... 7c' F7SHIONA,4LBL INTELLGECE Timu COURT--MONDAY .-Her Majesty and his it Royvl :Highness Prince Albert, accompanied by the infarnt Ro'yal a fanily, will take their departure this mornjng fron. Clareikoint for iuilsinglism Palace; where tfle illustrious party will arrive to luncheon. Early to-moryow morning Prince Albert will pro. I. ceed in the state carliiage of the Great Western Railway Com- ...


... ASHIMON AND VARIETIS. ; Her Majesty has remained witfiin the Castle durn day. His Royal Highness Prince Albertproceeded to town this afternoon, in a special train from Slough, to visit her Royal Highness the Princess Agusta. The twojourneys were each * performed in less than 23 minutes. Tre folltving arrived at the Castle yesterday on a visit to her Majesty-The PrincesVictor, Clodwig, and ...


... | IFASHIONVARBLB INTELLIGENCEb His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge has returned to St. James's Palace, from a visitto Lord W tcr, at Willey Park. ?? lis Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Lord Chancellor honoured the noble Chief Secretary with a Vi^;t a, his office on Tuesday, and remained in conference with thl5 0Oble lord for some time.-PACKeET. Thle Earl and Countess Cowper ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL. - I~~ ?? - I The continued indisposition of Madame Grisi up to last night, the various rumours which ivere afloat through town during the week, and, we must add, the yery dubious an- nouncement, it is confidently hoped lher powers are fully restored, given by the manager in the e icfiees of the day, led'very many to doubt, first, of her appearance in Norma,, and next, of ...


... I iFASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE . ' . TheJ Earl and Countess! of ERnaiskillen arrived in London last week, fromsFlorencecoiirt, Ireland, and on Saturday left for Brighton to pass a few days there. Lord Crofton, who bas been to inspect his estates in Ireland, joined Lady Crofton and family at Cowes Castle, on Thursday last.. . The Marquis of ElY, Lord Henry Loftus, and the Hon. Captain Lindsay, ...


... I BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL ?? -- .. T'nU1SDAY EvENitN.-Tlle miscellaneous concert this evening was well and fashionably attended. Theprogramme contained a selection of popular pieces from the stores of Donicetti, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Cirnarosa, Auber. Beethoven, and Mozart. Beethoven's symphony in C minor was admi- :rably rendered, and so great . was the sensation effected by the overture of ...


... I THE ASSAULT IN TIlE THEATRE ROYAL. le COLLIEGE-STREET OFFICI --EsTErDAY. to Immediately on the magistrate, Mr. Stronge, taking his , seat on the bench, the complainant in this case appeared to re prefer his charge aWnst' Willism -UitiresJ- Esq., a subaltern ,r in the 48th foot ,Xienk ,'Th& W tbred was, that 14r. at Cairnei, orf the mlkit ?? ofi the Theatre 4 iL~oyal, violently asanlted th a ...


... I inj CAPTAIN PIDDING'S CHINESE OLIO AND Oil TEA-TALK. WI Our readers may recollect the announcement we made W! some time ago of the intended publication of this periodical, Pe be and our speculations as to the value of its contents, from ne the well-known character of the editor, his long residence a amongst the Chinese, and the opportunities he possessed Et: for the appreciation of Chinese ...


... LIT RI TUBe to THE ANNALS OF JRELANQ, TRANVSL !88 FRHOM THE IRISH OF THY FNR ISTERTf °0- No. I. By Owxre CONNELLAN, Q n. (Dublin: Bryan Geraghty.) t, What the learned Benedictines, with the resources of 1 I governments or Europe for their aid, did for general lit a ture among the continental libraries, the Poor friarL the Franciscan Convent of Donegal, sustained by the ha means of private ...


... I ? WI sDsoio, TDESDAY.-The Marqtis of Orrnonde has relieved Viscount Sydney froii Mei duties as the lord in waiting on tbe Queen. And Major-General Sir Frederick Stovin has succeeded the lion. Nelson Hood as the groom in waiting on her Majesty. Lord and Ladz John Russell and family arrived in Chielllam.plice, Lonidoii, onl Tuedaiy, froul lis ioldelip's villa, near Godalming. Her ladyship's ...


... I . IT-LTERA TURE. : ' C & THE PRESENT STATE AND PgQ0ECTS OP ;TH POUT T PHILIP DISTRIdt ObF NEW SOUTHI WALES. By CHAB.LES G3tIFFITII, A.M., (Dublin: Curry.) The district of Port phi ip, or Australia Felixl an it has been styled, was first occupied as a British settlement in 1836, in which year a few huts were thrown up by the government employes on the spot where now stands the town of ...


... I On Saturday evening the play going folk of our city were treated to what was called a new play at the theatre. If the new repertory contain nothing better than the speci- men produced on that evening, we had as lief that the caterers for the public amusement should go on as before, and stick to the old and well-worn lot. A more dull, unconnected, incomprehensibleness of nonsense never taxed ...