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Advertisements & Notices

... 'TIo COsaasrONOElTS Q9NERALLVr- ,We beg that alleour eorres- psondents willlet their communcatitns hie Mbriefasosbl, y' riten n alegblehad, ud O'D'Pid Gldsofthe paper doly. be .Zvory statement be ntiat'aty tiiwriteris a deance., Ourclunaro~e ppr its all parties, ndtefoewdootidelitifyv ourse Ves in every n. Isistauco with thesentimtents of those whose letters we publish. in Cjrrlespondenta ...

H alto by alutiotn, &f. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. STAMP, By Order of the Mortgaee, on FRIDAY,

... the i4th Day of June inst., at Twelve O'Clock at Noon, at the Sale Room in the Pantcohicon, Market- Place, Hull,subject to such conditions ot Sale as shall be then sand there produced, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, in which case due Notice will be given,) A LLthatDWELLING-HOUSE being No.19, A on the East side of Spencer-Street, HIll, now cpied by r. Joseph Hare. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jfliorellancouo. LONDON NEWSPAPERS. TrO BE DISPOSED OF, several Copies of the TIMES, HERALD, POST, and CH lONICLE -as soon as published, at 30s. each per Quarter, sent per Morning M 1 -i to any part of the Country on the above terms; or per Evening NMail, 25s. each per Quarter. The COURIER, GLOBE, SUN, and STANDARD, also sent into the Country as soon as publishcd, at 30s. each per Quarter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SHIP-OWNERS, &C. M 1IESSRS. HUMPHREY and CO., SHIP- 1I'I BUILDERS, HULL, being SOLE AGENTS for the SALE of Messrs. TYZACK. DOBINSON and CO.'s PATENT WINDLASS, beg respectfully to announce, that in conscquenne of the recent reduction in the price of Iton, they are nowV authorised by the Patentecs to make a considerable REDUCTION in the PRICE of the above S Apparatus. The decided merits of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price 9s. bound; or with Fifty-five Countyd Maps, 12s. 6d. bound, the Seventh Edition of L EIGH'S NEW POCKET ROAD-BOOK of. LJ ENGLAND and WALES, containing an Account of all the DIRECT, CROSS, and. RAIL-ROADS; together with a Description of every, Principal Town and Remarkable Place: their Curiosities, Manufactures, Commerce, Population, Inns, &c. rro which are added PLEASURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VUOtW NTotirteo CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY r-IHE ANNUAL SERMONS on behalf of this 1 society will he preached on SUNDAY, May 9th:- IN TIlE MORNING, At St. JottNi's Cenrtce, by the Rev. A. J. RAM, M.A.; at C1tatsT CHURCH, by the Rev. J. KING, M.A.; at St. J AMEs', by the Rev. J. E. WHITE, M.A.; at St. Many's, by the Rev. T. DIKES, LL.B.; at DRYPOOL by the Rev. J. A. WANTON, M.A.; at SCULCoATEs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V1,b1fc wotfccE TO BUILDERS. +.rASONS, CARPFNTgERS and JOINERS, iV BRICKLAYERS and PLASTERERS, PLUM B. EBS and GLAZIIRS, SLATERS and PAINTERS, williug to CONTRACT for the several Works required in the construction of a VESLEYAN CHAPEL, to bc erected iii Hull, mlay inspect the Design and Specification on applying at No. 9, DocK-SrTRURT, between tihe Hours of Ten and Five, from and after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, 6, BOWLALLEY-LANE, HULL. a ti L ITECRARY and COc~rltnCtL, GENTLYURN, ' SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, and others in the County, ti re respectfully informed, that every description of Plain - and Orna netafl Printinlg is executed in the first style, at the thortest notice, and on the lowest possible terms, at the ; HULL PACKET OFFICE, this Establishnent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public Notc0 /HULL AND SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. A A' a Committee Meeting held this day to A receive the Resignation of Mr. CORTIS, the Di s- enser, the ELECTION of his Successor was fixed for Se WEDNESDAY, the 19th October. To enable the Com. CR1 mittee to judge of the eligibility of the Candidates, they Ii Ire required to send their testimonials to the Dispensary, Ra on or before Saturday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A fresh supply just received oat the PACKET-OFFICE, 6, B~owlalley-lane, Hull. From the Second Edition of 4 Grirnstone's Weather Almanackc, for the year 1842. SIGHT RESTORED, NERVOUS HEAD-ACHE AND DEAFNESS CURED. UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE Or THEIR LATE MAJESTIES, H. R. H. THE DUCHESS OF RENT, And alithorised by her Majesty's Lords of the Treasursy. Mat. vi. 28.-`Tbe light of the body is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aJuditc XOtitE0.i J 6, Gouglz-SqUar, London, '25th October, 1842. FEE FARM RENTS, due to the HEIRS of JOIN TEmL rEsT, Esq., Right Hon. Earl SomrEls, Rev. T. R. JOLLIFFE, GOBe. GOSaING, Esq., and others, at Michaelmas, 1842. OTICE is hereby given, that an AUDIT N will be held at the BEVERLEY ARMS INN, BEvEn- LEY, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 1st and 2d days of November next, for the receipt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIO-ULAR CASES OF RECOVERY OF HAIR, After 18, 25, and 26 years loss, ,, , , _ ?? - .- _ ?? ?? tal dfew attestatioat, rselected from numberless others, receired he during the last 40 years) to the virtues of ROWLAND'S MACASSAR e; OIL; ?? original, of rhich may be seen at the Proprietors. i To Messrs. ROWLAND & SON, 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Y. Hummunu Hotel, Covent Garden, en February 26, I ...