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Morning Chronicle




London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... The performances of last night, for the benefit of Signor| MARIO, as usual on benefit nightrwere of excessive length, and detained us in the theatre till so late an hour that we ran only mention them slightly. The first piece was the Puritani, an opera which, though more frequently per- formed than any other in the repertoire, seems never to pall upon the public taste. The efe~ct of its swest ...


... PUBLIC AMUSUI.BNTS. THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the NEW SOCIETY of I'AINTERS IN WATER COLOURS Is nou, OPEN. Nit their ejalfery.5, Pall-,nall, ?? the Brifisl InsLila- sice, fronts Nine o'clock till duak.-AdssisoSnlf, Is. CataloueaOd. JAM ES 'AH HEY. Hen. ~rtary. BRILLIANT ILLUMINATION of the MODEL of ST. PXETER'S, ROME, in ;iitaliOn of tho lighting up by cousntleOl; lapsop of tsc grand ...


... TIFB ITALIAN OPBRA. Last night her MA.TfETY visited the opera, and her pre- sence produced an enthusiastic demonstration of the feel- ings which, at this moment, must be uuiversal among ber Subjects. Before the commencement of the opera, and be- fore her MAAeErTY'S arrival, God save the Queen waS eung with great effect by the whole strength of the company. During the first scene of the piece ...


... COVENT-GARDEN THBATRE. The English version of ROSSINI'S Sellfeanmide, with Miss Ki murat.t as the heroine, und the first appearance of Mrs. AL.FRESD SHAW o01 tho English stage, after her successes in Germauy and Italy, drew an overflowing audience to this theatre onl Saturday evening. For our part, we expeeted brilliant displays of individual talent, and were not disappointed; and, as we did ...


... MIR. BRAHAMI'S CONCERT. Mr. BRAIIAmA's re-appearance, after his three years' ab- sence, could not fail to excite much interest, and, accord- iogly, the announcement of his concert drew a crowded audieneo last night to the St. James's Theatre. On his pre- senting hiniselfhe was received with a shout of welcome from every patt of the house, and seemed much affected by so cordial a reception. It ...


... [FROM THE WORLD OF FASHION.) Bonnets will still remain much the same as regards the size of the brims; the only difference at present being that they are rather lower than higher. Some have appeared made in sky blue gros d'Afrique, and decorated with rose- buds, formiuf agraffes, and placed upon a Tappet of lace coquill6e, or fulled. There are some of a lighter style, com- posed of white crepe ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMAI'TS. The TJTIRTY-SIXTHI ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the SOCIETY of P'AINTERS in WATER COLOURS, at their Gallery, Pall-marll Feint. I NOW OPEN. ?? Open cach day from nime tilt dusk. AdmlftlllCILs- ?? THE SIXTH ANNUALEXHIB-ITION of the NEW ASOCIETry or PAjINTErS IN WATERI COLOURS In now OP13N, at their Gallery, ?? Wealadjobinin thre British In- stitatitia, frorn Nine o'clocL till dusk. ...


... IPu' I)HC 'JSMVi. Tue T1 Il?'PI'-SJ XTII A,_NN I A LEX 11 HUITTON orf ito S0C I NT' I'Il PA NI' N .Rt in W Al'EPR tO LOll ,at 11 I hir (lIoltro, Piill-gi il Fist01, WbILLOPE)N01 01t )totda, te ol ilsstaHO. 1R. UILLS, 8,il'llrry. ~ s~x'riV~ N~uh L x IIIBI'I o, N cE tile N Etk H' 0,CI 10Y il' PI'NTERS11 1N ' .xl1 COWITHlS Hs nol- i-.i, Ir Ill holno'v'l'o'h lol Z~lii-A ti0. Is. C'litao;;Uc (id. ...


... PUIAV AMUSBMBNTS. The THIRTY-SIXTII ANNUAL EXHIBITION ofthe SOCIETY of PAINTEHIt in WATER COLoURS, at their Gallery, Pall-mall Eeat, IS NOW OPEN. OiCII eaci day fron nuil lill ?? iiLB S ?? THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXIIIBITION of the NEW SOCIETY of PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS is Dow OPEN, at tieir Gallery, 5L Pull-mall ,est, AdJolfinl tho fritish In- stitution, from Ninc o 'lock till ?? Is. eCatalgretard ...


... TJIB ANCIENT CONCERTS. The first concert of the season took place on Wed- nesday evtning, under the direction of his Royal High- aess tbe Dake of CA)IBRIDC5B, and was conducted by Sir GEORGE SMART. We have already given our ceaions for believing that the late measure for abo- lishing the office of permanent conductor of these con- certs is an inexpedient one; and, though we are convinced toat ...


... DO WTOW'S- BBWNBFJlT. We are glad to bear that Dowton's beuelft, at tile Ialian Opera-honse on Movday, was quite as productive as was an. ticipated. The following is thc riddr,.ss qpokea by Knowles on the occa-iou :- On me devolves the prideful, pairail part, For one-,au honour to bis kind and krt--- The final thanks-the last farewell-to speak, Because, with heart o'erfraugbe h is tong3ue is ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMBNTS. RIOYAL ACADEMY, TRAFALGAR-SQUARE.- e i herveby given OWil.t h EXHIBITION of thes ROYAL AC&- ,I - will e inalty CLOSE THIs ])AY. thett 25th ientant. at Seren k i ?? (fron Eight o'clock till Seven) On, f i .atwlogua Oce Shillinge HENRY NOWARD, R.A.,Sec. f bittors are requested to send for their toorks om Weduesday, the l Tburidhy, the 0th inastant. * i\\1 CLOSE THIS DAY, the ...