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Bristol Mercury



Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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Bristol Mercury


... LITE RARY VARIETIES. I AIDS Tro REFLECTON.-An hour of solitude passed in eincere I and earnest prayer, or the conflict with, and conquest over, a esingle passion, or subtle bosom sin, will teach us more of I thought, will more effectually awaken the faculty, and form the e habit of reflection, than a year's study in the schools without o them.-Coteridge. I I3TELLECTUAL PRECOCITY.-A child ...


... ,;ovlloctrp. ZVENINGs; OR DAPHNE AND DAMON. [A rASTORIAL, NO. 11. BY JAMES TEAGt5-. Tire golden curtain of the setting stilt FolIs, as A Iuonile the ble wcsterni hills; The toil stud cares of busy lay are dooe, And eve's sereneely quiljt softness sills The heart to overflowing, vilde the eye Of Tholight looks upward ?? beyond the staroy sky. Deep In the vale the ripplibl rill Is heard, E ...


... HINTS TO CAnELESS WIoTEsRS.-It is a Shameful indolence: indeed, sending a badly-written letter to a ?? is as impudent an act as Iknow of. Can there be anthingromoreun. pleasant than to opeun a letter which at once ahtows that it will requrelog deipheingl Besdestheeffect of the letter is gono if ve must spell it. Strange, we carefully avoid troublingj other people even with trifles, or to ...


... MYSTERIES OF VEGETABLE LIFE.-Consider for a moment u the variety of materials which form a plant. That the saubstances is which enter into the bulk of a mountain, and form huge chains n of Alpine steeps, should also contribute to the existence of a fl rose and form part of a tullp, does not appear at first a proba- tl bility. Crystalline bodies of exceeding minuteness are fonnd to a exist in ...


... HINT TO THE L.ADiS.-Some of F'oster's peciliarties are amusing. lie disliked fancy work, and observed on being shown a bit of worsted work, with a great deal oftred In it, that i it was red with the blood of murdered time ; thus diffierng from John- son, who wished that gentlemen could be taught te useof tile needle.-Frasr., rAN UNLUCKY COLOUr IN SCOTLAND-FOr some reason, which has been ...


... p)oetry1. HYMN FOR THE WINTER. Ant. ftiiaees-all seasons, Lord, are thinel And tlisee their varied form: We see thee In the sunbeam shine- We hear thee in the storm. When Spring's young beauty blooms no more, And Sumamer'si Jo)ys are pact, And Autunau's rich aid golden store Is given to man at last,- Then Winter frosvn5 upon the land, And leafless aaakE4 the trees, Lays on the fleoer his ...


... ?oett? E I LOVE NfOTz NOWY.- tsh rnree henad ttehar~s-thy ?? vow- c it'vrind thtele onrce~o- tovO not now I 'Tolin betrfrom mlevmrocry everY trecs-i Earhdhlidmem~otilis 'oad era~se ic irplefnkatsprtecniirrzbdosle to mef That wi'll thy sitikingt hops surround, Bome long-forgottstI titeU ht may more, Thy flutterlttg heart vwlh grieY profound II LINE's UNCERTAINTIES. 30v comes and toes; Hlope ...


... i~octr11. S 0 N N E T.-COMPOSED AT B1BEItICI1. UPON the Itiine-the glorious Rhine-we met, Thou from the sunny shores of Italy, I from our native Ettgland. lie'er shall we The tryoting-plate-the soene-thq Itour forget When (to our long-form'd compact iust and trit) We canec, hi that fair reglol, to renew Our glad Cot1fiditlgs, anld exultingly O'er mtounttin lie glts to wander wild and free! ...


... Efteraturt. Tics TI'eslniccutcs Bleview; ANe. LXXXVII.-S. Clarke, Piall-mall a] East, London. I The preient number of Tice lestciinter is distinguished by bi the prominence given to religiouss and doctrinal, subjects-no0 v( less than three articles out of seven having theological bearings, to wvit-the review of 1The Life of the Rev. Bilanco White, 1Tue Papal States ;1 acid an elaborate ...


... j==ttjJ. SONNET. Zt,-be Itlly comforter when thou wert saIV,- To chosie the nanguill from thy hveely eye.3 To hush to silence aill thy bosol's sigSn, Again to ma ic thiy pensirn spirit g nld, And call back all thy reI siniles-O, tills g still have deem'd a pririlege aind bl 1s Yet happier have I becell if an tile hour When the world vanih'd. ind thle still ?? power Of all things colt aol lo- ...


... TI B RAnT - VRaZETIS. The long-expected Journal of E'vents in Affghanistan, koept by Lady Sale, has at length arrived, and has been intrust. ed for publication to Mr. Murray, of Albemuarle-streat. When worthy men fall out, only one of thema may be faulty at first; but if strife continues long, commonly both become g'uilty.-Fieter. 0RA31TY.r Believe not each accueing tongue, As most weak ...


... t£ I t ?? r£ I'll' IOOlTs-Dtel; or Hlobosken. 3 vols. Ay T. S. Fay-Bentley London. 'This is somiething more than au ordinary novel, and entitled to olhei colirlereetiou thau that which is usually extended to the work of mere aniusemuent-thu literary trifle of the hour. We are the more inclined, too, to give it a cordial reception and cand(lid examination as being tthe production of a stranger ...