Advertisements & Notices

... ; THE WORKSWORTHI SAVINGS' BANK. ' .s WR, The~ ~ ~~ ?? h S AVING-S BANSK, establ)iqlieeX at IYORKESWOllT1i, in tho County of D~erby- I)ns CHARIIt>: * S. a. d. T'r Balance due. on the 20th Nov., ls38. imlieiding Interest, as per last Return, 8SC9° 4 4 o; ?? Suius received of Depositors , withit the ?? ending 20th ?? 18 11i39-6,284 13 4J, To ITiterest ors Mlonies ?? with c tbe Coommissionera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY BREARY ANDI EYRE. ETWALL. of TO BE SOLD BYT AUCTION, By BRIEATIEY & EYRE, A~t the Ilawk and Buckle Inn, at Etwall, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of anuary next, at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced; jLL that DWELLING HOUSE or Terientlent, coin-] A prisiu a house-place, twoD parlourg, kitchenstour chatmbers, aud two attice, baok yard, and large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT11cE to PASSENGERS, per ship CLAU DWNI t. It. Btncvtift, FOR MADR4S.-Ttii lship woil 'Pl~ail rely saill fromt firairvend on the srth Januanry. when passeniger 'a5 ritaested to ihe on hoard b an one zood cabin vacant --Far tsr tic.'lr lppyt ee~re. A rtoitlinot sr!u Lathalet.33i, G reat St. Heliorn' 59 J. L.. or Wint. Ilathiorn, I. Aiceturchb19atiit _'Oit MA1)RAS (to sail 10th February, 1840 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. WHITE. BANK TOP, near HIARTINGTON. 1 IHIRTEEN superior incalved dairy cows, five in- I calved heifers, two incalved stirks, five barren ditto, two bullock stirks, six cow calves, one bullock calf, two bull calves, one black snare infoal, rising five years old, one bay mare infoul, aged, three store pigs, one mow of hay in barn at home, one stack of hay in Barn Meadows, four stacks of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? t PASoEN(, P' _-For SYDNEN NT fl~~~ii i si ni to a ffto' liii', (the reluariably- (I %Vit L IM Ml 'INEYi, Olotai, SYDEN07 I1AMI ftOR ~JordtL t V tion , ynq al Ih, Sii.,ii'tt' tMa', ?? lb ett~ttt 11 tl p'titr cgt X II1);M',ner fo, Ili i utfrt t. F A. fi l pit, riat, vt. *,t t or I u icillsio, I4. N . Lite ?? . k I HI\A (to Sail Ist Fe~bruary), the fii Ii Lowi) WVI LLIAM BiE'NTIN CE, batrdon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LoNDON INN ROYAL MAIL GENEAL. COACH OPPXCEI. : Pblifi are lesptthllinfotmed that the follon'- ri 'a &erior CONVEYANCES Ieave the above I ill altltaigtiealy arranged, viy. , .I2oeol Mail, every Morlilng, at nA qlaarter s03I riilMorniogs, at II. Mari si Lp it l g, @t qllarlr-3wls eC ?? llolhol It ITL ?? e I0~gak1O.-Olli)c000btiia tlimroghout. C B l 11*Ivolti) Blli n. FRACOISfB.1 t overy Maraiog, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7iiFit MASON goe respeotfiel to annouce chat htis 1Y4 A% IY for D~ANCING, iu Exeter, wil lee ceiuueqd-sthIis1 Residenc, on' SaturdeejI llso 25th3-of January. ThefleDays of Attoudoneg, sos W~ednesdaiys aukd Saturdays.- ?? Lessons aceigeven every- a~y~dsnngigles Vaoatasn.; ?? MASON will attend at SidmDoutll, Otto~ry, and Houiton,v on. Monday ties 19th of, January;. aiadleigh, Slte.ron, Ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. Congd ,~P EECTFULLY Gentry of the County nd Cij will take place at the US, oe FRtDAa the 10th of JAeuxAv, 180I ?? of Tula Etoses HoNs. THE COUNTESS OF EGREMONT. STEWARDS. LORD CLINTON SIR JOHN YARDE WULLER, Bart, U.p. SIR T. T . E. DRAKE, art, SIR JOHN DUNTZE, Bart. S. T. KEKEEVICI, Esq. L. W. BUCK,Esq. sir. .T. PORTER, Esq., Rtockbear. J. DIVETT, Esq. J. C. MOORE STEVENS, Esq. M. E. N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E-'XITER, DIOCESAN CHURCH BUiILDINIG ASSOCIATION. QI.'ATERLY MlEETING of the Committee of 'i ?? will be hiolden at tile CASTLE71 o' tixirtin, oni WEDNESDAY, thle Sth of JANttiAR, 1810, .ipt lutt05frA t ho lail before thes Quartnil)- Muetinig. I~nnil te iecli,' o ?? Jdasn -it l'orthlcvall, ilt tic ,nisi f SihiC o £crnwtall. * In tld di. tiiioi'iirttof tule accamtaotidatial btY rolpairilig tic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RWW'ICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY.-Established 182l.-Capltal, £550,000. TRUSTEFS. Elight lion.Lord Wodll ISO It'ight l1 o thle Earl of Orford. Lord Li,?rtenant. Sir Icry J.arne Sir Jacob Astloy, Bart, ?? Clitarcs Saill Onley, Esq. Edward T. IlootIEsq., President. Licutenant-Colornel Harvey, Vire-President. .AntitorltY Hudson, Esq. G.eorge Steppings, Esq. Gerg oTSe, Esq se~ Jermy, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR COLOMBO CEYLON. THE fine fast-falling Brig, CITY OF JTs ABE'I'iDEEN, A.l., 259 Tons Register, lames .Munro, Comnantider. This Vessel will be dis. patched on or ixfore the 20h January. For Freight or Passage, (having superior Accommo- dation for Passengers,) apply to PALMER, BECKW1TH, & Co., Quayside. NOTICE. HE SIIPWOWPNIRS-ith6e-PORT of TYN OIL .re respectfully inf6rmed, that it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,RIVER HUMBER BUOYAGE & BEACONAGE. NOTICE TO MARINERS. . H;EBBLESFLOATING LIGHT. : TRINITY-HOUSE, Kingston-upon-Hull, 26th December, 1839, N OTICE is bereby given, that 1 in conformity with the intention ex. pressed in the advertisement from this House of the 12th day of Dccember instant, a a FLOATING LIGHT VESSEL is now moored in about Four Fathoms Water on the SAed side of the Hebbles ...