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Advertisements & Notices

... - WILLIAM MUML, House and Sign I'ainter and Glatier, '.SbIEC'r1 ULLY intimates to his Friondesl and the Piblic of Aberdein and surroundlig collintry, that he 1Iur. comnoiceed busincss on his own account, iii those Pre. liises,t No.' 4. CARNROIE'S BlRAE, And tllusts, fromt tilr exlrinL ho lie !;as lrr4 i. Leandoen, Fin- o burgh. and eseewhore, to be ible to give entire satisfaction to P' these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OV SCOT'LAND. MIARNOCII CASE. ~T aE XTRAORDINARY\ MEETING of the A ABEMEE' T ADESNI,SASSOClA'TlON, iii ,unIexonl with th~e Chuirci of Scotlanfd, hold in St. Marys Chapel, on titO eveitingt of Monday tile 30th lece., 1 8Ji)- Mtr ROBERtT Nllsq. Presideiit of the Aesocla. tion, in the Clairi, It was lnianlitl~ituly Resolved, I.-That ats the Moibers of this Association fotia part of at elta-v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAX ROLL. * Draught of the TAX ROLL, for the Assessment 1 A for KiNG's SmitIvy upon lands, Fisihisgs, and Houses, so Bithiti the City of Aberdeen, and Llbertics thereof. for the tl hygono year, having now been made iupt, the Board of Taxers herelty ltiunate that the samne will lie, for inspectioni. ill the hands of ALEX. Fraser, Advocate, Town [louse, Clerk to the 130ard, for the spaco of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 .p:, ithe IASSEMBLY3 I~ Exhib i~tion sjidb-f in- Jr .~rl nwi~edgc-troetls for jib. ;d t.lilt-h rt ot have iti V'I C iO i' I' altera-' A, 2 ¾'( iti l R I o nt, LI ?? -M~lt ie L ibft on of ' ' ~ ?? j p e j i t i t h a t t u bi In - to ' Clock, toin h.aif- T hp' C 0111ff.itte(C lilive to , . ?? -t'ortio n o5 thle ±epe- itplitee. 'l'le Pro- mx; r-t Iassured. ti i AY q~~n~ oelcl th us rilii .: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTISEMEN5T.) PROPOSEDBURGHAL TAX ON MILK, &c. t TIO EDITOR OF TViE COUnA`NT. T.intIin LETTER. Sire-My first letter to yoU on the above subject, of the 21st ult. has given occasion to two several commu- r irications-the one from AIr William Law, the other . from a Mr George Brown, respectively publishod in the ;. Coriuant and Mercury of Saturday ]abt. In the post- e script to my second ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIlE ELECTORS Oj9,0 OF TUE FOURTH MiUNICIPAL DISTRICT. GrnerTlEMlEN,' TIIEI 1'[on Council having fixed Tuesday first T fiur the Election of a Councillor for the above Ward, in the room of Bailie Stark, we hereby inti- ateto ou, that you will have an opportunity of recrnrnrending a p~erson to the Council to fill up the vacancy on 3Ij~rwlayfirst, thet6th inst., for vhich pur- ,tie Poll Books ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 0/ilR) \ANNUAL EXHIBITION bti th Ei)IN 1U1i5Gll SOCIETY of ARTISTS -w t 4, ST ANDIMfY SQtUARi:E,frorra It EVNING E1hIIBIT ION every SATUR- -~i e * till 'Pen o'Clock. D 1lirillI; Seaison Tickets, 3s. GCd. ; Cata- Y order of the Coraritittee of Alatagement, JOiiN R. PRENTICE, Secy. / %- CRAND AI)DI'rIoN / /I/ TO TtEr !LW PANORAA I T lE ROTUNDA, - ~~MOUN 1). R MA IALNL respectfully intimates, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Agrlcultural Gentlumen, and others. it>/l. 11. C. BRlUCE, Farrier and 041,trator, hm:%, v TI, now settled at Mr (lEOlGI-i BIRUCIIlS. (;allio- ta bill. Allatlin, Now Deer. intenlds to practis lhis lirofessitn ho ill tule son(e'ilnlog 1)isticts, whee lie hopes, by the Strietcbt ee attention to business, by ntight or by day, as necessity titly os ieqiiro, and by retotuar atten(lditie to tiny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... China, Glass, and Stoneware, 29, CastleStreet, Immediately tinder Theatre royel, and opposite Duntdee Banking Company's Ofilcc. z>fTT aT and COMIPANY. Chinaand 1ronstoneo T1ablo S Ware Alanufaeturers, inclodiuc TEA, DF:SEltT, BirEA KFATr, &c.,at present holding ExteitsitCStOcl of the n iove articles whiell, for variety of Patterns of the most muo . 1 ,.r killnd, and in point of quality, stands ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. d /j4 fi ,4?PUBLIC MEETING wvill be beld in the n As i BILY RooiSs, GEORIGE SrPrET, on TUEISDAY, JANUARY 14, for the purpose of re- solving on a Petition to Parliament against the In- trirsion of unarcceptarble ministers into the Parishes of Scotland. b The Most Noble the 'MARQUIS of BREADAL- ti BANE in the Chair. I Chair to be taken at One o'clock. a AnmVEXNING IMEE.TING, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ltooil to ?? to tile Nobilitv £L J ~ atii~O1~Y fl, dinburghi, that bie will, pre. mne, tlbcirifromn Public, give 3re, 'cittAtrttn ROOMS ;l '11 E- FIIIAY EVET'NING. Januatry tue -b jt (Ic Seco(, 01 'tION DAY MORNING, thle 5th ciiVt.1 'i it~ illi loive, on this occasioni, tile as- and -1.SIGNORA ERm-EsTrA I BN)MTIALFE, (ViirtcIipiearaiice in Etlittburgh1.) rt I~lt)liASIOFT TIIE EVE'NING te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D)II GUSTAF KOMBST'S jCR ON GERMANY, Es -ill, Itoi'tErocN Roolls, I1l (5nlrlCommec S OTRilY 11thRA Janu IthJ a av,'t I - l,- 'olock, and be continued IIrIt' f'llobiloilg IvS, Ott WVED)5Esim.V and yiti -.itt I'clock. s 'feki' for t ne rso, One Guinea; Family r irittiailrittit'g three, Tw'n'o Guineas ; rickets for ? Teter, alait --Croivn, are to be had from I Booselertire 1to,,sll 1loesrs ...