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Literary and Scientific Notices

... o1 Truthl made Simple: Being a System of 27neofoggfor Children. ND By the Rev. Joux TODD of Philadelphia. London: Ball, Gl Arnold, & Co. Pr TnE unprecedented popularity of this admirable little work, Ed .ts proved by the many thousands of it which have already Ne been called for, almost supersedes the necessity of our saying Pa a single word in its favour. A very cursory inspection Bi of it, ...


... PO EIT It V. HYMN ON THEl NATIVITY, tio sen Again the harp of Zion bring; ten Awake once more each warbling string son Ye white-robed spirits from on high, nul Breathe your celestial harmony. to, They come, they come, the Angelic train, affl As' erst, to Bethleim's beauteous plain; tab Be still, ye bustling sons of earth, and We celebrate a Saviour's birth. wt The pall of night is backward ...


... P 0 ET RY. A T I1 U G HI T. 01t;' ljd is roesded by/ (4 lI) , -StISrEAOE. Il its full blaze of peerless light Slow breaks the day on Ocean's breast, Clothing the hills with all the bright Refulgence of its mnorning vest Slow rolls its car of living red Fromt the weed-cells of Ocean's bed; And golden cloud alnd floating mist Its brow of purple flame have lis9'd WVh ile air and earth, and bay ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... The Prophecy: a Prospectitv Poe0. By WILLIAX CADEx- STIAD. Aberdeen, 1839. 'The Prophecy is the production of a young Aberdeen poet, who evidently possesses, along with an enthusiastic love of the muse, considerable fancy and not a litt'e skill in versification, On the well-knowen prophecy regarding the Brig o' Balgownie, he has founded a tale which he has told in a very pleasant t manner. ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Oil 5 The Blaob /Caoiedttr of Aberdleen. tbler Abcrdceii Jtditcs Straeetla. tilt-I Turn:z are IeCrliaps fewr works which are, more popuilatr with a niumerous ciciss of readers, than Such predoetitons ats tileae Newgato Calend~ar, and the 'Critinttl Beeorilcr2' Despitit to the painful reflections to which it give; rise, and the forbid- been ijog aspect tinder whiich it presents tlorn huntan,11 ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Lttr-.ary and Sctenttflc Notices tarduer's Cabinet £'op1edi'a 7Thc HaPitS and Ib IIoCn- Qf fn ,4n;1II1J1s. By WVILLIAMKt Swascod, 1.11.5., &c. &c, Lon- don: Longman a Co. TUI& is one of the most interesting of the volumes of this vausable Cyclopedia which have been furnished by rlI Swansonyre whose labours we have already had frequent oceseon to iso- tice with much satisfaction. He here treats ...


... 1. The Stock must, at the date of the CompetitiOn, be boan tult fide the property and in the possession of the party in whose brt name they are eniet ed, and they must have been so at least ags from the Ist of May. 1840. ear 2. In estimnating the ages of the Stocic, Cattle will be caicui- ret Inted from the Ist of January of the year in whiich they were Blu calved .Horses from the 1st of Mlay ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Literary and Scientific N;ottces, ?? ?? Exti'actslfror 1Hoy Wr'iit, and various Autihors. lyv Cap- selt taln SiC NIeSDiT J. WILLOUGHBY5, ?? 1(0.11. London. WE cannot too highly' comenhlld thle notlves which Itame Ste guided the gallant and philanthiroplic projector of .this little Fill work. lin its colnpilatioll. whtictir we regard thle ?? which Fis it is intended to prornote, or tiie truly ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Literary and SclentifIc Notices. .. _. . _ -- v W. D. CooT - - 1-1-1 ?? _ _ O r Eltclid's ElementS QfPlanc Geomsetry. By Wv. D. Cootmfv, A.B. Mal London: Whittaker & Co. by ti T An dlstinqiishing feature of this edition of the celebrated t N work of the ancient Geometer. is the attempt to combine clar- a ness and accuracy of demonstration, with that conciseness of A expression which peculiarly ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Literary and Scientific Notices, ?? .1!- . .. 1..-1 M - ?? A/J1 rrll R, A Dim'tionmmy,, Gmemm'mjlrphcmml, Statistical, mmmid Histor'ical? By J. It. M'CU1mmocmm, Ecq l,11onmlm ; T.0oncmol f'R Cc. a Tilt*: utility of Auch a wort as this is unquestionable. and the e, well-linmosn talents of thle Author are a guaranitee for the ability' of its exmeemtion. IDuring thle caompilatcion of his cele- ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... ?? ~ I _ ?? Tile Irl'erufntbe R.ev Joerii Nw'r5osl. LoMindm 1l3l, Arnold, & Co. A complete, elegant, and serviceable edition of tire worlis of one of our most popular weriters on practical religion. It is accompanied with Cecil's Life of Newvton, an admirable piece a of biography, whether we regard the intrinsic Interest of the subject, or the masterly manner in which It Is handled. Besides ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... . . -- - -- - - ?? - The Wet'o'k Of LOaiBicoin. 2 vete. Londonl Bull, Arnold, and Co. To aencouragement wiich, at ate yeits, hes been efi're'dcc to the republication of the woiks of the gront orninuentso at l Iti ttsh science and literature, ofoelder date, ntoy fairly be regard- n ed as a favourable symptom of the taste of thle times, In thisa 1 age of usultifariens and superficial study, it ...