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Freeman's Journal


... FASHION AND JTARi- The Queen was visited on Saturday morning by her R Highness the Duchess of Kent. Their Royal IHij the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal were dris el 0ea into Hlyde Park on Saturday morning, attended by Dl°y Lady Lyttleton. Y °waser The Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albertlef, the palace on Satur day morning for Wormwood Scrulet review the 1st and 2d regiments of ...


... FA4SHION \ VAUETL ler 3Majesty and Prince Albert, attended b suite, were expected to leave Claremont Jn the r10 noon, for Buckingham Palace. on*drl 1er Majesty will give a grand concert at B Palace (postponed fiom lant 'Monday) on jrdUF e instant, at which the principal performer, frda X the 2t1 Opera will sing. 15 the 4 We regret to announce that his Royal l, Albert will not be present in ...


... I _ _ _FASH.IONA I;L G-C . I WINDSOR, MONDAY--Thefollowing areepU toarv at the Castle this evening, On a iitt ?? to arrivo coneort ?? Portman, the Bishop Of Oxfor Sir Henry Wheat]e, a t ?? oaln. depa rt fln ai Edun Burk te R ight, Is. Vis o tecountyM] Attorney-Genleral of'the Duchy Of Corwal ViO1 e- bourne and Lord and Lady leasuvale took their departure front the Castle to-day. r ftecberatora ...


... TO BE RELD DURING TIHE ENSUING WEEK.: MONDAY, Nov. 2.-Aghygaults, Donegal; Altmore, Tyrbne; Ardara, Doisegal; ArvaghCavan; Ballaghaderin, Mayo; Ballinacor, Wicklow; Ballimany, Kildare; Balli- train, Monaghan; Ballycarry, Antrim; Ballyleague, Ros- common; Bectivebridge-end, Meath; Belaghy, Derry; Bingharnstown-erris, Mayo; Bonneconlan, Mayo; Carrick- tergus, Antrim; Cashcarrigan, Leitrim; ...


... FAS.JION AND PJRIPtjsj, % This morning her eatyandi cyalighnss Pri Albert took their accustomed drive to Adeie Lodge The Princess Royal has taken an airin g. L His Royal Highness drove her Majesty out in a p any phaeton this afternoon, followed by Lady Portman the Hon. Misses Paget and Lister, and Admiral Sir aot et Otway, in an open barouche. Colonel Wemyss atten dtd on horseback. Colonel and ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIES BRttIGt5TON, TUESDAY. This morning, at ten o'clock, her Majesty and Prine Albert, accompanied by Colonel Wylde on horseback, drove out in a close carriage, and proceeded on the Rottingdean road. This afternoon Prince Albert drove her Majesty out in a pony phaeton on the cliffs. The sun shone in M ay-day splen. dour, the cliffs were thronged with fashionable,, and the ...


... FASHION AND PARIETIRs; Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, atteotsd by Lady Fanny Howard, joined the royal dinner park at Buckirgham Palace on Friday evening. Bier Majesty and Prince Albert left the Palace a quarter bef 'rs ten o'clock on Friday night, to honour Covent gar:en Theatre with their presence, accompanied by th Seene H ighnessea the Prince Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg, and the ...


... FASHIONABLE INT L/G n WINDSOR, SUNDAY EVENING eb fineuess of the day, in addition to the atrat the Bence of her MaJesty at the Castle, caused an Ait Ley influx of visitors, who continued to arrive by the from London and various parts of the ...


... F-SHIONAJBL IE JNTELl I S Net The Queen and Prince Albert, accoapniea Princess Royal, arrived in London in a charlotain 114 minutes before five o'clock on Monday afternoon e mont. . hoe Marquis of Sligo, by the adviee oft siciens, is about to remove to Cowes, lsle of w' Al time. o Viscount Northland, M-P-. has returned to from this country. -° Sir R. Peel arrived in London on eayton 51anor. o ...


... F'aIf1rOm AM-o Vrtmig L WnnS0oa, WICn)sDAY.-This morning his Royai High, ness Prince Albert rode out on horseback, accompanied by the gentlemen of the royal suite. It was her Majesty.. in, tention to have accomspanied her distinguished visitors in a drive to Virginia Water this afternoon, but the rain set. ting in, her Majesty did not leave the Castle till nearly six o'clock, when she rode ...


... FA*510MN4 PiRlirgTn at , ?? nWINDSOB, FRID AY. .,This evening, a little before six o'clock, her Majesty and IS, the Queen of the Belgians drove out in 8 pony phao0 and e- four into the rides and drives of the Great Park. In the Id. next phaton and four, were her Royal Highness the Du. us chess of Kent, with the Princesses of Hohenlohe and The. id rese. A large equestrian party escorted her ...


... - -- FASHION JND VARIETIES. Her Majesty the Queen had a grand dinner on Saturday evening at Buckingbam Palace, the Duke of Devonshire Duchess of Sutherland, and a large party of the haut ea6bse having been invited by the xoyal command to meet his M jesty the King of the Belgians. It is not the intention of her Majesty and court to remove to Windsor Castle from Buckingham Palace for several ...