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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TO RAILWAY TRAVELLERS. vaIIE public are respectfully informed that REFREESH- T MENTS are provided at the STATION at READINGo and that the Coaches from Bath, Bristol, &c. arrive in sufficient time before the departure of each Train. SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION B1y the GREAT WESTERN RAIL WA Yfrom LONDON to the FARIN4GDON ROAD STATION, and from thbnce by the Little WVonder Coach to SqHIpSrO7N-ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R/f . RYMAN begs to inform th.e jijmerous Suh.. JAI scribers to the UNIVERSTTY PORTPAIT OF MIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WELL] N( TON, aS CANCaOR, that lie has this day received froMr. S. COUsis, the engravor, an unfinished Proof, which may be COCO at his ht.iae No. 24, igi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! STrER NV FlE'.--This IFairis nhilui)iteiv ij tO IJ hold( 011 '1'IIC V LNS ' the r bcII of Julv iistailt All Wool to ble pitullhd Ile Mavrki't Ploce, by 'TPe a'el00or, The 0rvdiiiarp at ele iiig's Aims Ihu, at Three ou'clocl ,s o.rsnal. il,.ir.elP111. JInerrier. Jin'y B. 11140. d' 'I ioltcl,U E CIA LTI(, 4t; ii' il 1] err, IXS~, \V\imrx'~v vk - bfga to ?? tl.L oi C) I N N CII )NNEI wll take ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (BY PERMISSION OF THE REV. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR.) Mr. and Mrs. REINAGLE HAVE THE HONOR TO ANNOUNCE A SECOND SERIES OF Four Classical Chamber Concerts, The first of which will take place in Mr. WYATT S ROOM, HIGH STREET, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, January 25, at Eight o'clock precisely. Mr. and Mrs. REINAGLE will be assisted by Rfsa NESSENT and M1rZ. ELAGROVE. Single Tickets, 7s. each, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL MILL AND LAND, At Little Hintort, Wilts, and Bourton, Berkr, F OIL SALE 13Y AUCTION, At the harrow Inn, \Venboreugh, Wilts, on Thursday the 10th day of September, at l'lve o'clock in the afternoon, in one or more lets, as shall be determined on at the snie, and setbisot to CoIl- ditlatis then to be produced. Let l.-A GRiST MILL, with ?pital fall of water, driving two pairs of Statics, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCHITECTS. '4EYSSEL ASPHALTE COMPANY, Claritle's j Patent, established March, 1838, for working the Miineral Asphalte Rock of Pyrimont Seyssel. This valuable material has been extensively used since its first introduction into this country for the followving purposes :-Foot pavensents, public and other; in the carriage appsroach to man- sions, garden wvalks, and terracec; the flooring of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Ri. GILES begs respectfully to inforin the publia that Mr. Plas had no autliority to connect tho late Mr. JAnIES GILES's ilamc with his Adveiisenment in last Wveel;'s Papers. Iiiiqz-strert, 2THE CITY SESSIoNS. 71IE Clerk of t/he Peacefor the City beys to reesind -U7-ulos and all Other Pere01u who hiacne business at the City Sessioen, on M1fonday next tie Thiird of January, t.'lat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowo SELINIYG OFF, at 30 per Coett. under Cost. No. 7, MAGIDALEN STREFT, OXFORD. RUSSELL, late Manager at Spiers and Son, invites e o the attendance of all who have not yet been purchasers in useful articles for the toilet. lie offers to the public every sort of FANCy SoAr, and particularly recommends his Old Brown Windsor, of which hbe has yet one hundred weight on hand, selling at 2d. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nels'on's Famnily and Coummercial Hotel, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, LUDGATE 11ILL, LONDON. T HEpatrnag of entlmenand Families visiting1 ?? s espctfllysoicited for the above Hotel, atwih vr cmot n ttninwill be found, and at ma- Jr, deae hrys-mnbss oan rm all the Railway Stations V~ EDDING STATIONERY.-Cards engraved in lr W .silver or ink; envelopes, of satin paper, with lace, silver, a) or embossed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITo the B42-yesses of, tJ- est ?? GENTLEMB ,.r NVO language that 1l.Could use- would adequately N express the deep anql just sense of gratitude I feel f. r- your unanimously electtng me one of your Burgesses of ?? Town Councisl; ande - assured that any ability I possess, how- ever small, shall b~excrted for the benefit of you all. I have the honour to be. Gentlemen, With great respect, your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT CAUTION. MESSRS. A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden, London, beg to caution the Nobility and Gentry against being misled by the attempts of somne shopkeepers, who, to cornpounds of their own manufacture, give the titles of Macasssr Oil, alydor, and !'Odonto * some under the im~pied sanction of Royalty and the Government departments, with similar attempts at deception; while ...