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Literary Notice

... Rittrarp Notitr. I -JiU 2ta. Plnb~ e sI'ineea; Old lianls, Battle F'rch', end t;u istratnie of arfikin Psiayes iln Engqlish History aod Pasry. By WaLLIAM RUVITrT. Lougusas &-Co. This is a book for all seasons, but for Christmas most Of all. Any thing that endears us more than usual to our country and our countrymen, any thing that plea- Santly reminds us of the glories of both, any thing that ...

Original Poetry

... (Drigi, I zol It, OrMr To T!zrn zna.r lvi ~ l rin ',toi haw' li'iti ?? t , in mak.' it hc Liiiy tn iilt t co l, .ith i. iII L t'.nfan itj, withl' l e t' Y4'It n tri'r l I. iir A g 'Icl v'wisi:e ?? Wh)ll!11¢ilo tI- Ix ir - Ill l i' '1 A,. itiv ' il tlf ?? v I, o 'or r it t it' ,rt'i . rlii c i Thr i 'llt i , ;O I t ii: birt h , : ith A hr mid t i r ?? !, l . (( ?? th, ?? ?? tint ( ...


... WASHIONS slam JMANUTAY. (From the London and ParisLadies' Magazine ofFasliodn) Violet or Pensee is the favourite colour at this moment for every style of toilette, in velvet or cachmrre, for bor. f nous, shawl, or paletot, anti fur accords extremely well with it. Paletots of violet satin, lined with white, and trimmed with Canada fur, are very elegant for walking toilettes. i The Moldavie, ...


... THE ODD MBUMW' RECITER. Ao we pfe dewious of gtiI. v c f the bent iotDiC and Tragic Recitat ons iD &I EnilaVIZOsge,. we invite oiur friends to transmit such as tq- iany dieebm worthy of insertion.] MR. AclP MUh. £LACK1TT .: .th Quite*tiredof bled uablest, ad a lugdef re tire res 8pruce Mr.; (3lackitte todk a bUae* ife;, the His board to *reee, and keep Mle thougits from 4vil; - eeD Now Airs. ...


... NO. tV1lu. THE PLAYERS EN ROUTE. If a man would journey pleasantly, let him wend his way whithersoever he is called, accoutred in a careless dishabille, with a strong pair of shoes upon his feet, a bundle (slung across a stick) over his shoulder, and a moderate supply of the whereteithdi in his pocket. So appointed (saving-we grieve to make the parenthesis- the latter particular), have many of ...


... ?? A\ii -for Zers of the old Christmas pastime ! the But Scel spirit o ' ts et f rom ate, ani fan is no more. this The rich, satirical grimnace of Grimaldi, the elegance of is d Bologna, and the thousand other attributes of the motley Tbe array of clowns, hasleqitins, partalgois, and columbines, pet departed wvith thoqse to whoon teey belonged, and left behind ,Se int the shape of ...


... -fostryo - I I -------- SCRAP5S FROM,--BURNS. . - ..j.i:. THE UANSLAYERS. Blow, blow, ye winds, with heaviev gur.1 And Ireeze, ye bitter-biting frost; ¢ Delisad, ye chillbly,'sth elug snows; Not gal your rage, s nWo, united, Show, Nore tiard uakluduets, unrelenting, vealeful maicie unrepeuting,. Then hcaveu ilmlaidtd Uatn on brother mail bestows I See stern Oppression's Iron grip,' Or atad ...


... Lis ELIZA COOK.] A I.%iTosrr Spiritl Father, Lord! T lhou e ?? thrsu ?? W hoae mystic glory spreleeth round a USnivsil throne V ...


... FASHION AND PARIETIBS. WINDSOR, WEDNESDAY. The Queen promenaded for nearly two hours this morn- ing on the Slopes, and on the East Terrace ot the Castle, aceompanied by most of the Aisitors of the Castle, and attended by several ladies and gentlemen of the royal suite. Lord John Russell, Lord William Russell, and the Hon. Miss Lister, are expected to arrive this evening to join the royal ...


... . TII ODD FELLOW'S IXW. : - . ,~I ro1 The Comic Arnlalfor. 1840. Tflt, Fleet.street London. the I-This Jaughsatle and side-splittitbe afnual d? published for the present yarj and it well sustnow be IJe alfaeter it ha-enrnad ir preceding nurabs tb *Tfii * strrtioiis by Geprge CJuikshank are inimitable as .ever, an .re alone worth the pric as ts. the book. We.subioin a specimen of the prose ...


... TIHE THEATRE. T'le new Pantomime being well deserving of more than a mere cursory notice, we nIOW proceed to enter at some length into its merits. The first scene, wvlhich is really beautiful, represents a view in airy Land. t Here the Ogress, IMlunclha Crunclha, appears to de- S mand the hand of the Prince Beaulhe, son of Rum cra Jum, the usurper of the imperial throne. Thle wV Prince, ...


... PJIVSLIGJ APItSvLIME Is. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION, 309, Regent- r1rect-:MORNINCI aed EVENING EXIIIBITIONS.-Hours of Ex- hiblirou :-Tivetlve, Niniuuic Exporinrtuts. Heal-puestTwelvo, mioro-q- I . One. Piowaatir 'T.legraol, llef-inst One, Op.ratines I tbe Hail ol'f Mtuaticturee. Iwo, Itmefmre Oh Clontliltty or Natural Philuh w pIly. Qluarter to Viate, Eloctrical Experiooects. Quartfr-aldt iI.e, ...