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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Chartist Intelligence

... ebartiot 3ETTtritaytto. I vUxLIN.The Irish Universal Suffrage Associa. l M usual in the Great Rooms, No. 14, North stre et. on Sunday last, at six o'clock in the CADef' r.r William Woodward inthe chair. Mr ev IDyOtt, secretary. In accordance with the Vin. Vraoil e of the meeting the secretary read the ?? of the Association, and a great rule~anfflettsrs from the country, some of which nuitcd ...

To Readers and Correspondents

... Co Beabrro al.IT, eorrepontienlt* ATROCIOUS OUTRAGE.-Wfe have received from a n7nhbels of parties, ohoo give their names, the , J'llowing particulars of a diabolically atrocious out rage on a poor woman.- A certain poor woman, resides with her son and daughter, in a cottage by the road side, in the chapelry of Astley, parish of St. Mary, county of Salop, and to which Said cottage is attached ...

To Readers and Correspondents

... ICo Brabrero aim Correopontrento. MB. BROOIC AND HIS CONFrERSECE VOTLs AGAIN.- iM r. Wrnr. Brook has called here. Ie states that I must be in error as to thefact of7is voting for Mr. Thompson's motion; that he certainly did vote upon my motion; that he had shortly before the putting of the motion removed from the seat which he occupied just opposite to me-but that the other parties referred to ...


... LE.TTER I1. Mi. EDITOR,-In my last letter I-shewed, in contra- diction to Mr. Chalmers, that decked vessels cannot be profitably employed in the capture of herrings. The wealthy Stonehaven Company erred in embarking in that line, even to the limited extent of parebasiDg; had they gone the length of manufacturing nets and sending out vessels to sea, it would be very diffiult to estimate the ...


... Wa GREAT MEETING OF THE DEMOCHAT6 OF I LONDON TO EXPRES S THEIR ABHORRENCE re OF IMPERIAL DESPOTISM. On Thursday evening, Jiune the oth, the National cac Hall, High' Holborn, wasl thrown open to give the main led of London ean opportunity to express their feeling as for regards the autocrat of all the lussias. Tile tiute hai ?? for tbs meeting was eight o'clock, but long sac: before that ...


... HARMONY HALL, arty LETTER Xl. C ) f TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STARL cent In my last letter I stated my Intenation of reverting Leg- at length to some points of Mr. Owen'H preliminary Idin Charter, and ehowing their relative importance when compared with other objects of agitation, which now tro- engage the public mind; but previous to doing this, I Lea- think it desirable to inquire what ...


... TO TEE CHARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAiN. *ON THE LAND SCIPIENIE AND THE al. CHARTBR. ind 1Betweon two stools you come to) the ovound. de Old Prove;b. Wer FELLOW COUNiTiyasxrc,-We have been conitending hat fur our freedom; for the emancipation of ourselves and Sel of our auefering foilow-countrymlefl, from a system of sosn tyranny rend pillage which is more exacting, more in.? grinding and ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR . SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1843. .. ,.111 , 1 - , ?? , - 11 1 1 I'l THr comet without head or tail, without definable dimensions or proportions, is a phenomenon of no t a' ordinary character; the earthquake under our very t noses, that frightened all who heard its rumbling, r save one sturdy policeman, had its shake and passed aaway-we hope to come no more ;Cold water curesthe ...


... | A great public meeting was held on Monday even- |, Ing, at the Hall of the Political and Scientific Institu- tion, 1, Turn-agaln-lane, to present an address to Thomas Duncombe, M. P., for his patriotism in bring- i lng the conduct of Lord Abinger and others before the Legislature. The place was crowded to excess, many being compelled to depart without gaining admission. Tbe large platform ...


... (Frofn our own Reporter.) Manchester, Friday, August 12th, Six o'clock, p.m. As you are aware, I left Lceds at a quarter past ten, and arrived in Manchester at one. After the train arrived at Todmorden, and during all the . subsequent route, the greatest excitement was t discernable. At Todmnorden, a troop of mounted dragoons was in tea streets, and immense s mobs. of turn-onts. The mill hands ...

Chartist Intelligence

... CDarffot Entelligeme. 1WANCflESTER.-On Tcesday evening, August 9th, the Carpenter's Hall was crowded to excess by a respectable audience to hear a lecture from Mr. James Leach, of Manchester, upon the insufficiency of Trades' Uoions to protect labour. Mr. John Bailey was called upon to preside, who, after a very able address, introdued Mr. Leaoh.-Mr. Leach, upon rising, was greeted with loud ...


... DESTRVCTION OF PROPERTY AN-D LOSS OF: LIFE. Manchester and the adjacent towns have this week been the scene of some important and instruc- tive proceedings. Nearly the whole of the pro. ducers of wealth in that district have laid down their implements of labour, and have resolved. to. work no more, unless the wages given in the beginning of 1840 are again accorded them. The. immediate cause ...