... 'i4 19 TO' R Dt P N .- * WE have. long, whdto tg s this subject, and, having in the absence otmore stirring subjectesbime little toom,-we indulge'our inclina-tion. It:has 3 us that. the motion of newiyl 'ivdi g g. couitry like England into electbrnl. dvisioni,;in contmpt of .'the anuient. dirisiohn' of tbe'several counties,. boroughs, and hundreds, was' the most absurd thing possible. ' ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Northern Liberator
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1093 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I LEEDS AD WEST-RIDING NEWS. I D~EEDS. 6 DS DEFuAtDING AN EfPLovLst.-On Monday, six S mnwho'se names are Joseph Hudson, John younmity io Kiteleny^, Ribhard Toplis, Wm. Hirst, and ratthew Hollingsvrorth, all late in the employ of Mr. Hoiard, carpet-manufacturer, were charged o with having def~rauded their employer out of various sums of money, by having overdrawn their wages at various time, to ...


... INFANT EoUcATIlrN.-A public examination of the childrlel of the Vicioria Ilnlfts' School tork place in the Halil of the Mechaueis Institution, ou Wednesday, under the superinteudenice of Mr. Wiiderspiu, the lue- turer on the infanlt systemn. A moost numerous and re- spectable audience were present, and were hihlly enter- tained fir more than two hours by a display uf Mr. Wilderspin's niethod ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1021 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... J',,LATEST t8stw Wrora LoNDOx. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 1, HALF-PAST SIX, P.M. : (From our own Correspondent.) In all iircles, high and low, the trials under the Special Commission absorb every other topic of conversation; adil the interest among all parties is intense, One only feeling predominates, namely, disgust at the struggles made by the crown lawyers to pack the jury; and but one ...


... ()n l Vdnoeslday last, al adljouil teld ?? mneeting of the I'T'wn ('oUnci was ldld l at tihe Council Chamber, Tow w11-all, a t m'cl c o cloel. TIhe following memnbors wore present 'rThe Worshilistl thme Mayor ; Aldermeni; Taylor, Mlonk, S. l rcocks, J. Paley, jun., t radivell Co ouneillors: Leach, ilt unlay, I)me wimrst, Val NVorlth, It. Walker, Smith, IVIIl cockson, Turner, Stevenson, Sloddon ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 422 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN INTELLIGEN'C- FRANCE.-The Paris papers announce the opening of the Chambers on Monday to- gether with the King's speech on the occasion. Louis Phillippe does 'not, as was antlicipated, ask for increased powers, in consequence of the conspiracy. He talks about devoting his chil- dren to the service (well paid service by the way) of the country. HIe also'tells of the union that subsists ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Northern Liberator
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 4380 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the Bristol Mercury

... Toq the Bditor of tle BriStOl 1,ercl ry. S1a,-Will you favour me by inserting the following, in answer to alettersigned rAristarchus-'wvlich appearLd in your last week's paper. - TO ARISTARCHUS- I consider the invidious remarks made use of in your reply' to a letter of ' Observer' written with a view to injure my reputation as an artist. Had your motive really been to raise the local character ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1203 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... MULTuX Is( PAUVO.-IIer Majesty rode in Great Parkl on horseback Saturday, attended by Lord Melbourne, Lord hi Byron, and Ladies in Waiting-Duchess of Kent walked Cl on Terrace and Slopes-Her Majesty, Duchess of Kent, Pi and Royal suite attended divine service on Sunday in St. ' George's Chapel, and afterwards promenaded New Terrace for some tine-dinner circle samne as Saturday.-Princess rf ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5166 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... CHFBSUIRE CATS, About the time of Buonaparte's departure for St. Helena a respeetably dressed man caused a number of hand.bills to be distributed thrstrug Chester,. in which he informed the publie that a great number of genteel families had embarked at Plymouth, and ttould certinily proceed with ite British regitnent appointed to accomipany the eaxenperor to St. Helene; he added farther, that ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: The Odd Fellow
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 595 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FIR CE i 4 ALBIRT. 4Dxtract from a Letter. For the lhst two months tlihe curiosity of tho public in ?? foreoco to the flamily, tho religion the oduection, C, c, bf Prince Albert of Saxe Cobourg Gotlia, so naturally awakened by Ithe prospect of ni event how no longer doubtful, has giYn' rise to the tnost ludicrous, the most absijrd, mid, wiat is muor to be regretted, the moat fillse ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Preston Chronicle
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 962 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ; GRCUZTURA.I3 INTELLSGENCE. 1, 1 - I GENERAL AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER. Scarcely within the recollection of the oldest farmer living has the atmospheric temperature throighout England, but more particularly in our southern and northern districts, proved so extremely utnpropitious and unsensonable sos that sexperiencei durig ,nearly, or quite, the whole of this month s indeed, the ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1840
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1421 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... DISTRESS OF THE FANCY WEAVERS TO THE EDITOR OJI THlE NORTHERN STARS. SIR,-This is the last evening of the present year. I sit down to write, and trouble younwitb, a very brief notice of the state in which the old year is leaviug, and the new year is finding, those in the branch of trade to which I belong, namely, the fancy weaving trade. Sir, the fancy weavers engaged in weaving fancy waist. ...