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Lancashire Spring Assizes

... Anotadhirt q INdfik. CROWN CoURT. PHURS~tDA 7, April 2. Mr. Justice COLERIDGE took his soot on the bench at nine o'clock. STABBING. John Smith, 4f, wast clharged with having, at iieaton Norris, zoar Riockport, atabbed and wounded William Derbyshire, with Intent to murder him., There wern three other Indictments, charging, him with intent to do serlouts bodiliy harmn, to ?? and maim, and to ...

Lancashire Lent Assizes

... ?? Kert Usije. JOHN FOWDEN HTINDLE, Esq., Woodfold Park, near six Blackburn, D11gh Sheriff. JAMIES NEVILLE, Esq.. Blackburn, Under Sheriff. Ti ~t SOUTHERN DIVISION.-.LIVER POOL. Wn ilee. CROWN COURT. tlb ?? ?? the BEFORE AIR. JUSTICE COLTMAN. Ca Sala FRIDAY, April 3, an 7 to 'ho I No lisa LORDSHIP took his a at on the bench shortly after one. bu loopl NON-REPAIR OF A ROAD. an lit., ~REoGIA V. ...

Lancashire Lent Assizes

... ?? tent %oqije4. (Co,,linuef dfront page 112.) SOUTHERN DIVISION-LIVERPOOL. NISI PRIUS COURT.-WED:;ESDAY. BEFORE MR. BARON RIOLFE. lils Lordship entered the Court at nine o'clock. Pow v. TAux=Ne-Thls case, which had been a ljournoafrom the previous day, was firet proceeded with, and several, more witnooses called, who were oross-examined at great. length by the defendant's counsel: he ...


... L - O--nS IJVERPOOLc BOROUGH SESSIONS- The foltcoavng is a surnmary of the sentences of the prisonera Hried at the late Borough Sesdions, before Gil bert Henderson, Esq., Recorder: - Mary V'alle1, 21;, for stealing a purse and £7 Ie.-One month. William Bullen, 43, for ste!iing si trowels, &c.-Four months. Frank V illinams, 37, for stealing a quadrant &c.-Four months. Jaines 1Cing. 37, ...


... R HoBssrY BY Fr.MAts.-Mr. Phillip Smith. provision dealer, Ji of IFInglon, having lately missed various sums of nloney from 0 his shop, marked seversl pieces of coin on Monday Inst, and slept 3 under tho counter during the night. Between six and seven : o'clock on Tuesday morning he heard some person enter the shop 0 by a kind of side door, and after taking something out departed. Ile then ...


... lif' (Continued from page 247.) he n- THURSDAY, Augwst 4. n- The Learned Judge entered the Court a few minutespast mnle. nar John Hodkcaseon, Robert Hearocts and Buckley Schofield id. were brought up to receive sentence. ilhe former was sentenced n to twelve mronths' Imprisonment and bard labour, and the two latter to eighteen mopths. 1 Jarmes Shipley and .ohs Gent were placed at the bar, and ...


... Rl2l~t~li.lW.R.RR {Agr.R U E~SLESC6S anc h Elizabeth Lynass, Freemason's-row, tbr selling ale at of at twenty minutes past twelve on Sunday morning: Police bot constable 409 deposed to seeing a woman come out of o the defendant's house at that time with a can of ale. , e There had been six previous convictions and fines paid, sul 0 amounting to £25 ?? costs. sf William Hughep, Milk-street, for ...


... i-A -- -1 A by- ! C I PUHMCAB S-AND BRER&8LjRB'f | ]2 - e. to The following informations weriheard on Friday, be- n fore Edward Rushton and W. Shand, Esquires . 5PUBLICAIS. n Edward Williams, Jackson-street, for habiing a distur- 1~ bance in his house at a quarter before two on Saturday le morning. Police constables O'Brien and Caveer1' stated 'Y that at the above hour they heard a noise, when ...


... 011 MEETING OF MA GISTRA TBS. Sa i- On Monday last a ting of the borough megistratee was held Po - in the mesgistrates'i o at the Sessionobheuse, to toake Into con. the eideration two choarges, of interference onr the part of Mr. Jenses boc Parker~one of the councillors for St. Aneae Word, and a member we- 5e of the Watch Committee, with certain ~offcrs of the police force, twt ad In the ...


... at UBLICANS' AND BEERSELLERS' CASES. id *The following cases were heard on Friday, before w 'p Edward Rushton, Esq. and J. Heywood, Esq. h is PUBLICANS. C. Ly Diary Parry, Key-street, for selling ale at ten minutes nI bY past eight on Sunday morning. Police constable 282 - stated that he saw a woman come out at that hour with t- a jug of ale, and a cup containing rum.-60a. and costs. r- Robert ...


... ne DEATH PRom DftINKiN THE CONTENTS 01F A GINGER. 11ih lY BEER. BoTT,sE.-Yesterday afternoon week, Thos. Gold- 12th ge smith, beerhouse-keeper, Craven-street ?? et some empty ginger-beer bottles from his cellar, when he 1.4th ht discovered amongst them one which appeared to be full. 15tb n. He immediately opened it to see if the contents were 16th of god, which having, as he conceived, ...


... iiEER5LLEPS-5. ti The following informations were heard on Friday, be- se fore Edward Rashton, and William Brown, Esqra. C Sarah Nowland, Clifton-street, charged by William E Grime, 409, and Henry Thomas, 207, with serving ale E at half-pant twelve o'clock on Sunday morning; the J officers having seen a woman come out of the house with o a jug of ale. Fined £2 4s. 6d. a Margaret Webster, Clive ...