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... it erattr c. England in thme Ninecteenth Cenmtury- Parts V.-Hows & Parsons, London. The present pert of the southern division rontains some tin. terestjsg- land instructive particulars relmative to the working of tise far-fansed Cornish mines. According to the plan prescribiort to themselves by thoe projectors of this excellent publication, Cornweall1 is concluded by a mruse of statistical ...


... or'ftotI4. SATURDAY, Ao'VMnEzR 23, 1844. EXCLUSIVE' DEALING. THIE CLIFTON POLL-BOOK. A,^ FoRThIT ago wve noticed the announcement of a Clifton poll-book, for the purpose of being distributed amongst the friends of the Conservative interest in the parish of Clifton, and we appealed to the Times whether it would defend or denounlce what Ee took to be a piece of infamous terrorism-a Guide to ...


... Litetature. North British Bleviet; Aso. I.-Kennedy, Edinburgh. Another labourer in tile literary vineyard. In addition to the varied topics discussed by its brethren, the conduoctors of tile present Review pnrpose devoting a considerable 1portion of its pages to theological matters. In discussing religious subject.- says the preface, there will be no attempt te advocate the dis: ...


... LZTERARY V4LRITZES. Death has nothing terrible in it but what life has made so. Aceomplicas in guilt are of necessity slaves to each other. -cetrrnaj, Courage consists not in hazarding without fear, but in being resolutely minded in a just cetuse. . MELANCHOLY.-Melancholyi even love melancholy, is not so deeply seated, at least in minds of a manly and elastic cha. roater,. as the soft ...


... PHILHA.RMONIC CONCERT. The, members of thce Paillsarmonic Society gave their first ,concert tfor the season, ait the Victoria Rooms, on Monday even- ing. The principal apartment presented quite a gay and ani- i1satcd appearance, the majority of- the company with which it wras Crowded being ladies, all of whom appeared to have done their beat to show, their, practical contompt for chat oft ...


... 10oetrp. OUR OLD CATHl.DR&L. i Lovy our old Cathedral, When the morning sunbeams shine Through the ricbly.painted windows, Above the altar shrine. I love our old Cathedral, ' When the evenin lamps bur ?? And throulg *hpe I-4y arches stream Their rays of softest light. I love our old Cathedral, With its organ pealing high, Wbilat the choristers are singing, And the vaulted roofs reply. I love ...


... CoReRUPIOaN is like a ball of snow, when once set rolling it maust increase. it gives ?? to Cite activity oft ?? knave, but it chills tile honiest men, anti makes him almost wearyof hs culingand nil1 that cnrruptioh attracts;, it also re- tarinsyfor it is easr not to fall than Only to fall once, and not to yield a single inch than having yielded to regain t. PA! NrUL DUrIES OF 'rILE ...


... MODERN ROME.- Modern Rome occupies but a small portion of tile original city; it may be a fifth that is eniclasedhly the wall which still remains, though It Is difficalt upon this subject to speak with absolute certainty. The presentt city touches the wall only at the north, where it declines to the Tiber; but in some other points it does not approach nearer to it than two miles; thle ...

The Fine Arts

... f1je ?? ArtfI EXHIBITION OF THE BRIISTOL ACADEMY. ICONsrsNsEnI ?? Ova LAST.] 64. View iii Ashdovn Forest, Bussex: COPLEY FaHLING.- This is in all respects-in composition, chiaro Fsuroi colour, and execution -the finest landscape in the collection, and presents new points of excellence to the eye upon every examination of its ricndant details. Tue view fromnrich and picturesque leregrdund is ...


... jourtrp. W 0 M A N. F'le roughest path, in lareiest gloams, There is a star jith bhight, clear ray; There is a flower that ever blooms, Aled, like a rose-tree 'maid the tombs, With bheta1 glads our way. 'T is Womesi sheds so fale it light UpsilI this wetry pilgrimage: She is the flower whose beauty brigirt Fifls ionth with visions of delight, Ano gladdens sinking age. In vain each thihg nnay ...


... 31500r)). ON THE BIRTH OF THE PRINCESS ROYAL. IK. Ienry. Now, bv thy loolbs I cuess rily messsge._ Is tihe Queen i te iver'd 1 Say aye; and of a boy!-KiseG HEiItY VIII. Act v Sc, 1. WnAT! wish for a Prince? oh! husi'd be that word, Ard full be thy measn ure of bliss; Contentment and welcome alone should be heard On a day so auspicious as this! What! wish for a Prince? Ohl! who that has seen ...


... DAR78ZA SHOW. Tile annual show of the Bristol and Clifton Dahlia Society e took place on Alolinday last, in the large room of the Fa'll AlMoo I iTaern, Broadlstrect. r The show of blooms was remarkably good-tildeed, we heard , it stated by judges to lie the best that has taken place in this i part of the cottatri. The room was decorated in the usualt eancer, %vith devices ingeniously ...