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... PUBLIC Jilu~~ E L]ECTROT'rYPi iS or Thie Proctims of Maktng qodg IHtutd CohiN by Voltr,!c l.lect rirtv, ?? ?? ler be. C ore lireolt tsrho IQLYTEiCIINICl3NiiTITlJ5IOli,8l9Rsn- -ihoirs blt Ahibition its followi ;-Tvo, kIet1Wk!cnI Eappriments, Hult-jla.sit rTwelve,; .Mijcrs ~ea~o~ citortirotic Telegraph. Mlilfe One, poraivos n t~t ottof ~oirrtttr. TIwo, C Irtttiittl or 'I llouophrc I Lvolrre. ...


... COVENT-GARDEXN THEATRE - 60ki'R[ IIDEBUT:IN LONDON.Xt.I,.'!!,i:, ' (From the Morning Chroaiclej). A. new representative of Hamlet made' his first appear- ance in London last night (Monday). 'The name of the actor is stated in the bills to be Moore, and we have no business to inquire farther. Whatevdr be' his name, his performance could do it no discredit; for, from the first to Ad la't, it ...


... Ai you that are too fond of wine, Or any other stuff, Taeo warning by the dismal fate Of on0 Lientenant Lout'. A sober manl he might have been Except in one regard- leo did not lile soft water, So lie took to drinking hard. Said lie, let others fancy slops, And talk in praise of tIn, ]3ut I am no Bobemian, So do not like Bo11sa: if wine's a poison, so is tea, Tfiough cl innother shape What ...


... PUBLI(C A, USHBM-iJ2'S. ELECrROTYPE Or The Proces3 ol' Miakilig Mcidls liad COilCn by VolIoic blect rk ?? Daily eta Q avrter be- flre 'frve, at tlie rULYTrEC -IN IC INfTITUTIONMIO, Reget-Street. -hleavsoe cilbibi t:ev a fello ws v-t'av ?? Ele lejeal Yxperimealta IhI.l-Pia't T v% Ov . :nlicrOscI'I . OIvN, Paacaooatic T eto ersi .h. all ,'as t Ile. OpQrleti ac in thle lollof Monu aretare . Two,C ...


... I I_ v ;________ .. __ _ I L ., . I ., Iv tq VI_ THE IMMORTAL1TY OF THE SOUL. NVI By Sir John Davie., P1 INSCRIBED TO THE 30OALriTS. sit au 0 Ignorant, poor man, what dost thou bear F Look'd within the casket of thy breast ? in 'What jewels, and what riehes bas thou there t T What heavenly treasure in so weak a cheat? hi Look in thy soul. and thou shalt beauties find, Like those which ...


... I .. Mrs Centlivre's sprightly comedy of The Wonder was performed for the second timeeon Friday evening last, under the patronage of Mrs Mayoress. Considering the universal good feeling with which Mr and Mrs Carr are regarded in the town, it no doubt surprised many to find the boxes scarcely halftfilled at the commencement of the play; and at no tine during the night was any such exhilarating ...


... TIME EMIGRXANT'S FAfli'F'WLL. AdliC, fIhik, yh ?? wbere my Ch1ildh1,ood, wsv. jhlrj- ?? -ProN0i 1? r' with thle anlohorgallanlt helarts ! Spreald the white s11ils to the wind, And give one long, sky-rending rhcer, For the loved ones left bhinml i Then lot ns tako a farowoll look At our own old English1 home, Ere we speed to seck another, Far away o'or ocean'sfoaml. Aye, look your lastbold ...


... L ADIS FASIHIONS FOR JANUARY. Violet or pensec is the favoiirite colour at this moment for every style of toilette, in velvet or eachmere for bour- nous, sliaw'], or pilltot, and -fur accords extrmely well withit. Palntots of violet satin, lined with whitc, and trimmed with Canada fur, are very elegantfor 'wahing toilettos. 'I'he AMol1davie, with its numerous shades, a material equally suited ...


... [From the Comic Annual.] ) hi Well, blow me-here's a pretty go! m They'll only stop at ruination, sI 3rAnt bringing all our trade to wo, di r For labouring in our just wocation. tb Why this ere Act's the cruel'st deed SI 'That ever was devised to floor us; pi Such as our ?? ne'er seed, w 3 Nor yet posterity afore us. I 6 ?? 3 Its clean agen the nat'ral law hi Of brute beests, and of humane ...


... VA ITIhS. Runmored Indiserreiei i11t 915 Lifc.-The unfortmmnate separation of a noble lord from his lady is just now a topic of leading interest, and the c ircmstance has thus been repre- senled in ilth fashionable dircles ?? is stated that the lady was discovered in a situation of very piroximate familiarity with au illustrious personage who was on a visit at the time at the hospitable ...


... List, lovely belles of bigh renown, 1 While doleful tales I state; F The gay, the grave, the fair, the brown, To all des this relate. C For I've beheld, I'm grieved to see, Fine form and lovely face, Which once were beaux delight to be, t ; To numerous Clubs give place. To marriage late the men inclined, And sought young lIdies' hands; With rapture single state resigned, For Hymen's holy bands ...


... PUBLIC X MU8B..2NTS. ELECTROTYPE - or The Process of Making MeolsandCoils by Volteir Electririty EnhihiteDailyDat a Q artrbe- fore Ihree,at thel OLYTECHIC INSTITUTION,:09, Reeent-stret. -Hoour of exhibitioa u, follows :- velvea, Electrical Experimoents. Half-toast Twelve. Microscope. One, l'seolutic Telegraph. Hall- past Ote. Oierotives in thle Hall of Manufactures. Tvwo, Chential of I ?? ...