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Caledonian Mercury


... JURY COURT-FIRST DIVISION. THUORSDAY, JULy 27. A case was brought before Lord Cockburn and a Jury this day, to be tried on the following issues:- To the cause in which William and Ale.ander Keith Johnston, engravers and printers to her Alojesty, and stntioners and pulilishers in Edinburgh, were pursuers; and Nicholas Teonant, civil engineer, reviding in Edinhurgh * John Willox, vwood-engraver, ...


... JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. Edinburgh, 10th March 1843.-The Lords baving re- sumed cetnidetation of this case, having heard Counseol ns appointed, and received the opinions of the consulted Judges-in conformity to the opinion of the majoriry of the Judges, adhere to the interloctitor reclaimed against and refuse the desire of the reclaiming note, and find the deferidlre iialle in additional ...


... TOWN COUNC PROCEEDNGS. TUISDAY, AUGUST 0. The Lord Provost in the Choir.I PASSPORTS.- The Lord Provost ?? first tiling I hone to notice t ore some observstions which hel hren made upon what I statnd at Ilost meeting in record to possports. I find that some of the consuls for foreign enountrien feel ool if the peon- ports signed hy your l'eronot 'Gore interfering with their pei- vileges ; aod ...


... A special meeting of the Town Council wvas held Oi Thurs- day, for the purpose of taking into consideration a proposal to transfer both the Edinburgh and the Edinburgh'and Leith Water Companies to a public trust. The Lord Provost pre- sided. The Chairman explained, that he had called the meeting in consequence of a correspondence which had taken place be- tween the two Water Companies, in ...


... TOWN COUNCIL PROCEED)ING. Trhe Council met on Tuesday at the usual hour, the Lord Provost in the chair. Alter the minutes bail been read, Air LoTHIAN olkjected to that part of them relat- ing to the election of Air Munro to the par~i of Fesla. lie meanit to clove with r motion that a Comn- ..ittee be appointed to inquire into certain circumn 3taniceC connected wilh tiflt election. MIr NrTON ...


... IfTAUSIOw ouafz-FofnlonY Or Oa1DERS TO Tur. HYATMARKF.T TwDEATnr.-A young man named William ilutchings, the cut or a frec-and-easy- smokelaipipe individual, was brought up, charged by a baker named Archibbld Charles with having defrauded him of 2s. by mealI OF a paso for two to the boxes, and a pass for two to the gallery, of tile Ilnymarket Theatre. rhe complainant said, that the prisoner, ...


... ADMd1RALTY COURT-Janl. 37. THE FltlENDS-.COLT.iSIOH. This was an acition by the siwnerri of the steam ship Mienni (belonging to tihe General Steam Ynlvigaii-fl Company) to recover froaa tire owners of the sehooner Friends the armount of dannage ocensioned by n coltisiefl betwzeen the vessels about seven o'cloek in tbe eveeteg of the 27th of October last, in rthe River Tlhames, ble- tween ...


... HIIGH COURT OS JUSTICIARY. Thlis court resumed its sittings on Monday, for the w~inter session, the R~ight H-on. the Lord Justice Clerk, and the Hot2 Lords Cockburn and Wood, being present. Txhe followving cases were disposed of:t- Walter Scott, pleade d gailty to the charge of shopbreakitig and theft, from the premises of M~essrs le. Richardson & Co., Grassmarkcc, aggravated by previous ...


... The Court met on Monday-present the LordJnstice Clerk, Lords Moncreiff and Cockburn. THE LEITH STREET ROBBERY. Alex. Cowie, Charles M'Kay, Peter Kelly, George Metcalfe, and W. Irvine, were charged with the crime of theft by house- breaking, and with reset of theft, in so far as the said Alex- ander Cowie, Charles M'Kay, Peter Kelly. and George Met- calfe, did on 5th May last, wickedly and ...


... INSOLVENT IDEB13TORS COURT-Sept. 25. nq Rz JOHN MACLEOD. WI This insolvent applied for his discharge. There was no op- co position. The Learned Chief Commissioner, upon looking through Of the insolvent's schedule, made some inquiries as to how his ra debts were contracted, and what had become of the large C amount of property which he hpd obtained from various m tradesmen. 11 The insolvent, in ...


... On Monday there was a statutory meeting of CommissionerS Of POliCe-W1ILLIA TutLiS, Esq. in the chair On the minutes being read, Bailie JOMhsTnON rose to call attention to the cells in which prisoners were confined in tile Police OfiTce. There were upwards of 2000 cases in the year, and frequently the prison was so crowded that two and three persons were put into one cell, which mai not in ...


... BOWV STREETI. rTlE flASPfE MOEJ5 PAERrS IN HOLYWELL STiSEET. Thomas Patterson was sumnmoned before Mr Twvyford for exhibiting inl Iis shlop, No. 8, Ilolywell Street, certain profane papers. Mir Chrrmt,ers, the barrister, assisted by Mar ha. wvard, clerk to the Solicitor to tile Treasury, attenided on the part of the prosecution. The defendant was called by name several times, both within and ...