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... Philadelphia a large hall, erected for the accommodation of anti-slavery meetings, was burned by the mob; and, to crown all, in Altou, Illinois, the Rev. Mr. Lovejoy, editor of an anti-slavery newspaper, murdered in endeavouring to extinguish a tire which ...

Tiie two great orators - the rival politicians of French Chamber, M. Guizot and M. Thiers uttered at much length,

... important, from its extending slavery, or its fixing limit and a check to that moral plague. The Americans themselves, the best judges in the matter, one might think, have all along treated and discussed it But the existence of slavery or freedom is a matter ...


... government. (Loud i Protectionist laughter.) But when heard the horiavs slavery talked oi', begged to say that thought the pro- I his friends opposite was much more calculated to encourage slavery thau that hi* Majesty's government. The Protectionists were ready ...


... interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer yestojrday at his official residence in Downing-street. deputation from the Anti-slavery Society, consisting of Mr. Jos. J. Gurnev, Mr. Samuel Gurney, jun., Mr. George W. Alexander, Mr. James Cooper, Mr. J. H. Hinton ...

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... rieked and nearly sactl. ficed their sit in carrying out the desires and wishes of the parent country for the extinction of slavery and tiss advancement of civi- lization; whilst the larger proprieters, after eustalning losses scarcely credible, wilt he ...


... himself to propose or support it. With respect to slavery and the slave trade, his noble friend had not proved that, if we rejected this measure, should be exempt from the suspicion of encouraging slavery. This country derived a large revenue from tobacco ...


... them to entertain feelings of dislike towards the institutions of the country ? Nothing, his opinion, was greater slavery than the slavery those laboured under, who were deprived of the means of worshipping according to their own religious principles ...


... Frederick Douglas was most enthusiastically received, on rising to second the resolution. He stated that he had escaped from slavery the United States about seven years ago, and observed, that if the manner in whieh he had been received this audience could ...

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... in weak constitutions, and many are thus hurried to a pro. mature grave ; or what is even worse, the poor victim of needle slavery, when exhausted in body, by privation and over-exertion, and crushed in spirit by insolence and oppression, becomes in an ...

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... was not open to the charge of inconsistency. An anti-slavery t'eeling was spreading all over the continent; and though this country was the only one which made active exertions to suppress slavery, the sincerity of our motives was not questioned, and ...

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... ton rlf thve ritneipnl StiC''d}andP.:.:ti. tl Lns .t-'. . . n Hiugland. 3Ay W. een, Cloth Loaro-as A io. I C'jWR'N SLAVER'Y. By the none ii r WL ' * 3ith 4ev .i. Pet.. i rIP-eCt' au I rdis>t~ MAI'l. .~By P. 'li. 'r TH E.; Pd4, J 'Cs E 'te. c4 ...

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... BRITISH and FORFIfiN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY foe the ABOLITION of SLAVERY and the SLAVE TRADE; vith an Appendix containing a variety of Official and other Important Doct. ments, illustrative of the Progress of the Anti-Slavery Cause throoghout the World; ...