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Departure of the Caledonia.—This vessel, commanded by Capt. Lott, sailed from Liverpool yesterday for Halifax ..

... Departure of the Caledonia.—This vessel, commanded by Capt. Lott, sailed from Liverpool yesterday for Halifax and Boston, with a large cargo and a full compli mtftat of passengers. She likewise took out specie to the amount of 40,0001. ...

Dundee.—The Whalers.—Thursday, at noon, four out of our fWe whalers—the Alexander, the Horn, the Advice, and ..

... four out of our fWe whalers—the Alexander, the Horn, the Advice, and the Princess Charlotte—sailed from the harbour for Davis' Straits; the Fairy having sailed about a month ago for Old Greenland. The day was fine, and, as many of their crews had come ...

The Hindostan Steam-siiip.—The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Hindmtan, Capt. S. Lewis, arrived ..

... .—The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Hindmtan, Capt. S. Lewis, arrived yesterday at Seuthampton. The Hindustan sailed from Mauritius the Bth, and Cape Town on the 29th of May, and brine' the latest dates both from that colony and Mauritius ...


... —The Stromboli sailed on Tuesday for Ireland, and the Scourge the day previous, for Rochfort. —The . Cyclops, steam frigate, Capt. Lapidge, is ready for sea at Portsmouth, and expected to sail immediately for Lisbon. —The Gladiator sailed on Thursday for ...


... favourable accounts have been received of the sailing qualities of the Raleigh under light, T&riable, and strong breezes. Bulldog steam sloop hourly expected to embark some of the troops. The Hound, 6, brig, sailed this evening for the coast of Africa. The ...


... again, having arrived on the Bth ult and sailed on the 10th.—The Daring. 12, Commander Matoon, completed her refit pu! to sea on the 7th ult to stretch her rigging. She came into harbour the following day, and sailed on the 10th for Bermuda in company with ...


... Valparaiso sailed Jan. 9; Proven front Paraiba, left Feb. lo; Telegraph from Pet- amibuco, sailed Feb.26. Salied the Hannah for Monte Video OFF 1t1B Lo stietirs, APRIL 13.-Tie Augusta, from the Us- vaniah for ltamhurg. BRasToro AorIL IS.-Sailed the 1Miranda ...

Ruins of Nineveh.—lntelligence has been received that the blocks of sculpture lately found in the ruins Nineveh ..

... the blocks of sculpture lately found in the ruins Nineveh have been safely got on board the Cormoran at tfawora. The vessel sailed from that port on June 1, on her way to France. She was to put in to Bourbon on her way home. ...


... seitit damnge to sails, ?? having sprutstg a Iical, and has boeos laid otl lhore in the blurbattr. D IRTaNsroWac, JUNE 10.-Wittdl N.W.W,-Arrivod tita Ganratlet from Demoerarn for Workingtot. WArEtFOttD, Jup-E 10-Wind E.S.E. to ?? Sailed tite Swatn for QU0ebec ...


... BRAZILS The Antelope, Captain O'Brien, which sailed from Rio Janeiro on the 26th August, arrived at Liverpool yesterday evening. She, likewise, brings news from Bahia to the Oth September. The mail boat from Monte Video had arrived at Rio with much later ...