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Ipswich, Suffolk, England

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... hMNu3AdMWI h*AWorS vqf a. . R. JPiame*, Esv. PJhili Augasttus. SMITH, ELDER, and Co., London.-] ew ?? in ancient or modern history present more glowing scenes in the Court and in the I ield that that in which flourished Philip Augustus of France. In the present volume Mr. James has condensed the principal events in regard to that Mo. ssarch and his Queen, so like truth that it is difficult to ...


... IPSWICH THIEATRE. On Monday last, the Borough Justices held a Special Session at the Town -lull, to take into consideration the x cspective applicatiosis made by Mlr. G, iI. Bianchi, and lMlr. T. 1). Davenport, for licence to the Theatre for draniitic entertainments, the old license to Mr. Poole hlaving expired. The Justices present were, the Mayor Charles Burton, Esq., T. D'Eve ...

Original Poetry

... O.-Vtoinal voctrit. The folloving tibvte to the Mfernory of the late Major Moor has been pritately circulated among the friends of the deceased. It. merits consist not only in poetic, but also ii tsuthful expression; and we have no doubt that the additional circulation vve are enabled to give it, will be a gratification to all our readers. A BRIE:F MEIMORIAL OF MAJOR EDWARD MOCR, 2FrS.. BY ...


... Works o Sir' ila er Scott. Abbofeford Edition. CADELL, 1tdinbUrtl.-Ia the concluding parts of Peverel of the Peak, we observe a splendid steel engraving of Gcorge Villiers, Due of ib frops an original nicture; iildwood illustrations of Northumberland House, Straud * Nengate, as built by Sir R. Whittington; Old London Bridge, York House from tlie Thames, and vari. oas portraits. Quinton Derwent ...

Original Poetry

... - - grialal ortrlo. TU LMAV Or TM UIVAI. PALThXOTB. I sing of tho scenc, and I sing oi the day. | Whtlen Itlister Mould diddlpdi the Mlav'r, hiker Mey When first, (as by Journals Mid C'hrodicleg told), The May'rsoil'd his digits by dabbling with ainOI: An event ,llte enougih to provoke to a splutter The diqnified doaler in cheese and in butter I But his Worship bad fel ttno compunillon at all ...


... Z.ETBIRATLUK. Canadian Scenery llustrated.-VtRsTuE, ivy-lane, and MARTIN, New York.-While our paternal Government Is displaying its zeal for the education of the people In all sorts of useful knowledge, the public spirit of individuals is actively called forth in the labour of supplying menIn. lood for ihe middle and higher clasees; and the arts dfs. dais not to lend their aid in exalting and ...


... ZITEJIATrfl1?. The Camden Society has just published a volume of oriejoal letters of eminent literary inert, from the 16th to the century, with notes by Sir Henry Ellis. Amongst the number is one to Lord Burleighfrom Sir John Sm p11w. It is dated from the Tower, the 26th of June, 1596. After thauking his lordship for allowing a man to attend on him, and assuring him that he was, generally ...


... XLXRTlIUATEJIEh The Gleaner: dedicated (by permission) to Lady Mid- dleton, of Shrubland Park. By Mrs. C. J. PARVERSON. -Certainly this rich collection ought not to be considered as the gleanings, but the full sheaves of literature, with the further advantage of being composed not of the indiscri- minate harvest, but of a selection of the fullest ears. However pleasing may be the title, its ...

Original Poetry

... Orightal tDottrIt. THE SUMMER SKY. You glorious canopy of blue. Untolded to the careless view Of earth-bound spirits, not in vain O'er human haunts, or sea, or plain, Expands its brightness. To the eye Searching to trace the DEITY 'Tis but an azure veil that screens The vestibule to holier scenes, Where, far beyond all mortal scath, The vision purified by Faith Expatiates in boundless climes ...


... ?? the London and Paris Ladivs' AZlagazine of Fashion. ) Much simplicity is observable in the make of dresses; the ornaments, however, are various in gilup, passemen- jerie, hyrinthes but the most elegant is the dentelle de velours, which possesses the advantage of matching the colour of the dress. Embroidery is also used on silk, cloth, eachaepire, and the finer merinos, and often inter- ...


... The poets sing the meegrv month of May, But surely Nature never look'd so glum, *Where are ibe flowers that-made all naaure guy Where are the bees' Ajas ! they're all a bum. Where are the blossoms that should gem the bowers ? This year they make a verry sorry show ; For, what with boisterous winds and pelting showers, The buds are blown away before they blow. Milton alludes ?? gently playing ...


... WHEN first Big Dan old Ireland taught e To blister with agitation, To bully and burn in heart and thought, 'T was dubbed Conciliation! He put hate into every whisky-glass, Pf And spite into every tatur So they utter'd a bull while their hearts were full, And they call'd him Liberator! t They called him Liberator-yes, t 'Zwas a sweet term of soft sawder, Because lie liberated them t From ...