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Advertisements & Notices

... 'rWElNE8DA; Jansaty i; IR-au ' ' e X ?? will, cQmtn1ece, with. the,, Msical ,,D~lw £6%Ft3, THE-FR w :; 6oundie Vah6sta Mr. r[-GodkeB. Mr. Barrett. ?? To conclude with 'F-the- suth-time) -an ebtirely New TragilcalCOMal Bistoriea Pastoral, Grrnlz.Ghisit._ ?? tnsa Pantomime4-called gARLEQUIN -A-ND EEP~tIN TONI F * a, ;T11MITCH 0PV o ARweCX.--, -. With eatirely leu Scenery,. Machinery,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SPIRIT RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT TO BE Ta 'r ET, . I OR the Interest in the Lease to be Sold, oc ch~ Ir 0 term of70 years is unexpired. Rent a5dgaiesdo not exceed £42 yearly. The House basbejs i r many years in the' Retail Grocery and Spirit 8usie snd the Resail'Spirit Licwaeiss,,ojd tp.l th Octobe4 IB * Gro- cery and 'Gas Fixtursre--ar in perfect order,,aD o fines a ffeci ti og th e eesta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Distillers of Ireland are requested/toattend a T General Meeting, at RADLEY'S HlJEU, COM- MERCIAL BUILDINGS, Dublin, on TH 3JSAY, the 9th January instant, at One ?? afterj rojupon bu- siness of importance. 1 st January, 1840. LOYAL REGISTRY ASSOCIATION. MTHE ASSOCIATION will meet at the GREAT JUROOM, CORN-EXCHANGE, on THIS DAY, Thursday, the 2d January, 1840, at Half-pas T o aClock. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -NAVAL PROMOTIONS AND APPOINMD BTS. rA3P0XIaTME.XTS.- Mates. Mt 9gkX Wiulit LiIly . and R. C. Xevern, to tbe Blenheim; John Borlade,- to the , Excellent; and John -A. Whartoni to-the Pique. ; Midshipman-Gerald Kingley, to the Pique.1 Vol. Ist Class--Witliam Bencroft, the Hon. ?? Er- r4ine, and William-. Robert Adair, to the Blenheim; -and Thomas Fortespue, to the Benbow. Z Lieutenant Olivr J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, IN Triumphant success of ?? ¢bristrns Panjomime produced under the direction of Mr. .WJELAND. * firs present tIHURSDA`Y, JArsnafry ?? 4140, the' .L Performances will commence -viith- a Romantic Drama called - til A DREAM AT SEA.- Trevanion, Mr. Duff; Launce Lynwood, Mr. Iudon ' Ally Croaker, Mr. Rees. After which the Cotnic Interlude of F*a8H OUT OF WATER. ' ?? am 8vdury Air. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRE-R 0 YAL, DUBLiN. Triumphant success of the New Qhhristsas Pantomime produced under the direction of -Mr. WIELAND THITS present FR[DAY, Januairy 3, 1840, the 'Per- T formances will oomrneiV 'ith the Colnedy of Mr. Paul Pry, Mr. Rees; itbe, RpissChsalmers Mrs. Subtle, Mrs. J. Thorobhill; EBliaalrdy, 'Miss M. Hamil- ton; Marian, Miss Penco. ' To conclude with (for the tig~ti-1e) an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT BARGAIN. Ii 7j'¶0 BE SOLD, a Profit Rent of Ten, asing T. out of a House in a most respectable ne bloarhood, for the Term of Sixty-one Years. U ,:Application to be made to f5, Fleet-street. daN SALE at BRISTOL, Quebec Pipe, Eogshead, Bar- re], and W. I. P. Oak STAVES; Hicksry HAND SPIKES; Memel 0 Katka, St. Petersburgh, $qihoy, and various other Foreign BRISTLES ; AHtG4NY in Logs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, DtJULIN. Ninth Night of thec New Christmas Pantomime, produced under the direction of Mr. WIELAND. HIS present SATURDAY, January 4, 1840, the T Performances will commence with the Comedy of SPEED THE PLOUGi. Sir Abel Handy, Mr. Rees; Sir Philip Blandford, Mr. H1. Cooke; Henry, Mr. Hudson; Susan Ashfield, Mrs. Edwin Yarnold. To conclude with (for the ninth time) an entirely New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE MEETING Adjourned from Thurad 1hil1 be held at the GREAT ROOMS, COR-E 4GE, an THIS DAY, Saturday, the 4th inst., at If s4T ' o'Clock, when 1 MR. O'CONNELL 'I will bring up from the Committee the Dr Address to1 the Queen and Petition to the House of Co snons. . T. M. RAY, Secretary On the 1st of January was Published, 18s.s ihds INNISFOYLE ABBEY; a Tale of Mod nflimes, .L By Denis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T4IE ONLY :{OUSE IN DUBLIN FOR READY 1 di MADE PILOT COATS. NT -No ?? for inspection, 300 of every size, shape, A an d make of Pilot Coats, from One Pound; fine Thick Tweed Trowsers, only lOs.; Pilot Trowsera, 99,; Black and Fancy Winter Vests, for 7s. 6d;*jef every description of Trowsers, ready-made. Dape 's Waterproof Cloth and Camlet Coats. J Just received, an immense Stock of Cloths, SaiS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAT..?E-ROYAL, DUBLIN. Ferst Night of the Engagement l.f Miss E. TREE. sb HIS present MONDAY, January 6, 1840, the T Performances will commence with the celebrated Pt play of fai THE HUNCHBACK. Written by James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. f Master Walter, the Huuchback, Mr. Cnlcraft;Sir hornas Clifford, Mr. H Cooke; Modus, Mr. udson; V Miss Ellen Tree (her First Appearance these Four Years). co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRE-ROYAL, DUBLIN. Second Night of the Engagement of Miss E. TREE. HIS present TUESDAY, January 7, 1840, the IL Performauces will commence with the celebrated THE WIFE. A TALE OF MAN5TAVJ. Written by James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. Leonardo Gonzaga, Mr. Hudson; Ferrardo Gonzaga, Mr. H. Cooke; Julian St. Pierre, Mr. Calcraft;- ariana (as originally perfortned by her), Miss Ellen Tree., To ...