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... LIVERPOOL COUNTY COURT, THlR-SDA Y. December m. Ut11T .a, . o- - -- - 1 -I I ijeceAfeer 00. T WILLIAMS AND JONES v. JAMBS QUIAYLE.-This was it suit to recover £16 paid by the plaioti1, who are estate y agents, to defendani, over and above the amount due to d; him. In the year 18t45 the plinntiffs collected the rents of~four houses in Comus-8treet belonging to defendant. w They had ...


... _- _ __ ?? _ILLt-1I DI PUBLICANS AND BztHarLLEncs._The following parties ti F- were summonoed on Friday before Messrs. Rushton and A In Roslkell for infractions of the Improvement Act:-Miles ig Summer, publican, Crown-dtreet, for selling ale on Sun- a] le day morning, 60s. and costs. Beerselle-r,---in serving bi id le at improper hours on 8unday-John Clak, Ashby- dstreet, G0d.; Elizabeth ...


... I . ra ~ ?? ri b - - I- In the Court of Exchequer, a rule nisi for a new trial ~ I) has been granted in the case MIEwen v. Woods and L- n, others, tried at the last Liverpool ?? the case irn Knight 9o. Barber, the application for a rule was refused. l- In the Court of Exchequer, on Tuesday, a rule suis- iewas obtainedi by M r. Baines, in the case Liston v. St.1 ie Helen's Railway Company, to ...

Police Court

... Publicans and .V!' lowing cases were heard licans— Margaret William Humphreys, foxteth-park, acquitted; John Roberts, Cave I SfJ?* beth Anderson, Crosshall-street, 40s. - „ nC Holmes, Great Howard-street, 40*.; James Batch elorstreet, 80j.—Beersellert—Charles Hug. Maguirestreet, fined £2 14s. 6d.; Edward Yates, >|,n .by-«treet, acquitted; George Hindle, Eldon-street, Elizibeth Connor, ...


... m- SUIDDEN DnArm.-On Tuesday morning, Louisa Yeo- it. man, a child three months old, residing with her parents It in Stuart-street, died suddenly from disease of the bowels. fill Verdict ?? fuesday afternoon, David gal Id Greenwood wentinto Mills'public-house, Vahaulroad, th- lot and called for something to drink,.which was supplied to pr( lp- him. He was somewhat in liquor, and down on a form ...


... . PUDLICANS d&o FieEig ht ?? , six heer-elleers. and twoI dealers in table brer, were suisitisned before Mr. Rushton,, cii Friday, for infrosolone of the stoic law.. ?? these Jnmes Lnw- ton, beer-seller, Kirkilale, (second cooviotiaon,) was fiued £4; ,lsissLysuh5 t'ssrgtlussd~m sre e et,5 aod ans Saryh ouye ofnte oh table-beer.'ellei5, of Preston-street, £5. CoOsritNotSNoTo TOO Sessrss-rao5O ...

Birkenhead, &c

... Ik Elkcti ix—Committee-rooms have been opened bv the friends Lord John Manners and Dmby Hiackworth, tor the purpose of canvassing those voters who reside in fcirkenhead. POLICE. C, I . ,, OF \ nKUTOH.—On Friday, an action was before Mr. Harding. ;n the county court, brought Mr. Johnson, coach-builder, of Market-stree', against l e , car proprietor, for the recovery of the sum £ done to the ...


... On Sunday afternoon, about half-past two o'clock, the Royal aqundron arrived off Carnarvon cattle where the pace was slackened to take, a view of the bay and the surrounding scenery, bat no one landed. learn, however, that during the short stay of the Royal party, her M.ijesty received congratulatory address from the inhabitants, presented the Mayor of Carnarvon. From Carnarvon her Majesty ...

DEATH OF MR. O'CONNELL, The French papers of Sunday confirm the report of Mr. O'Connell's death at Genoa, on the

... 15th inst. The following letter, from the Rev. Dr. Miley, his chaplain, addressed to the editor of the Univers, and published in that journal, leaves us no longer any room to hope or doubt:— j m . Otnoa. May 17. 44 Alas, my dear friend, O'Connell dead ! lam so completely overwhelmed with the blow that I am almo incapable of writing. His death was serene and happy for it was sanctioned by the ...


... The Town-hall, with its splendid suite of room*, the statue of Canning, the view of the town from its summit, Ac. Ring at the west door. The Exchange News-room. Speak to the master, and pass quietly through the spacious apartment. Bee the monument to Nelson in the quadr ingle. The Lyceum News-ioom and Circulating Library at the bottom Bold-street. Speak to the resp ctive masters. The Atheraum ...


... (From the Timet Friday ) The failure of Messrs. Tanner and Ward, leather was announced,yesterday afternoon. ThrirESSi;?* £55,000, of which,£2s,ooo consist of some time they have been struggling with trade, and not expected that their assets more than 10f. in the pound. The connexions *?'.v firm are said to be wealthy. * Ions of the Letter* from Glasgow, received yesterdav announce the susi ...


... I - * COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, DUBLIN. d JOHN MARTIN, IN ERROR, v. THIE QUEEN. The Court sat at half-past ten o'clock on Monday, and proceeded to hear the arguments in this case. The prisoner was present. Sir C. ('Loghlen spoke at great length in behalf of the prisoner, contending that the e conviction and sentence ought to be quashed on various if grounds, two of the moot material of which ...