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... and he at length alighted on oat, whence bin absequent letters were dated, namely, 178 fligh Holbotti, four doors from Drury lane. Having removed to that re- treat, he wrote, as he was bound to do, to its future mistress (fsr auch the plaintiff then ...


... lawyer's clerk, and b other of the well- known Barnard Gregory, of the Satirist. Itappeared that deceased lodged at 119 Drury lane, and was subject to asthma. He partook of breakfast on Sunday morning, asd his landlady entering his room soons afterwards ...


... a strong feeling in the neighbourhood. A DsRAMATIC INCIDENT.-On Sunday evening the house of Mr H. Johnston (formerly of Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres), in Gilliegham street, Pimlico, was entered by some dexterous thieves and plundered of jewel ...


... the body of Mary Ann Hugdon, aged two months. The mother of deceased went to the shop of Mr Jardine, achemist, residing in Drury lane, and asked for a pennyworth of Godfrey's cor- dial. She was served by a person named Sawer, assistant, who told her that ...


... evidence pro- duced yesterday it was elicited that he cohabited with a female naned Susan Higgins, in Little Wylde-street, Drury- lane. One night, in June last, they left the house together, after which the women was never seemn The prisoner, upon being asked ...


... articles of value. The next thele witness sew the, male prsner was it fortnighbt after, ait a linen dra- per's shop), 15.1, in DrurY- lane,where hewas artingasshop- man. Winit-se then deman rded his wife, but prisoner wild she was not there. Wititess watched ...


... the public houses in High street, and fre- quently slept in the low lodging houses of Charles street and Short's gardens, Drury lane. A prostitute, well known by the name of Irish Biddy, appeared to know him better than any of the others, as she was a favourite ...


... before, and knew the male prisoner exceedingly well, as a regular suspected pickpocket. 1e had seen the woman waitingoutside Drury- lane theatre two or three nights ago, while the man was inside, and when Sergeant Langley of the A division went into the theatre ...


... out so soon after it, and so she asked me to go home and help her to lay it out. We went to a house in Charles street, in Drury lane; I saw the baby in bed, and, afer huddling it a little, I said it was dead sure enough. I told Mrs Franklin I was sure she ...


... doubt the man who had esrciped, was rosily the guilty party.-Mr. Francis Jackson, licensed victualler, of Shert'O-gardens, Drury- lane, Mr. John Pennington, tobacconist. Drurt-ylane, Mr. Luke Gill, of Na. 7, King-streei, and Mr. Patrick Dillon two in- dependent ...


... as his stock of worldly pelf. While standing in Drury-lane, looking for a habitation for the night, he asked a stranger to show him a lodging, and he coas directed to No. 1, Princes-street, Drury- lane. He get a bed there, and retired to rest; but about ...


... apprentice, named Thomas Wix, sped D9 years, 'opon his master, Mr. James BRstock, a brass-fOunder, residing in PitVa-place, Drury- lane. It appears that on Saturday evening, the master had occasion to send the youth to one of his customers with an order, for ...