INFANT. Goo of our fathers, and our Gadt- Our chilern's God 'snr Fatetir thou ._ To thee we bring eur infant child, Aud breathe tor him nour heartfelt vowS. The eile olfricg, Lerd, rLord ccive, Autd hcar a ll-trents WOttSits prayer: To Thee wve col;scratc I's life, And trust Ii) to thy tCnder care, Should earthly fricads and kinidred fail, Aed lellC him prey to ...


... 1Ottrgy. RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT. IHLLnever forgt teetwt uedlight, I c~uht th ties view o tile eld castie's height,_. ; ltIt, 1 pase'd t ttiC ortalS aitti seunderio f ound MYl feet o00 that antique Rao~ lordly ground lrot chamber to cillt'ber,-trom 1a1l atd from bower Iroorn'd to the kepaol the battner'll old tower, And satO the brave c;.tle al Strng and a As al a e- of glory-l0u6. 1011g ...


... Tile Students' Manual, by John Todd-(5rANDANDAbSalcAN LITERATUaE.)-Philp & Evans, Bristol. By far the most valuable work which has yet been published in this series; it is, in fact, one of the most really useful publi- Cations which has lately come under our notice. The stadent has here, for the lowest possible price, the key to the difficult art of controlling the passions and amending the ...


... LITRTISM nl're Poetic'za lifts of E£bce:ezr Ellietd-Tait, Edi inburgh. li thIis, the ;1 *e of l'con!te s 'ditiown, it was not to be expected timt tile peopl- wealid loug h e without an apiropriate edition of tilei chosenl rcloesntsb tt e lu the fields of poetry, wbo bas so olte(l vitdicate l theilr cailUe, anld wVarlmed 11anlly a hCart into patriotis. by his lays, aid accurdigly, Mr. Tait has ...


... 2'ASHON5 POn rBZWUARY. (Fr)omx the London gozid Parls Ladies' Maga ine of Fashion''.) The make of dresses wvill not .vary thiA winter; thc corsarcs are 'all with points, conseqtently without ceinture, having foldaed drapery on the top, unless .wvhen intendeLd to be worn with berthes; they are then quite plain, the sleves formed of three simall trimmings or bouiiloneis wlhich (lo not mruch ...


... p a ttr?) - LOVE.-By iIrNKY' G lurix. WVAT is 't to lovo7 Go a51; the chalnging moon Whether sihe lovo tile dUtII Wlsat alliswer ?-Ycs. I'Or wv7v?-His glory round iserceif is cast! Anad why doEs osit11 los'cP s? l st is Iber love? Is 't like tie :OOII'S, alone il lltrigstuess ShownV ]it hours ol joy asrounttd our suatilva6 cast ?- Andt sioes it iehve us in title time of sOse ? Does lite lose ...


... t loutrt., THE HURRICANE. 5wr wa. r. qOLLEN 1IRtANT, AN AMEMiCAN rOcT.1 gLon) of the svijds! I feel thec ligh, a 1kn1ow thy breath In tho bsllrsIMg sky!, .AfI5 I wait with a tlhrill if cery vein gbr the coming of the htlrricale. And to! on the sting of tiso heave gtdest Etseoisgh the houadtlesi arch of heasven e sails- gluet netld stow, anid terrible btrong, The mighty shadotw is borne along_ ...