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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... . DRWiNd AND LAWGUAGES. R - JAZD0WSi'19 CLASSES fur DRAWING, and 3 rRENGIA ITAIAN, and GERMAN LANGUAGES, will 5RFE.OPC2 on MONDAY the 5th of August. xo give O k alert adtuned Pupils Opportunity of Sketching from S gI h freps short Ex curions with them for that purpose, aNftrte-45 and TtrOts wsha 9 o&clck, A.SI., before the proper 1 p~tlis over. e LIKEY-SCSEC in variotts styles taken. CAXID. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To PERSONS ArIOUT TO NIARRY- j. OU wilt Sove tit ?? Fi'l': -II tt 'itt 11:1 lii' C'nt l~ld CHJIN'it AND STONEWARiE. ?? iEA eondy'rSMlaiittlt it Itally Binto and I lugtilt itI t'I. n 1113 Po EIIVIC ES, Varytag lit lttien Lenin till 7N In £:7 hler ?? j TABLE SERVICES, aletit In, CMAIII ENWA ll', (If .1ottn t ijtll)'Ii-lily-C itloi, at li toil nit aobe:d f WORKING Or THE TARIFF. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIM R m 0 N4 T It 1 i9 ?? V C I I N\ P. VV I'hlE (tint'. mit. ,nvrED1EIriit'oikn (i'li'tC YNIiS -of the FENI AU- A.tSOCurIAxI ON tnt that l'orilit, wtohiob tot Psn~tetk ire eon-ineraboii nin, aind ibe, tif tine greatest troit 00iii vt e, irni titO P'oor.' in senilitg tlitir titidireti to ,ehoiia. it theint' (o- (mition of Clotiting. in citrnuiaiting thi' .9crintilros, nad iii otihenvito i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-1 70PAP T~l I'ADI t'iI%. 70) VfIRGINIA oiTRlEEr. 70 lt- ii li Ii i -.ti litlt, l, II u q t- -. - i ,e ?? ti Lit.iit-~ I IL . i t i-I it:;: i . -i -w LI-v II it - I., I ltIItIlb J 1 Attii ct Le Teat;t -ltnfirc,;zIt', Abettletfr .1I !A I iA CI tI` -I I .i I d tl If LIii it ll . ii' i-tl itL st I. ty I Ii CI N. s iI;C l' Nt. i i: I '-tIi-ic IeIt II Iiti LI ,i n Itli IltiL i i e y I lte k ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )F11aW V4AN Ui*P' BOARDINO ANi DA-Y 910OiiOL, FOR. YOUNQ LADIES, IIN ION TlItIlACE, ASERIDEENC. - !ihS LAMBRRT respectfully begs to intimate to her jYJ. Friends nwd the Public, that her SEMINARY for Yoexio LAOIKS-will RE-OPEN on 31ONDAY the 7thof August. UnionTerrace, July2&, 1843. Ladies' Boarding and Day School, IN CROlVN STREETI. _,I lSES WHYF ' T beg to itli jinite that this Establishment ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... ta L~iterary ana sfzientlolf Notices, &c. W'hy shoeuli you See'ic'i' 1 Edi iturgl: Thonmes 1'antol USitlu this title, we have a lrief, lint at very seusible arlt Settsot1tle|, on the present state a:lie C'i ilch Q uestion, and ?? rlt. ined Secesiot llo lntiltbr, we tdiliii. shews s cry ably and clat iy, ?? tilO Non Inti-tlutitisias ts'o 1ao i use to qa t tue C'bmitl: other than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S,1,1A-a Con, ?? IAt 4'iei Ff 1II B ALF-YEAUILY GENERAL MEETING OFte P1A: RTNERSof the BANKING COMIPANY IN ABERDEEN ,ill be hel .I, within their House here, ott TU8SOAS'. the 4til October next5. at I . o'clock noon, In ternes of the Contract. BoreDAVID WssYLLIE, Cashier. Abets ILen Sanki, t6th Sept. 1842. all LIS OF~INLAI~E GOODS T ;-selit lying in the PU~C WEIGH HOUSE of I bundi Saaaw,cQaoet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G 0 Rt D 0 N'S D I 0 R A Di A) MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. FANHE PROPRIFTOR ibeg3 leave respectfully to ?? J ?? highly-llberal patronago witih which lho waS holloured by the Citizeiso of Aberdeen, during the recent h-olidays, and to Intnleto that. als the Exhibition Positively Closes, on SATUnDAY the 21st Inst., lie econfidently trusts that a contimnasneO Of public oipproval will be ten- derei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O P U L A R AYD U .ONREiA'WIONAL iiINGIr' . T HE Inhabitrnts of Aberdeen are respectfullly informned Tthat h3fAINZEIR, the.lfiinguished lBVFoa.N$R off SACIAD iand StCtCI.A5l S:\NoI4o, will deliver TrWO LECTURES, P ?? of his Simple snid Efficient System of Popular MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. 1):0 \\ RDEoS'AY Uril TeltIlst',\\ Sepltesriber 2Oattd U'1, IN G OIl f STItl;E'r CIIAPEP,. tfo- NMecting to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XV7 T, c,',tf Li,,. C-uiseoneta of Stamps na tt Taxes, ii 'tlsu itit ?? 1- er;veted in us, by an Act passeud ai 1e Socsi,- t imit roc id, !or grouting to lier 2lo1ijesty Duties oil 010 trlwitni uinilt hfrol Puot-ertt, Piofei~tlars, 'Tradeo, Poll Ol11lisn, do Old)n Nkthtc.Otu1tetlit;,t '0 t~cl'o V'oits _ppirpitted Coantinisi'mers for I' pmnmctin uito Qxutlioa itt An~t tiassed ill thue thitiy ...


... = ?? THE FOUNTAIH OF TEARS. A52 ARAS TAL.M ev ELEANOR LOUISA 3IONTAOtE. Deep it; a charmed grot, 'ts said A lltie fountain rears its kead, Then turns to eartb again; And fed as by a constant spring, Still dropping In a fairy ring, The waters fall like rain. Staangelegends to that fount belong, And relics dint of mournful song, Nlkuboe grief e'ett uslW h1d; Sort, tender dreauts of olden thues, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tnec Aberdeen Maxine Insurance Cnompaty. I IFANU ?? i I! J II FF11 SI, ci' tl:. Al, 111' Y'1I 1-hill i'lilt INC'Nont1,10N ( o 7:; 2 N. il A: I. . :: I, I - . p ro-'i:'c'tl, Iti:, 1101 Wt i l l :.atl, ' -ool: ?? tie. ?? I'll 0 p ,Ii,!gbe L l 'iil vii H ito II Ael !, a: Ill I2111? lsll. 12:ii. AA-EXto',DDIE Aso., >11 P -. 11 'AI 1I. 1! i bfiv.F11 ?? ii I! lic'i1io 0it,'V.0> Oil thu' It fl'. I ...