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1840 - 1849
81 1840


Champion, The


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The Champion


... LITERAR SRAPS. P'LUUMATIC MIRaaor.-'T'he attention of the Roydl Institu. lion was called to a new process for converting plate glass into convex and concave mirrors, by a UlOSt simple process, Ain iron casi being, pravided, n circular plate of glass is fixed into it aid madle perfectly air tight, leaving a chatriber at the back toll of common air. By drawing oat that air, either nith in a ir ...


... LT T I4T UR j Treatise ont tlte Popalar I'rogeesss MnEny4iskhistory, beiny an Introduotion to Mte Study ef f~e gret: Cioi f Wr tn tile Sevenicenth ceNtUry. By JoIN ' FOIcSTE11, E-sq., Inner Tewple. Five vols., l2mo. London: L. ngrat And Co. This is incomparably the ablest, as it is tile most searching and aocurate historical essay that hlis for a long time issued reitb the press. It vas ...


... THE PLAY-GOsR. Daurny.Lsae .-Barnett's opeta of The Mountain Sylph was pt.iformed at this house on Weunesday evening. Itvas powerfully cast-Mr. Frazer playing Donald, Henry Phillips eled,, and Mrs. Alban Croft Eotia. ihe subordinate parts were also judiciously disposed of: and the opera, on the whole, proved a rich treat to every lover of music. Frazer sang very sweetly, and, as we thought, ...


... WISDOMA OF out A7ciTdous.-In the rein' of Queen Eliiabetlh an Act of Palliament was Pvssel to prevent the Ieofrrstio;i of 33nlglish wool; and the mo1C effectually to secure this source of national wealth, the ?? on which the judgesi sit in the house of Lords were placed there to re. mind themn that ill their judicial capacity they ought to have a constant eve to the preservation of the staple ...


... ABS--g S NS 'alsX ANDi sCirmCus. CURIOUS AND IMPORTANT INVENTIoN.-Mr. James Sut. cliffe, of Limerick, surperintendent of the dock-works, under Sir Thomas Dean and Co., has recently invented and taken out a patent for a pump, which bids fair to'supersede every thing of the kind that has gone before it. Its principle is infallible, and infinitelysuperiorforall practical purposes. In its almost ...


... . LITE ARy ScRACS. DESCRIPTION OF THE CATHEDRAL OF MILAN.-This cathe- .dral is a most astonishing work of art. It is built of white marble, and cut into pinnacles of immense height and the utmost delicacy of workmanship, and loaded with sculpture The effect of it, piercing the deep blue with solid groups of dazzling spires, relieved by the depth of this pure Italian heaven, or by moonlight ...


... . HEia M.ADSrTY'sDa.W1NuRo0M. -Her Majesty held the first drawing-room for the season on Thursday at St. James's. It was very brilliantly attended. The Queen and Prince Albert proceeded from Buckinghapi Palace to St. Janes's about a quarter-past two. There was an unusually large concourse of people in the Park. 1 xiE QuEEN.-.Viscountl>Telbournehadian audience on Thurs- day of the Queen. the ...


... I It was currently reported lost week that Mr. Beakl, of the house of Cramer, Addison, and Beaie, music publishiers, had taken Drury-lane Theatre, for t!ie production of English operas exclusively, !and that Mr. Lcnect had been eallged as director of the music. It now turns out that the negociation is off. Mr. Beale, it seems, had offered 3,7001. a year rent; and, upon a calculation lately ...


... LETERATU RE. ne East ?? roya er; ozr, en Al1inutes' Advice tothe I Outward ?? BNMA ROBERTS, Author of Me. I moirs of the Rival Houses of Yoik and Lancaster, &c. London: -Madden & Co. ALTSOUGHn the major portion of the 'work before us has already appeared in a pe'riodical devoted to Indian affairs, it is not yet sufficiently known to the generality of English readers. It may be thought that a ...


... C 4RACTER OF THE WORKING CLASSES-Whoever has studies, with a mind fiee from prejudice, the manners of the working classes, cannot fail to have observed that these classes very generally present numerous examples of virtue. The working man is, for the most part, free-hearted, kind, and anx- ious to assist his comrades-5ad capable of the truest devotion towards his employer. In those quarters ...


... BRITISH INSTII'UI'TION, PALL MALr. This exhibition, theexclusivecreation (of Bditih art, is no open to the public, at a chiarge merely nomiinal, an~d is well Di titled to attention. 'J'Ih collection consists of between fonr mill Five limldri paintings ofyarious sizes, ?? Of whilc halve been soine till inl the exhibition. 'The works in iculp pure ire few, not mn than ten or twelve of any ...


... (From the New Monthly Belle Aesemblde.) DINNER DRass.-Robe-of rose-coloured crape over satin to correspond; the skirt is sprigged, and trimmed with three very deep flounces embroidered in a lace pattern. The corsage is plain, tight to the shape, cut low at top, and rounded at bot- tom. Short, hanging sleeve, embroidered and arched in the centre. Turban a la Rachel, composed of white crape ...