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The Drama

... nts for Mr. Andersen's benefit commenced with Gisippits, or the Heart's Sacrifice, a tragedy which was pro- duced at Drury Lane, under Mr. Alacready's management, with great success. It is from the pen of Mr. Gerald Griffin, a young man whose powers ...


... and, wvhen be became king, whto durst owni or Aut-i it? 1We tare certain tlut, in 1715, when Dr. Arne harmoutised it for Drury lane, antd 0. B. (Dr. Buttrney I dmiself) for Coi cut gardent, the original auithor of the melody was uwholly unkiown.' Allbeoand ...


... on that account.' Lorimer and Marion Eake exchanged glances. '-we'll go to the theatre to-night,' said the General; 'to Drury Lane. It must be a poor place compared to the Bowery or the Park. You won't be riled. Mr. Lorimer, when I say it's jinirally ...


... Asso- luta1 (as shss is styled in the announcli bills) of the theatre St. Carios at Xtaples, whose recent engageent at Drury-lane was attended with so imuch success, made her first appearanlce in this city as Ainon, in ?? charming opera La Sonnanibula ...

The Drama

... and by whom they were i applauded to the echo. Mr. Anderson, during the 'lacready-management of Covent- X garden and Drury-lane, held a prominent position in the re- v speetive companies, and gained repute of a very high order. b His first appearance ...


... whose name is almost a warranty for a considerable degree of musical qualities and aequirements, made a successful d&bilt at Drury-lane at the commencement of the present year, as Annctte, in a wretchedly mutilated Maid and Mlagpie version of Rossini's La ...


... in the hope (if recovering his heailth, While residing cttere hi-a comedyl o rhoe Hlloneyilsool,' whici lie had sent to Drury-lane so long liefore that lie miever expected to hear ainy more of it, was accepted, autd pitt into reliousal This picoe of dI ...


... London, who is endeavouring to find her way to St. Mary Axe, by a profligate footman. The poor girl has been deluded into Drury-lane, and is just about to partake of half-a-pint of beer (no doubt duly E drugged) when the narrative breaks off. Amongst a ...


... fully acquired. For a considerable time he took the lead in the English opera. In 1839 he sung in the operatic pieces of Drury-lane. It Ivas soon after this that, abandonln~ the stage(, he commienced those ramascal entertainments in whiln he soon b cam ...