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... ORIGINXA -SU Y.RE. A RPMAflEWLL TO T-E CIOOD OLD YakiR. Ha; is sone, he is gone, like the passing windl Arid has loft no trace of slis path. bethinsi ; The merry faco of thc blithe 1aid yeni ; ' Has left neithor ollill nor sorrow bGro:* His step has been light, His I ath lia l-ecrn bririr, And hie miltRI as wo parted oa yesteright. No eye, no eye, has been seen to lbde, No cherished one in the ...


... FA.SHIONS FOR JANUARY. (From the London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion.) Violet or pensee is the favourite colour at this moment for every style of toilette, in velvet or cashmere for hour- noas, shawl, or paletot, and fur accuvds extremely well with it. Paletots of violet satin, lined with white, and trimmed with Canada fur, are very elegant for walking toilettes. The Moldavie, with ...


... L.AMllENT OT1ThE IRISII EMlGAANI'. BY 'Ti2S RION. MRS. lltICnIVILACKWOiOlD (NOw\ i.AV' VRIN.) I'M sittin' gn the stile, Mary,- Where *'eo at aside by side, On a briebt May mornin' lonll ago, When first you were my bride The corn was splingin' fresh and green,' * And the ?? sanig loud and high-. And the rod was on. your lip, Mary, * And tbb love-light in your eye. The place is-little channred, ...


... OTHELLO. When, Dr. Young wrote his tragedy of The Revenge, with a view, as it has been stated, to counteract the ten- dency of Othello towards making its prefer the character of the Moor to that of the Christian, he appears to have proceeded upon the mistaken idea that every European, or perhaps every man of fair skinned visage, is a Chris- tian-an assumption than which perhaps no notion has ...


... The Lord Lieutenant entertained the following distin. guished personages at dinner on Thursday, at the Vice. regal Lodge, Phenix Park:-Lady King, Lady Fortescue, Miss Fellowes, Earl of Cbarlemont, Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Chief Remembrancer, Solicitor General, Sir Arthur, Lady. and Miss Clarke, Mr. and Mrs Darine, Mr. and Mr. Savage, Mr. Curran, Mr. O'Connell, M.P., Mr. J. O'Con. nell, M.P., Mr. ...


... | . 'ASUIONS FOrI JANUARY.' *1 (Fross tha Loudon mnd Paris Ladies' lI gazie no' Fasilion.) - -Violet', ar' peswee, ;N tbe ...

[ill] [ill] OF ARTS, SCIENCES, &c

... ;I ?? OV ARI{I'TS'. t 1I-N'C, &c. I i'1i77i ?? ii I i ai It m eIndII tlii b II i C' ev~oii srou e hich I I1Jijiln slivd ;L, I'ibioiaCI lui't' oi OH Wlihitl and -ideos their prom1 it oporititit oil publ ik' ttiC-ic, ind I :7 tavii V1711 ?? iV. hrion.~ll ?? gi_,It~lrtioli',,I iio t.witch, ithile it zd1.IN is ;oionr thet p Si~istiorIll Sit 'IiW i lof 1il 11 ilkliti' of Y\ ikth, ions i;tllje than ...


... I ;- FA SHIONS FOR JA NUARY ?? tire Lfaden end Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion.) Violet or senuice is the favourite colour at this moment for every stvle of foriltie, in velvet or cac/int ere for beowrsroa', shavl, or puletot, anrd for accords estremely well wirh it. PaI/et.,s ot Violet satin, lined a ith white an d trimmed airl Canada fur, are ve,- ele ant for walkinig /to/ettes. The 3lei ...


... V;ottrp. THE l WISH. C ast no reserve, friends of mu youth, N or loot withi cold distrust on ice For i am still the friend of truth, Antd ever-g.lorious liberty. I wish that all Ilt I imneo kilnd Were free from si:i55cry s galling chaill A ml nitive righls were iree is winLd, (Or wastcr of the boundiless mailn. I wish that cro wn.s fromu tyrants torn, lranifornid to bread. mllust fed treh poor ...


... 7l -. BURUT; OF TIHE JUST. Ijrittczs t~ occajion oJ the intel ment of the lIE V. ItO GER1? ( ,'.JRUS WI'ILSON, late Vicur qr Prcstoil When ilhi warrior ii slain on the field of his glory, P Aad set it the gralv is life's glimmering star, B Ho1w bright for a d1ay is the plagO of hii st'ory I 'Ald the glitter of arms and the trappings of war. When the Scion of ihirth, front a proud hile ...


... 9.E; :: i I ORIGINAL AND SELECTEVI (Oriqimal.) La religlon chrrietiine Pst si heurec 'lent Jbrnic'e, 9l'WtIC est eitic-ros !ite une ve'ritablc poie. -- ClCiteaubilaldl. MAILT 1.-INsTRODUCTORY. Twras eight ;-tho moon's palo ere-eelt ieraraud onl high; The stars il quomnrchless lustlie lit the sky; No cloud obrcelred, no mist bedimrleld thoir ray, -ili3t wildly through heavoe'S ?? vault they ...


... EXIIIDITION OF AR'TS-ASSEMBLY IIOCKS. Go01)0 tO'S IIYDIIO-OXYGI:N PO..ArtSCOrU.-rliiS instruimient is shown in the Polariscope Lecture Room, a large apartient fitted up expressly by the Sub-Coni inttee to accojinmodate tite daily increasing ?? that thiroiig to see the wonders of science which are displqayed by means of this magnificent in- strumnent. The lecturer, Mr E. M. Clarke, -who 'as ...