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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... PRICES OF SHARES IN CANALS AND RAILWAYS IN THB COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MON^TODTH, & BKRCON. x No. of Original Present IName' Shares. Cost. Price. Glamorganshire Canal 600 £ 100 A:210 Aberdare Canal 221 120 120 Aberdare Railway. 1000 50 100 Swansea Canal 533 100 150 Neath Canal. 25u 100 340 j Duffryn Llynvi Railway. 400 11)0 150 Bridgend Railway 300 20 24 Tatf Vale Railway 3000 100 132 Ditto ...

--------------LONDON M.OS liY MARKET

... LONDON M.OS liY MARKET. .1 From thc oflieia! list, containing the business actual'y transacted.) CLOSING PRtCRS OF BRITISH STOCKS—WEDNESBHY. Bunk ■Stock, ](>J 34. | Imtja St ck. 'H7 S per cent Re t., | lodia Xiijiicx. 2 pm 3 per ct Cons .Sou:h Sen Old Anm, 88 { 3| p r ct A ins. tsl9, 9/1 f Dn. — I.J j~rr ceti; tin! J 4 C i ;»■ for Of: 90 tf-w 3.J IV'I o. (to Hi £ ln00 B* B. 2J 12 pm Long Au 1 ...

[No title]

... Coal shipped at Newport from November the 4th to the 10th Nov., 1841, both days included:- Coast w ise Ireland TONS TINS Newport Coal 4530 1397 Latch and Cope 760 J. POOLE, JNN J 745 J. F. flanson 665 W. S. Cartwright 597 200 Tredegar Coal Co. 1057 PORTHMAWR COAL 47 Nion, Iron & Coal Co John 325 15 and — Coal brought down the MONMOUTHSHIRE CANAL CtllII. PANY'S TRAIN ROADS, AND CANAL, TROW THE ...


... BKIXON. d A. Wheat 8 I) Mutton. 0 6 I in ley 4 8 Vral 0 7 Oats 3 2 I'm k 0 6 A Mall 8 0 Kresli binter I I Boef 0 7 Sail lint'er (tier tub) 0 I0 £ COWBHIDGE. W ireiit Minp.b.) -• B.I Si i',| | Veal 0s. 7d 0» 8 Barley .is 0-t 4s- Oi i'ork Us Gd- (Is 7 Oats 2s. 91 3s. 0d Lmtili (Is. 0 1- 0 7 ...


... PORTH CAWL SHIPPING LIST. ARRIVALS. JOHN WfliTF,, Booth, Richibuctoo New Brunswick, timber.. Sally. Todd. Foy, ballast. Amelia, Cock, Falmouth, pittwood .Yeomans Glory, Cooper, Falmouth, ballast. Providencc, Bushen, Swansea, sundries.St. Pierre, Jones, Bridgwater, ballast. Farmers, Fen is, Brixham, ballast.Hope, Chidgey, Watchelt, flour. Fanny, Pulsford, Porlock. hallast. Sally, Tadd Port ...


... GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. FROM BRISTOL TO LONDON, 1 Exprs 3dCls. 4 5 3dCls. 7 j 8 9 Exprs 11 12 13 14~ A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M, P.M. P.M. P.M.1 P.M. P.M. Bristol. 6 30 8 10 6 30 7 0 8 35 11 30 10 0 10 50 12 45 1 41 2 0 3 55 6 0 12 25 Bath 7 0 8 26 7 0 7 25 9 0 12 10 10 30 11 18 1 10 1 56 2 30 4- 25 6 25 12 45 Swindon. 9 25 10 23 8 35 10 23 3 0 — 12 30 2 25 2 53 3 45 5 40 7 50 ...


... GRE\T WESTERN RAILWAY. FROM BRISTOL TO LONDON. 1 Exprs 3dCls. 4 5 3dci^ 7 j ~~S 9 Exprs U~ la 13 14 | A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. I'.M. l-.M. P.M. p,M. Bristol. »j ao 8 10 6 30 7 0 8 35 11 30 10 0 10 50il2 1 41 2 0 3 55 0 0 12 25 Bath 7 0 8 26 7 0 7 2,') 9 0 12 10 10 30 11 18 1 10 1 5C 2 30 4 25 6 25 12 45 Swindon. 9 20 10 23 8 35 10 23 3 0 — 12 30 2 25 2 53 3 45 5 10 7 ...


... RAILWAY It JUTES A SO TIME TABLES. GRE\r WEST IS UN RAILWAY. FIWM lHUSTOL TO LONDON. i 1 Lxjir.s Oulls. 4 0 SuUsTj 7 ~b v Txi^ts 11 i la 10 IT A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. J A.M. j A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. I P.M. P.M. P-M. P.M. Bristol. 6 00 8 10 ti 00 7 0 6 35|11 ;10j 10 0 10 00 IK 40 1 4i; — 3 55 6 0 la 20 Bath 7 0 U 20 7 0 7 20 9 0jl2 10 10 SO U 18 1 10 1 06 — 4 25 0 20 12 45 fcwindon. 9 HO 10 20 6 ...


... LONDON MARKETS. GENERAL AVERNGB PRICES OF CORN, perQnai ter, cmnpiittfdfroui the I nspectoi s' Returns. GENKIHL AVKRAGK—WEEK ENDING APRIL 10. ..1. II. d. Wheat 64 0 K\r. 7 Barley 33 8 Bean* 4 Oats 23 (J Peu-e 38 9 AOQHEOATK A VEK AttE OF LAST oSU; U'ttlS. -I. a, d. Wheat 0i II ( Rye 35 5 Barley 32 11 j Bean» 2 Oats 22 ) I I Pease 39 2 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. s, d. s d Wheat 23 6 Rye. » B«rley 13 ...

....--------- -------------------------.-. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. NEWPORT. IMPORTS.—The Thomas and Sarah, I liseny, from Swansea, with iron ware; the Harmony, Berry, from Youghal, with pigs the Eleanor, Stanton, aud the Amazon, Long, from Bristol, and the Mary. Stephens, from Gloucester, with hay; the Hopewell, Jones, and the Dahlia, Griffiths, from Portmaduc, with slates; the 11 enry, Billin, from Bfidgewater, with corn; the John ...


... These Equations, applied to the above Table, will give the Approximate Times of High Water, at the followtny Places on the Coasts of England and Wales. H. Ni. H. M Aberystwith. add 0 15 Liverpool add 4 a Caernarvon alid 1 45 Newport, Nlon.. sub 0 3(3 Cardiff I'oad •• sub, 0 55 Portsmouth add 4 20 Cardigan Bar •• sub. 0 15 Swansea Bar sub 1 14 Carmarthen Bay sub. 1 5 Thames' Mouth sub 5 45 ...