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... i It': VV -A _i 1) E R k; 1i C ofz s st 'Unn 'r's eve, A.nti bi rds veie gay iIl' i;ii Iililt'! ...


... =; - = = = 1UZIGET ME NW' SONO TO A LADY. l+ il a lne andid rary hour, When sunny hope *new sbrk aud t1read. A sperk behitilL the jiotv shrolld Thy souls young scrrjwes round thee spread. when alroo-l.d .lileltlv thv head, And blrter teojt; feil ftht and hot, .J:le };unlg t'dis voice hatti cheered. tirgec jtue jjot, Forget me nut ! if' love, deep, strong resistless love, That death bad ...


... '120 At L-AD 1sK (Onees5XxAt.) 'Tis sweet. iNi tlei satll saiminer time, f)9 h te merry hours of sp!ring;' To w ardcr aloe wh en thle Nvoods and wilds e tile v, ind rheir froshnless fling; en t ei liito nies fro;I his verdant tree, 'Tle ly k,, K.t* iner, o: hmn1111 of the bee fisn ot Cie' iolt' Olv er Thinstrelsy tic C.e1.. n hIIs diring- wing. Sc,' e .nl iPN Ithe it-ti, to trill farr His hr ...


... P E T E R S T I L L, THE BUCHAN POET. (From the INVorth British Mail.) WEcannot print the verses which follow, withont a few re atory words respecting the author, and his present me- i fancholy position. Somne of our readers have, no doubt, ...


... - POETRY T. WAR.-THE CONTRAST. ]st Voice. Tis glorlons to see hosts array'd, With glittering arms and flags display'd, The well-trained war-steeds scour the plain, 'The deaf'ning shout, and martial strain. 2d Voice. And listen to the feeble moans. The wounded's cries, the dying's groans, When brother men in heaps lie stain, And o'er them tread-a second Cain. Ist Voice. When stately tow'r and ...


... I -PBTRYi I t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE BEACON-LIGHT. BY 'DELTA. Ni'zht now descends with gloomy shadow, Mantling chill Novembers sky; Oxen low from the cheeiless meadow, While.the shrieking mew sails by- Above thi bepding-willows Across the foamings blUors The wild breeze ho~wls wdith dreary moan ! Alas tthey speak to me Of one beyond the sea, Who, had but Fortune smiled, And our sad fate besniled ...


... I~~~ II . I it (From the Spec~ator.) inl That long list of etchings of whieh.the Court of. Chancery it has forbidden the publication, while it tantalises the desire r. to see the work of the illustrious hands discloses noi small 8 amount ~of interesting bitogarphiical in~ewmation.' Quilen df VitWad Prince Albert have made the studK of art a d itraa reguar business ; what card-boxes were to t e ...


... ..IR , I.- IN E. -e ::- + :: + ':;, I ,W. 27. flathgateHEvie (Oikney)..GlesterlawvLenabo :. .Lmton ,MauchLne-Melgle- Tb. 28.Aberdeen (woql, two days)-Cpldstream-Cornhill of Park-,Crieff--Falkland--Lockerby-Stone . haven (Megray)-Strathaven F. 29.. Farlston-Jura-Strathnpigl.- Strontian--Thorn- hill. Sat. 30. Garmouth. ' M. 2. Elln. - FAIRS IN JULY. M.:- 2i Ellen. ' . . ' -' Tu. 3. Ardrossan ...


... I . - Ir - :. . I .. -I W. 3.:BTAirgowrie.' ,, , I -- - v . Th; 4.7Aytoh-Grieenlawk.- Kirkmichael-.Crefl'. Fr. .5. Aucihterarder.. Glenluce- Kinziussie-Kirkicaldy- ;LeeAlde-PenicuifOk Sanquhar. Snt. 6.;Melrose-Sberriffrnuir. ai. ,8.,, Falrk (sbeep)-inethmont-Lumpbanan-Red- castle. Tu. 9. 'Aiyth - Cullen-Callander-.Echt- Falkirk Tryst (2'daye)- Mintlawv-1 vergordoni-Peebles.Sljash.h W. 10. ...


... POETRYN THE JUDGMENT OF CUPID. Betwixt Janetta's Lips and Eyes There once arose a warm dispute; Each claimed of loveliness the prise, And Cupid sat to try the suit. The Eyes, a pair of richest blue, Darted him such a winning look That spite of all the God could do, His judgment they severely shook. The rosy Lips' delici6ns pout Arrested his attention next, And if he were before in doubt, He ...


... LoWLlNYa , i The rose -as pouting her ruby lip- The lily disldaying her neck of snow: The £olden-baired tulip stood by a tip; Bit the violet bloomed below. The summer son sried on the rose so fair; The summer sun smiled on the lily so white. And be gazed on tbe tulip's golden Lilr. But the violet 'seaped his sight' The 'trsm wind came from the northern bili, The breasts of tbe flowers opposed ...


... I i I ra FPTERISEAD, loth Sept.-The Buchan Horticultural Sgciety's W third show, for the season, was held here this day. The spec. 1 ;mens brought fonvard for competition far surpassed in quality Y anything ever exhibited here before. The forwardness of the Y, season deprived the exhibition of a great variety of small fruit, but this deficiency was more than made up by the profusion and s, ...