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Advertisements & Notices

... Neots - - Hunts Sandwich - - Kent Seven Oaks - - Kent Stoney Stratford - Bucks Tenderden - - Kent Tunbridge - - Kent Tunbridge Wells - Kent Were - - Herts Witney - - Oxon Woolivich - - Kent Worthing - - Sussex ...

Advertisements & Notices

... part of the county of Kent, and surrounded by tie seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen. The dutyissingle,and the popu- lation of the parish about 300. Particulars may be had at the Ship, Dover, thl Rose, Canter- bury ;Star, Maidstone ; Angel, Oxford; Bolli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proper discharges for the same. All the useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and STOCK in TRADE of Mr. Sear, of Magdalen-street, Oxford, Boot and Sloe Maker; f B E S O L D B Y A U C T I O N,. EylMr. I. PIPE, On Wednesday next, June 28th, at Eleven o'clock, at the Chequers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... are in op- y l earance preciseli snilar to other Boots and Shoea. Manuactredb!Lic1ense o'thec Patentee by a J. R OUTT, Atthe Hampshire Boot and, Shoe E-stabliethment, ~tg-eitrect,; otid sit the Golden Boot, Union Road, _GUIANO O -N SALE.,_ _ ANY QUANTITYr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be LET, with immediate ?? ex- !r Tcellent HOUSES, situate in the best part of the Oek-street, g Abingdon.-Apply to Mr. J. Kent, on the adjoining premises; d or to Mr. Underhill, High-street, Oxford. sf IIDLINGTON, OXON. it 0eo be LET for the summer season ...

Advertisements & Notices

... icelden (byedjoovssmene at t e Talbot lisp, us Hamilton, ?? il morssing the 2d of No??saiber, 1842, ot Eleven, when the Toll of Kent's 'vi oh- cud Yen Bridge Gales, with isa Toll Houses, nih be LET Icy AUCTION, to the best hislilcie, between the hasirs 0 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alessrs. Vanorenbeigh and Son, l'tsrtsnmooth; ign at'the: Spretod Eagle, Graccchurch.street; Swan with ide TwoNeeks, Lad-Lane ' Golden Cross, Charing Cross; mnd Chaplin's Universal Office, Regent Circus; or at the not Railway Office, Nine Elonn, London. Ies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proved at tlie Pa- altetntees, 35, Regent Circus, Lonidon ; or to ~r. Knight's mitd lion-Foundery, WVaterside, M~aidstotne, Ken't. `r WtCI E P and Co., 31ANSUFACT0 LtERSts f tile - bODA WYATJER, L5E,3ONADE, and other tie ~Erated WaEters, by Special Ap ...