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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... !I',iw t :~of ?? s isiv t ?? 1 ?? h,'st llannocburn'nttade C- 1ItilI -I Il, *od IICl:I I - i welt Ihtown oill over the E fti r ohir exeetletacei 0 eiiity, intflo,~rability in Colours, Fite ?? l1TAN5, and Gtietlesuen's )lltlNO TARTIAN' PLAlD4. In all tim dtfivwcc'i Chfin Pautternus sevlch-ruatdo D)RUGGETS, ofu Hii s potjorquohi~ Or CO ~ I-CLT 15, oumfvtoedfrom long fligh- land Wool- it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CiIFAT AND CHE1AP SALE, For One riontb only, Front 160 Nar lerh to 1 [11 Aprlp?11 I0 k CHSINA, CRYSTAL, AND STONEWAIRE, 55 CASTLE STREET. 55 HIE Advertisersilivring resoirdel oh ?? the Stafi'`t1- rr be;, Pottery, anld clioo N2lfiettifelulinl tlistricts ItIIIFIuil, -Ir.l th I ,mniddlIe of A Litl , and Nvi II nig toclaroii l O 41 Srout ?? It of ms F irtt SlOCK, jrp~opa4t~iator Lofllin 00New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G 0 Rt D 0 N'S D I 0 R A Di A) MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. FANHE PROPRIFTOR ibeg3 leave respectfully to ?? J ?? highly-llberal patronago witih which lho waS holloured by the Citizeiso of Aberdeen, during the recent h-olidays, and to Intnleto that. als the Exhibition Positively Closes, on SATUnDAY the 21st Inst., lie econfidently trusts that a contimnasneO Of public oipproval will be ten- derei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ot ii MODERN ZANORI`4I hP LiEWDID E: ERTAINISRNTS. NOW, OR NVEER! .n NI EM MBER, this is the LAST OPPOBTrITNtY YOII will j ever have of witnessing a PerforiiafnLo on such a magnificent scale, at the following reduced prices, vi. * BoXee, Is.; PIT, Gd: GALLERY, 3d. Spare ?? rogret ! 1ke up your parties! Go and see the MATCHLESS ILLUSIONS, DISSOLVING VIEWS, AND PROTEA N SCENES. Which ase ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAMES OF AfIrIIDE`E.:i ANIt) SVRflCU.DNiJM COVNTTEs- PATTErMNPRINITING ETABLISHMiENT, stil[ be it) ST NLCIII)AS STRETlti. 10 at tue _edtile mo-t Flogant and ?? $elect len uf uts 6'eipriniit't Xl t7L INS ?? a ever thed thle plealtsi Ifsbel t,o ?? lapoetiofl. hicludlin Catdias~l Capes: Cardinall Collins an, Cefi,: ithe,:inehttthlutaite Allitioufl C'otIS; litrpi's: hertI~s: Pectiu 1~,tIerb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Tur I'AI2TINORS 00l THiE ABERDEEN STEAME NAVIGATION COMPANY. N ternms of I-inuate of at General A eting of the P'oitnors, - hield )here, en the 29th iestit.~t anr AI1,10 tiN E) OR.N tHAL, M-VEETIN'G of the CO.~NIIAY will be heldl, inl tile lOYAL ~IlTEO, 0n11 '00000,' the 4th of October tictt, ait 1t o~clocls niotl, for the PM-POoo c tile subiject of Iluilding it tow Stealto.Ship. otl' of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . DRWiNd AND LAWGUAGES. R - JAZD0WSi'19 CLASSES fur DRAWING, and 3 rRENGIA ITAIAN, and GERMAN LANGUAGES, will 5RFE.OPC2 on MONDAY the 5th of August. xo give O k alert adtuned Pupils Opportunity of Sketching from S gI h freps short Ex curions with them for that purpose, aNftrte-45 and TtrOts wsha 9 o&clck, A.SI., before the proper 1 p~tlis over. e LIKEY-SCSEC in variotts styles taken. CAXID. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To PERSONS ArIOUT TO NIARRY- j. OU wilt Sove tit ?? Fi'l': -II tt 'itt 11:1 lii' C'nt l~ld CHJIN'it AND STONEWARiE. ?? iEA eondy'rSMlaiittlt it Itally Binto and I lugtilt itI t'I. n 1113 Po EIIVIC ES, Varytag lit lttien Lenin till 7N In £:7 hler ?? j TABLE SERVICES, aletit In, CMAIII ENWA ll', (If .1ottn t ijtll)'Ii-lily-C itloi, at li toil nit aobe:d f WORKING Or THE TARIFF. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At ?? Geletal Meeting of the CLUB, held, iH1E folloxing Gentlemen were elected Office-bearers for T the ensuing year, vi.:- ALEXANDER FRASER, Esq., City Cbamberlnain, Captain. Con neil. WVILLEAM SfiliNSR, Esq. I iiernY PATett5ON, Esq. WILLIAM 30. Es. DAVID Roar. MonicK, Esq. ARTIIUR TIHOMSON, Secretary. Aberdeen, 12th July, 1813. TIlE SPISCOPAL CiHURCh. This (lay I's Putblihed, iHP, ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... LiteraTy and Scientific Notices. Clerical Econo)oiria. Edinbur-gh: John11 Johlstone. Tiuis little vohlne. whicil clalots for its olithor 'a Clergymun of the Ol-l tehoul, is desilleld IS a practic.d mo ?? of the ruraI sw(1 d(1 estic ccolloilly of ?? 1II ose. It i 5 CIVvltly the v ork o1 a coonmry Mtinistr. who toe leO lotel~hy diligentito la0im- thestole of lis herd,. atid ?? hals loolst wed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WESflIMMSDAV. April 27, 1842. of 1 B1tinv.-IHore, an ?? 22d; ilast, 31s tIXG1VAL.L FORDYCE, Crown ad; ho Streot, f a llsiglteri Ic I ts;;. -(0I ho 17, Iilist., at ibson; Sq ?? , Mas J E S to; or C. lusts, afa l);;i1lilt'. otR 13rluII. - At Marill.d, a hotC 7tI; FobrILry. Mrs J. N FoIoiirS, of a sot;. 1A00I0ID.-At 32. Royal Torrnos Edbl st;rgli, a ho It]e 19iaIst .lasI sur SoST' lor ?? us to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAN1NOCHEUXILN CAMPEtING, I3LANRijs1, SIIHE'Ti~l~S. . irM IAP & 'TAYLOR11 loe noow gut to land large M di- J,. tion1% to thelO Stoel, of CARPIE S and HEI~ARtTH HIIUS, all of tho Nmesot Patturm,. Th-lla,.u tikuowls ad kd to tlubi Stock a hurgo supply of- EN(ILISIT andi SCOTCH ll1.ANKr.TS. Superflne lIr) QVIl.TS mltl COU NTERIPANEO,' FURitNITURtE DIMI1TY aIdV P iNNITtU RlE011 THPES LI1NEN aini ...