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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... AmlarketO. ?? .- H ?? CORN, &C. Friday, July 9.-Tn Rome few instances tile best of wil to wheat sold at a trifling Improvement invj It thuiestransacted was trifling. Fro5n ,bt jGl50qrs. Ofvvweat have come to handithfs Ileek Osa the whole there was rather mare doing in this 5irticle i we can notice no actual advance In the quotations. ?? bt ?? LAtox, Monday, July 12.-Thie arrivals o nls wheat ...


... Of the income and expenditure of the Veteran Pa- triots' and Exiles, Widows'and Children's Funds: quarter ending Sunday, June 7,1846. MONEY SUBSCRIBED FOR THE TWO FUNDS JOINTLY. London: Mr. Knowles, Whiteehapel, Ss 6d; £. s. d. Mr. Marriott, Bow-street. 8d; Mr. Tobin, 2s 6d; Mr. Wilks, 4d; R. W., 6d; P. W. Bourne, Commercial Road, 2s Gd; Lover of Justice, Is; B. Wells, is; P. W. B., Is; E. ...


... ztwulallpt!s. ?? ?? (From the Gazetle of Friday, May 21.) Thomas Burrell, Billeriery, Essex, licensed victualler- Edward alnier, Great Surrev.strect, Blackfriars-road, agricultural ?? Caleb Whittenbury, Green- wich, ?? Bsrrington Mioody, Fenchurch- street, civil ?? Craft, Springl-treet, Pad. dington, ?? Keeler, Canterbury, dealer in ?? Paddon, Tower Marsh, Lambeth, clothes ?? Ilibbins, Ketton, ...


... I. I ?? ?? (From& the fasefe of Tuesday, July 18.) B.ANRUPTCIES ANNULLED. EdwardNorris, daniichetier, ?? ll bates},jun., Beauniont-street, Marylebone, sargeon; ' BJAKRUkiTS. IJohn Gloge, Portsmouth, ?? Ellie, Ebury. Is quare, ?? Brown Addison, Sumner.street, street, Southwark, ?? John Ker, Foots- cray, ?? Beek Bills and RichardWil- 1iam. Alldridge, Rood-lane, City, sbipping grocers- - George ...


... LOCAL MARKETrS. LEEDS CORN MARKET. TuESpAy, APRIL 6.-The arrivals of all kinds of Grain to this day's market are smaller than last week. Wheat has been dull sale, and scarcely supported last week's price. There has been very little alteration in fine Barley, but all other descriptions are very dull, and lower to make sales. Oats and BEaus heavy sale. THE AVERAGE PRICES FOR THE WEFD . ENDING ...


... RICHMOND (YoRKSHIRE) COoRN MARKET, SATURDAY.- We had a good Supply of wheat in our market to-day, but the supply of oats was only ?? sold from Is. to Is. Od.; oats, 3s. 3d. to 4s. id.; barley, 4s. to 4s. 3d. beans, Is, to 5s. Gd. per bushel. WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET, FRIDAY.-We have an ex- tremely limited supply of all grain, vith the exception of beans. We had a fair demand for fresh wheat, at ...

National Association of United Trades

... gatlonai g oaiation of lift tratrY. unioTn forthe ArIngi, C FRIFNDS,-We feel called upon this week to di- I rect your attention to the increasing claims upon is the funds of the Association, hoping that those it trades who are in arrears will exert themselves to pay up their back levies, and invest the Central Cons.- mittee with the necessary power and means to re carry out the objects of ...


... LREDS CORN MARKFT, Nov. 1.-The supply of Grain co this day's market is smaller than last week. There has heen a fair dt rand for new Wheat, at an advance of Is. to 2s. per quarter; in old, no improve- ment. Barley has been more inquired for, and Is. n-r quarter, and Oats a haltfpenny per stone higher. deans both old and new, rather lower. THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WHEAT FOR THE WEEI ENDING Nov. 1, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... baivtruvtO, atc. From the London Gazelte of Friday, July 28. BANIKRUPTS. Edward Reynolds, Merton, Sutrey, silk and woollen printer, to surrender Aug. 10., Sept. 8, at half-past !leven o'clock, at the Bankrupts' Court: solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday-street; official as- signee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghlall.street, Meyer Lever, Great Winchester-street, commnssion merchant, Aug. 10., Sept ...


... (Uontinced from eorjirst page.) scale of prices. If he (Mr. Bissan) disputes the truth of this statement, let him come forward and place the books in the hands of some of the principal masters of this town, impartial and inde- pendent men, who will give testimony to the truth of our assertions. Many rumnours are afloat concern- ing the differences which exist betwixt Mr. Bissan and his men, ...


... LONDON SMITHFIELD CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY,, MAY 1U-The Beef trade wabunusually dull; indeed, we soarely ever recollect a worse market for Beef. Notwithstanding the salesmen gave way in pricess from 2d to 4d per 81bs, scarcely any progress was made in sales, and the very highest figure obtained for the best Scots did not exceed 3s 81 per 81bs. The numbers of Sheep were again extensive, yet the ...


... WHiLE Alderman BRooks and THE LORD LOVE YoU portion of Free Traders woula wheedle us into the belief that Free Trade was to be the means, and full,ifree, and fair representation the end, of the united agitation of the League and STURGE party, we beg to refer our readers to the plain, the simple, uncquiveoal, and unmistakeable deolaration :of RICHARD COUDEN, Esq., Complete Free Trader, ...