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7\ 0(»1 - 1Y1A KKETDrc. 30~ ' '

... SMITH FIELD AI A It RET. t There is a good attendance of buyers this morning and the sup* ply of all descriptions oflcattle being shoit, an extiernely brisk trade is doing in consequence, at a general advance. Choice beef sells readily at 5s. per stone. beinj; an advunce from last' Monday of full 8d. and the inferior sorts pal take ollludike riRI!,( being at 3s. 8d. and in some instances 3s. ...


... SEED MARKET.—DRC.AU. The supplies of both English and Foreign Cloversced continne very small, and the holders were to-day exceedingly tirin- the, actual amount of businessdone was, however, very unimportautf sellers generally asking higher rates than buyc IS were %villitig to* pay; our quotations can, tlwrefme, only be regarded as nominal; In other descriptions of Seeds the I C was litlle ...

[No title]

... PROVISIONS. Butter, Cork, per cwt. £ 4 lOa4 11 I Bcff, India prime,per tr. £ 8. Belfast 0 0 0 0 New Me# do ti. is (Id Dublin 4 8 4!) Navy. i. i>sOd Pligo 4 s ...


... A DiNNt.u 200 AGO. Home fiom my office to my Lord's lodgings, where my wife had got ready a very fine dinner —viz a dish of marrow-bone a leg (If mutton It loin of veal a dish of fowl; three pullets, and a dozen of larks, all in a dish a great tart a neat s toDgue a dish of anchov ies a dish of prawns Diary. Tim I IOI.I.Y on HOI.IA I miu.—- Tradition says, il sprang up m pcifectiou arid beauty ...


... HOP INTELLIGENCE.— I)RC. M. Vei y little for tlle tlil-n Of ti)o iloliday, Prices steady. Kent Pockets, LS3y X'3. 5s. to £ 3. Ms:. Ditto choice, ditto. £ 4. 4s. to .t'5. 15s. Ivist Kent Pockets, ditto £ 4. Os. to £ 6. Os. Sussex di to, ditto Os. to £ 3. lis. Kent bags, ditto £ 3. 10s. to £ 4. Ids ...

HKBDOMADARY. Sun Sun Woon'i Moon I Moon

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We must plead the valid excuse, in this instance, of p>es$of matter, to numerous intelligent correspondents, and to several advertisers, who, in f uture, would do well to send to our pftt. Usher early in the week. PLATO we must decline. Amicus Plato sed magis arnica veritas. A MONMOUTH FRIEND reserved (or consideration. ...


... PRICES OK SIIAHES AT LONDON. j nlilTISH MINKS. No. Ol NAM)- Of §-2 S g E« Shares COMPANV. a' 2 « jfc y.T .000 Anglesey 100 5 10 8 8 10 1,800 Arigna iron & Coal Co.. 50 34 — — 4,000 Bissoe Bridge 5 5 1 1 15,000 Ulaenavon 50 jn 40 41 .9 2j;]lfll0» 50 50 6i 6 1,000 Cariggan i i 1 100 Copper Hottom — 41 25 25 25 1 1,000 Cornubian Lead Company — 31431 3i 6,000 Cornwall Great United.. 10 6 6 6 6 5 ...

____ -H KBDoTm A DA KY. ----j

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. OBBKBVBII it not candid. Candour and fair dealing never fubj$tt to uriotw risk; they are generally safe, and always honiurable. The letter may he had, enclosed, from oar book- keeper. Our futoribtri at Cricfchouiell complain that they do not receive their papers bofore Stmday. This is not the fault of our pub. lisher, mi he regularly dispatches them with the Abergavenny ...


... HEBDOMADARY. 1840 Snn Sun Moon'* Moon Mooa RIIM> Sets. Age. Rtiei. STTT. JANUARY. H. M. H. M. H. M- H. M. II SImday-2 SunMy after Epiphany 7 49 34 Full. 8 34 4 ls 1.516 g jg 8 is 7 5, « 47 16'/1 7 SO 9 10 13 Wedoeida* 7 4 29 17.6 9 7 9 SJ *3 7 H 4 JO IS# 10 SI 9 34 *•* 7 «» 3* •#'« It X # « as Saturdr 7 M « 14 ».« morn. 9 S6 SUNDAY LESSONS. Morning Service Waiah li 3d Lemon. Matt. xvil. ...


... LONDON JVtARRETS. CORN EXCHANGE, MAUK LANE, MONDAY, JANUARY 20. Our supplies of wheat are small, but the condition beng gene- rally affected by the dampness of the weather, our millers were not free buyers, and we have bad a dull trade to-day, without change in price since this day week, in either English or foreign wheat.—There is no change in the value of flour, which goes off slowly.— l'he ...