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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, ea It On the 2d inst. at the Presbyterian Chapel, Dean Row, Wilnms- be ,f low, by the Rev. John James Tayler, B.A. Charles Lamport, Esq. B to Charlotte, eldest daughter of Lea Birch, Esq. of Catrick, near this town. ell s On the 31st ult. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. W. Hunting- nj I- ton, M.A. rector, John Wilson, Esq. solicitor, of Pall Mall, to Jane, th aV onfly rlnughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iie3 MARRIED, Onl 01ie 22,1 inst. et St. Brile's ChoreiG, Liverpool, by the Rev. 1 Fieldinig Olid, Mr. Geolge H. Miliood, of this town, to Ellen, w- only ulaflghter of the late Wn Norris, Esiq. of Londoln i lie 1O the 22d imst. at the Parish Ch reh, Bay by the l'ee. H. C. lis Dootilwower, Mr. Thomias ltichal-d Beaker, of Salfel, to Elizabeth, No foiaiell ?? of the late Jamesreton Grunly, Esq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARllIED. On the 3d inst., ?? the Collegiate Chut cli. Mr.,Johnl MoIrris draper of this town, ?? Sarah lI'I,don, of K lithton, ?? roayc OSl the 9th inst.,at the same plare, Mr. iiron'erirlk Shtaw, of Iluhlle to Marfare, tierut daugtnier of )ft' ?? Niuktin, Market Drayton: Oni the l2th laust, at thel same ?? Mr. eohn Neven Datlian, to Mliss Mlartha Sarah Thtoimpson, both of Salf'ord. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . trluaget. On the Iltlh list. at the Collegiato Chureb, Mr. Charles Neil, to 3 =SAr Blraithwate. both of this town. On the 12th inst.. at the snille place. by the Rev. C. G. Hulton, M.A.. SMr. Inos. England. of Carrick,-on-Shannon, Ireland, to Miss Ihalriotte Liey, of Fairfield. On the 14th ilst. at the samlle place. byth& Rev. W.W. I *olmen. MAI.. A Ir. Salneiil Mendel, of Croenheys, to ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tlaitiagtS, On the Ist inst. at St-. IMary (thurch, by tile Rv. Win. Fail. i r. LIatthew Johnson, to Mba EhzaDrifkwater, both of this tewvil. IttClo On tie athilt. at Chestrfield, by the Rev. G. Dover. Mr. .Jonathan llroiie:ol. of thlis tow~n, to Miss Mary Shaw, On ~tfhe 2'th nit. at F. arrineulot Church, Devon, by thc rev. W. \r Gcrratt. liA., .1oxt JeNS. E-, ?? of Ardrwick, to Sarah;, olles> ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Coranna, Spaiss on the 21st ult., the lady of Captain, WENTWVORTH, Royal Engineers, of a daughter. Mrs. Went, worth was wreckedi aid family (all of whom. were saved)p, in the ill-fated royal mail steam-paicket Solivay, on the night of the 7th ult, on thetwast.of.Spain, and has, in consequen&E'of, her delicate situatibno been since detained at CorunrL. Wre rejoice to hear ?? tle infant are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;o MARRIED. e Oin the 25th inst., at the Collegiate Church, Mrr. Henry L'dTomlinson, to Mrs. Ellen Keeton, both of this town. C Sinale dary and placee, I\r. Robert Whitelock, to iMrs. Ma~ry Clough, both of this townr.t On the 27th inst, at the same place, by the Rev. C. Richson, M.dA.,Air Jamies Butterworth,to Mirs. argaret Kirk, eldest .0 daughter of Mir. WilliaI 'Taylor, all of thi town. l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I D, EATH OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. | (Froze a ?? ned Lord Doors of Gilsarnd.r) to The Queen lay in her bed; she had ordered her* at- w1 tendants not to draw the curtains over her windows, and A she watched the leafless trees waving to and fro before at them, and the-ruddy flame of her fire dancing upon the fit tapestry. Elizabeth had sunk into that partial stupor fit in which, though the mind has ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARftRHIED. On the 22d inlst., a t the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. ?? )VW Johnson, M.A., Elilkalll George, eldest son of mr. Williaml Suxlethurst, woollen itterchanlt, of this town, to Xlalrian, eldest dtauglhter of Mr. J:as. Ecciestoe, Seven OaLts, Kent. Ott the 23d inlst, at thel same place, by the Rev. S. J. Lyon, Sir. Isaac Rainey, to Miss Sarahi Bailey, both of this town. On te 26th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |MfAItRIEfD. Onl the 22d instanlt tit tile Collegiate ChLrch, by the Roy. W. WV. Johnson, ?? Mrl Joep SCot C rci b C terlto- vpo Modloclk, to Millss Jatle Juoxton, of lloughteon. Onl the 23d inst., at the saine place, 31r. John Chadwick, Jun., to Mstis Anne Ileywarld, dauolghiter of the late F. Hey- Ward, Esq., St. Mary's Gate. On the 2(;th ilst., at the &a'le place, by the llev. J. Hayes, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... m % WMARRIED. On1 the 6tkhinst., at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M1r. Henry Andrew, to Ann, d(laughter of Mlr. The. Greeniess, of Tedruerders. Jo Ott thle Stir inst., at tiresautle place, Mr.UGeorgo Maiden, of teis town, to Miss Mary Ante Parker, of Accrington. On tire 7th inst.ant tire samne place, Daniel Haugiton, Esq., or of Cioroley, to Mliss Margaret Aiexattder, of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MXRRIED. On the 12th inst. at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. XV. W. Johnson M.A. Mr. James Bates, of Strangeways, ChoehWa-, ti Helen, third daughter of the late Major Will Purser' London.' On the 11th inst. at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Johbt Price Jones to Caroline, yocngeat dauglihtr of Jotll Cole, Esq. of Leicester. Ott the 10th inst. at St. James's Chutch, Manchester, by the lies-. ...