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North Wales Chronicle


... MON1MOUTII SPECIAL OtMMISSION. WEDNeSDAY, JANUARtY 1. Ttie Prisoner, John Fro-t, was placed at til bar at llifie ?? ilhi3an)rniog, and the preliminariei con. oecteu'vvwith the sweaI iI uof tihejur, having been con- cluded on Tuesday, Air. Talbot proceeded to opea the cage on the part of tthe Creoon. The indicinient cbareed ilte priioner, John Frost, evith olher ptisouers. as being guilty of ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... darnmrvonshir0 Qua2rter Sesine. 11he Quarter Sessions for th County ofl Ceragsryi I cor Juce oed oil Tlhe rsdny. lout- '[li nri ?? tnove I trates were in tittentltlCOC ~~Itjnr-GeerlSrov Parry, choirmton R ighit lien. Lord Newboroaugh ;J It. Grm bsy (Jre, Esq.. Mi'.1 ; W. B3. HIIthes, Esq. M.;F. J. -trl June, Esq.; J. Lloyd, Esq. R1. Garonean, Esq.; -Robert 'I'liloms CceRq 3. Rowlands, lEsq. ; ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qumrter Sestons. The General Sessions of the Peace for this County were held on uletlay laft at lieaimnaris. beforo inbbh vinliramsg, of 'rreffos, Esq. Chairman, Williasir urn- kelev Ilugiees. scl. dl P., John Price, Esq. and tire Rev. OG. WiliionF. A grand jury w ashti sworn, whereupon they were addressed by the l arne'ft Chairman to the fullowing effect He wa s only cognizant of ...


... KILRUSII PETTY SESSIONS. THE iBE(:OAnl'S OPtEA. Jude M'aMhn, a 1 well-remembered beggar, wit9 a very straggling physiognomy, and an inordinate love for strong waters, ?? charged by Mr. Timotby Pur- cell, apoor-law guardian, under the now regime, with having used tbreatening and abusive language to him, and brought tho iron-tipped crutch-stick, which she usually carried, in alarming ...


... - 1 D . 0. 1, l \ (From the Blaclkburn Standard,) It is not often that our neighbourhood is agitated by accounts of murders committed within it; but this week we are called upon, in the painful discharge of our duty, to acquaint the public with the particulars of a tragedy, by which an estimable and respected. young man has met wiih an untimely death. 'i'he name of the unfortunate victim is ...


... 'IRIALS FOR HIG(H Tl;EASON. Illostnoumit, Saturday.-'he judges took their stato at nine o'clock in tbe morning. Tlhe witunsses examinedl this day for thle prosectition A %vere-Jouii llntford, William Harris, James Eatery, John Parry, XV. Rloche, Christoph er Kichogan, John bt 11lailhews, Richard Pugh, Edmond Lloyd, losepli) A Stockdale, William Ileary Williams, al 'Ihomas k livattoS. Noihing ...


... These Sessions were held at Rtcthinl on Tuessday, tle ic 31st ult, acid by adljourntmenti on Wednesday, thle istn itist. before John 1-1eatona, Esq. Chairman, and a full bench of Magistrates. William Ifurrca -and John Wctlism$, pleaded guilty to an indietment, charging. them with stealing twoleg ofmuton, thle propeartyo Edward Jones, of i' Llangollen. Se nlence. 6 weeks itstpnisAmnent, hard ...


... Al1 RIONET!-ISHIZRE QUARTl:RSElSSIONS. IV 11. eI ViNF I L ILL utl %UV ltU.I ro OCS iWINs. 'hoe Quarter Sessions for this county were held at the Sihire-it I, 13:i I a, on Fridtly; the 3rd ihstant. The following Alagiatrates were present-E. Lloyd, Esq., RhJ antt, Chairmnan; S. Evans, Eaq.. ?? ; W. W. E. WVynne, Esq., Penisrth ; G. Pf. Lloy(l, Esq., Plas-yn-dre; Rev. J. Jones, Bryrdefel ; Rev. ...


... CO'iN LA&WS. U tJ -L -. L1 - e We take the following extract from a speech d delivered last week in Dorsesfhire, by the Rev. , LNIr. Yeatman:- I recollect (said the rev. eentleman) when an at. . tempt was made to tamper wstit tire corn laws about othe vear 1820, a public meeting was convened at tile r lown Hlail, at Blondfurd, under tbe auspices of M\r. ?? and rise present excellent Sir John ...


... SENTENCE OF DEATH ON FROST, WIL.1 I LIAMS, ANDJONES. tn t IMONNOOTHr, itlUIISDA ?? Jan. 16. ill It being understood that seoterce would be passed Ior upon the prisoners this morning, the court wa; crowd- tve ed as soon as the doors wete opened. Previously to ihE the judges coming into court, Frost came to the front not of tie lar, and entered into conversation with iMr. ve Stone, thb counsel; ...


... I SPECIAL COMMISSION At NMONMOUj'Ii. Thtursdat, January 9. TRIAL OF ZEtlAIAIAII WIILLIAM.s The trial of Zephaniah Williams Conmmenced this morning the prisoner Selected as JiiC.4eunsel Messrs. RIiellirds anti Thomas. I'le AttofiiY-General again exercised thle privilege Of pithing On onle side per. erns on the panel of whom lhedisapproved, 'lThe pri. soner exhausted all tis ?? challenges. Thle ...


... KILRUSIH PETTY SESSIONS. . A A MA N OF PArtiS.' . ?? Ilythe mist of ignorance on the village of Yl itila, till djlpelled by the brilliant light of ?? ?? geries. Littlc breeccfles, urchlins ran about swviltl fieds onl a par vwii thlheir stomnchs, in point of emplilne-s, 'till t rya filled hile otic, leaving tlie other r to the carC of Plovidence. Plorclits begont to form ambitious notions of ...