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... In the book of Job——probably the most ancient book in the world—there is a beautiful poetic description of the processes of mining, as known in very early times. It is worth quoting, and worth reading;— There is mine for the sliver. And bed for the gold which men refine; Iron is dug from the earth, And the rock poureth forth copper. Man delveth into the regions of darkness, And examineth to ...


... Tim Eartunejt RFlvirtw. No. 142. January 1840. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. Sir John Malcolm's Life of Lord Clive fur- nishies a writer in the E'dinlhrgi -with ain occasion for drawing the attention of his readers to the situation of our Indian possessions at the period when Clive began his remarkable career. To every Englishman it must surely be an object of engrossing interest to ?? ...


... M. THQALBRG'S EVENING CONCERT. Not fewer than a tlhousaind person- assembled on Friday evenrnng to welcoire back this great artist to Edinrburghl. But vast i's this concourse was, we ne- ver remember, in all our experience (aid itin hs not ry, been small), an audience so cold, apathetic, and, as on it were, studiously reserved. Surely this could not er Ihavebeen real indifference, for ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Oil 5 The Blaob /Caoiedttr of Aberdleen. tbler Abcrdceii Jtditcs Straeetla. tilt-I Turn:z are IeCrliaps fewr works which are, more popuilatr with a niumerous ciciss of readers, than Such predoetitons ats tileae Newgato Calend~ar, and the 'Critinttl Beeorilcr2' Despitit to the painful reflections to which it give; rise, and the forbid- been ijog aspect tinder whiich it presents tlorn huntan,11 ...


... IThe QUARTEnlY REVIEYV. No. 129. London: John AMurray, Allientarle Street. The political writers of the Quarterly are here, as usual, belabouting thle Ministry with all the viru- lence of party rancour, rendered, if possible, more keen and cutting under the exasperating influence of tic hope deferred. In a long-article on the Conduct t of Ministers, this spirit is abundantly apparent. All ...


... NI. THALBERG'S SECOND AND THIRD CONCERTS. Monday morning ?? even a more dense- ly filled room than onl the previous Friday. The arrangements regarding the opening of tile doors -were judiciously -iltered, and the audience were thus enabled to take their seats quietly and without any of the unseemly contentions which called forth our former remonstrances. 'There were, to be sure, a few bold ...

Ties are

... en lose unlaw- ir coii- en and ,e vices of so* Tultiyliirhereas, iiug but - t>° ...


... Tur, M5SSIAII: a Prem. By the Rev. Robert Mont- gimery, author of the Omniipresence of the Deity, &e. Glasgowv: J. Symington & Co. ?? forms the sixth anti concluding volime of the clegant uniform edition of the Reverend Gentle- man's worlks, now publishing in Glasgow. As the subject of the present poem is the most sublime and interesting to mankind the author could have se- lected, so lie has ...


... The Soviety of Arts met in the Royal Inititution, on Wednesday, the 15th January-David Mlaclagan, M.D., FR.S.E., Viee.President, in the chair. The folio wing conmmunicationus were m;ile:e 1. Description of nn Improvement on the Mercurial Registering Thermometer of Rutherford. by wbich the injury frequently ceused hy the continued contact of the steel index with the mereu!ry is completely ...

The Right of Having Arms

... That the people have a right to resist oppression, f>t to resist an abrogation of any part of the constifutiorit we have abundant proof; our queen, herself, is a living proof, for had it not been for resistance on the part the people, she would certainly not have been on tbs throne of this kingdom at this moment; but would possibly have been in Germany, quietly engaged in the manufacture of ...


... THE, rilEATItE. Those who have not yet seen the Pantomime have no time to lose, is it is to be performed for tile last time this evein-g. We are glad to observe, b however, that Mr T. Mathewse (Clown) and Miss B Hall (Columbile) have been re-eniagedl fbr six 3r insights mJre. At tile relluest of many of the fre- il qluenters of the dress cirele, the grand legendary & draini of Valentine and ...