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Advertisements & Notices

... RWW'ICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY.-Established 182l.-Capltal, £550,000. TRUSTEFS. Elight lion.Lord Wodll ISO It'ight l1 o thle Earl of Orford. Lord Li,?rtenant. Sir Icry J.arne Sir Jacob Astloy, Bart, ?? Clitarcs Saill Onley, Esq. Edward T. IlootIEsq., President. Licutenant-Colornel Harvey, Vire-President. .AntitorltY Hudson, Esq. G.eorge Steppings, Esq. Gerg oTSe, Esq se~ Jermy, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tpei88SonPAW1MlY ?? Cuo, -SURGEONS- at igbepesoaly onsulteatfrom Nie in t i ' ma ltigt,and onfindaysfrom lileti Two11 No. 2-2, SLATERt.Sr`tEl1,,'grat thleir rsteneee, (Prtvatc B~trranct Fledr o's tip theocaqep and No. 4, Great Chlarles-9treet. Ill0,5,-0 of who!e.) 'ma be hail, gratis, with each box. of Pils tng !li' -i-of V-, iscreal IlDisease, Gonorrh~ea,. Gloets andlstreidenyc Including r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To STATIsTIcS OF TiE IRoX TRADvLV-We have net this wzek atollr disposal ?? tha space requisite for a brief reply to the quer y of ,t Student; but if our corrospondent has access to the ela- borate and interesting paper on tile Iron Trade, written by our respected townsman, Mr. Joseph Johnson, he will there obtain the most ample information. Mr. Johnson's paper was first read before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING, x Wridayl the 3rd instant, CORK LEGS. THE KING'S GARDENER, and JACK SHEPPARD., 3s.-Pit, 2w.-Galler-r, Ud. Second Pm-ire at Half-past Flgli:-Boxes, Rs.-Pit, I.a No Second Price to the Gallery. The celebrated Drama of THlE MAGIC VEIL I or the Fairy of the Lake, is In rehearsal, and wrill be speedily p~reduced. J{ OYAL AMPHITHEATRE OF ARTS.- This Evening (FRIDAYI January 3, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILADELPHIA LINE OF i f?. PACKETS W. L Sailing on the 8th of every month, vis. ALGONQUINp AsanERT ?? 8th JTan. P.CAHON AS. EeCH N .v . S tons,lat Feb. Mt 'NONGAI IFL& AJ .,v. SlaIgN 'Oftns t M-oh. ~? ~USQ~ssAN~,'II.~F. MIERCHEN ?? tOtiss, Uthl April. ' These vessels areall of the first class, built expressly for this line, and combine every quality to reulder therm safe and empe- ditioui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP BOOK ESTrABI3SLLMENT, 35. LORD-STREET, LlV`lftotpou,. There will be found at the above Estaelislinetc, a aiecltec. tion if the most Sandurd Works on DIVIh~l!Y, MAtA i IIMA- TICS, SURGERtY, ANTIQUiTIES, AltCIkt ?? Miqt'ELA.6US LITERATURE, of whichttel, b~it; r buta very t~mall part. As the Books irescotatye.tvg it is iiniposiblo to keen a regular Cetalogoc.. 1. C(;vl-lt g ?? invitei the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? YougPOINTER .DOG.; !le: is neirly. White, 'oxcept A 'fino i !i Black' Spots 011', is Ba and' Loies. His forelead., ll 6iisvYcvs to the natno of Sancho. ' Any person bringing hin to, Le Oace 'o tllb papir, will ie hland- -ii lj. rewarded; and If he io ddlained after this notice, tho pers6nso delainirig bim will bo subject to proaceislion. : ..BANK 11OUSE, NEAR LYTHAM. Classilcal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R-EW JOINT-STOCK BANK. -It is proposed to establisha JOINT-STOCK BANK, (ha which the marsagement, accountancy, and direction, sbali be inch a check u pon the others; and the protection and legitimate use of tee bank's funds; secured by fulnda- mental laws)-to tbe styled. THE MAINCHESTER BANKING COMPANY, Copital£X5,0010; in 25,000 Sh nrM£20 each. 'Provspectues, and form of ?? for shares, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F- 5 :Si\3i ?? [i . lid 6i-x allslelll IS ?? jld4 Nbsgitvs wig-, :tv ro1i-k I'fth iltarol-ijiA ?? sti MI,, ?? lpl~ ,, \ ?? tS talivo , iitIlul, knd ll~sdrtlr l ?? , / C jl-sli. -i . i -. Vf ]W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,alte bp aucttoon. At the house of Mr. William Beddows, the Crown Inn, in Horwich, in the county of Lancaster, on Wednesdtay, the 15th of January, 1840, at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will then he produced, and in the following or such other lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale: Lot LL that Plot of LA$D, situated at ,.oti. the bottom of Horwichif Moor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BEAMERS. -WANTED, aln expe- T orienced BEAMER, who hashbeen aecustomnd to sized. Mule Twist. To one Coho w.vell niderstattidshis busines', and can produce an unexceptionable.'charatter for sobriety. liberal wages wvill be given._ Apply by letter, post paid, aldressed J. H., at the Printers'. OBE LET, a First-rate GROCERY and Ti pROVISION' WVARF1IOUSE, takitw ;£70 to £80 per wreek^, in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORN EXCHANGE..-Tbe Public are in-. formed that there is Preebl r ties every Sab- bath in the ahove piace, and that every sea: is free..TO. a MORROWY (January 5th), the ev. W. GILES, of Pres- ton, SziI1 preach in the morninig at half-past ten, and in the evening at half-osat sitx; aad'~ime Rev. T. S. ELLERBY at thuree in the ?? Colleetion. mO0 ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, and 3OTTHERS,-A IVEICHANIC ...